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Relatively unpopular opinions about any and everything


Lover of beat'em ups!
The people overreacting to the newest Forspoken trailer are idiots. I am not defending the trailer, but come on everyone, we've all seen so much worse than that.
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Lover of beat'em ups!
Hunter x Hunter - I find nothing special about either anime adaptions, nor the original manga. It's just another shounen with dumb gimmicks and not much else going on. Why people still hype this thing up like it's the best thing since sliced bread is beyond me. Yes, it's made by the same guy that made Yu Yu Hakusho, but that accolade is not enough to save it, nor keep me invested. YYH had plenty of its own problems, and has some of the same bad trappings of most shounen action anime. HxH just does it even worse.
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Lover of beat'em ups!
For those hoping Bayonetta 3 gets on Switch Emulator so it can run "proper" and be at "4K 240FPS OMG!", I don't give a damn. The game will run fine on Switch. This is Platinum you're talking about. All I need is 1080p/720p at 60fps. Y'all get the emulated version, and I have 0 problems with it, but don't be bragging dickholes to people buying the actual copies.

I find Wesker for entertaining and engaging villain in RE5 over the villains in RE4 or RE6. "The Right To Become a God" is truly Shakesperean and is one of my favorite scenes in the game.



ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ғᴏʀ ғʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍ
Some friends came by yesterday and brought chocolate cake and salmon sandwich cake.

My unpopular opinion is that I prefer a good sandwich cake over chocolate cake.

They were both good tho. But if I had to choose...


Lover of beat'em ups!
The censored version of "Vandalize" fits Nero or Saki (Oneechanbara Origin) better than Sonic. While the uncensored version fits D.I.N.O more than anyone else. Ironic, because ONE OK ROCK actually did a promotional song for DmC (2013) during the early marketing of the game.

Censored Version

Uncensored Version

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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I would've preferred FF7-2 over FF7R.

I don't mind Luna that much. She is poorly handled but she holds your attention more than similar characters like Kyrie or Kairi. So she's the best of the bad lol.

V has his problems but he is a better done version of Roxas. I like Roxas but he never felt like Sora and he's not the only one. Xion, Namine and Vanitas suffer from the same problem. V convinced me he was Vergil towards the end of his time.

Terra, Ven, Aqua are my favorite trio in KH because they feel like a trio of friends. Before them, the other trios felt like duos with a third wheel. Granted Aqua can fall into that but you remember her more than Kairi or Xion.

FF10-3 should be a Rikku centered game. I don't mind the Tidus/Yuna drama but I don't trust Square to pull it off.

I would've preffered spinoffs centered the others over continuing Sora's story in KH4.

The Xehanort Saga fails as a long-form story.


Elite Hunter
Jin Kazama's fighting style change after Tekken 3 was a godsend. If you wanna play Kazuya, play Kazuya. There's no need for a clone. Jin's already kind of his clone physically (though that gets a pass cause he is his son). Doesn't have to be gameplay wise too.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Someone did a fan reboot of DC with Batman outside the Justice League. It just fits him better to me.

Recently I've been excited about all the new faces in Marvel and DC.

But the best new additions to Marvel come from Johnathan hickman. The legacies like champions are ok but I don't have much interest to read them. They feel undercooked and haven't had that right pitch yet. Or I'm too old for them which is how I also feel about most shonens and YA stories.

It's a mix of the two. The legacies I go for are the older ones like Jace Fox and Cindy moon. It's not a hard rule and more of a gut feeling.

Ironically I'm liking some of the new DC characters so I'm hoping Marvel can compete.
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Lover of beat'em ups!
Sonic Frontiers has some of the best open world in a 3D action platformer. It's not perfect, but it is fun exploring areas, traversing, and unlocking shortcuts. Certainly, better than a majority of the open world crap for the past 3 generations. People and critics like to mock/diss/bring up that Sonic Frontiers is "copying" Breath of the Wild, but what a lot of people forget was that Sonic 06 tried to do a similar open-world and hub-world combination (this was really notable in footage of early builds in 2004-05), but failed due to Sega rushing the game unnecessarily to meet Christmas demand and deadline. I find Frontiers more interesting than whatever BotW is doing, art style aside.

Another Sonic hot take: Sonic Forces is just average. Despite all the wasted potential and its flaws, the game is average overall. I never hated the game, but once I did everything I wanted, I didn't feel much to need to replay again. I still have my save file just in case, but I sold my copy years ago. I know it's not hard to find, but I rather just play Generations again.
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ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ғᴏʀ ғʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍ
Adults underrate children's books. And no I'm not talking about appreciating them as books for children. I gave Nevermoor #2 another try and even though it's sometimes a bit too silly even for 7-10 year olds (I reckon they're the target audience) and even though it's occasionally either too predictable or illogical in a deus-ex-machina style, I'm definitely reading the whole series.

And not giving a damn for the question "Are you reading that to K already?" Nope, dear, I read it for my own enjoyment. ;)

Also I'm a bit in love with the mentor character (not sure about his name in English*) but let's not talk about that too much lol

* checked, it's Jupiter North. Should have guessed, it's a direct translation in my language.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I like DC but the Justice League aren't really the draw for me. I prefer the legacy characters and the obscure heroes over them.


Space Detective
I love the 80's Super Mario Bro's movie, I absolutely love it. It's like someone said "How can we take this pixelated, vaguely concieved game and turn it into a dark sci-fi movie? There are videos making the rounds of AI generated art of modern franchises being re-imagined as 80's sci-fi or action films, and that movie is a very real example of that fine done 40 ahead of its time.

If you don't believe me, give it an honest watch without the meme goggles on and see just how much work was put into everything

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I love the 80's Super Mario Bro's movie, I absolutely love it. It's like someone said "How can we take this pixelated, vaguely concieved game and turn it into a dark sci-fi movie? There are videos making the rounds of AI generated art of modern franchises being re-imagined as 80's sci-fi or action films, and that movie is a very real example of that fine done 40 ahead of its time.

If you don't believe me, give it an honest watch without the meme goggles on and see just how much work was put into everything
There are some cool fan pitches for Mario film on YouTube.

So I'd be into another Mario adaptation.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I would've preffered Riku and Mickey as the main cast of KH. They keep my interest longer than Sora, Donald and Goofy do.

I rather skip Days, Coded and DDD as a potential remake and get a new game instead.

I would've preffered KH as a more traditional FF crossover. Like if Squall or Cloud were the protagonists. The original characters are largely a let down.

I preffered the Ben 10 animated sequel series over the original.

Instead of the reboot, I would've skipped ahead and explored his son's adventures.

Jon Kent got a controversial age up in recent comics. His fans hate it but I like the idea not the execution. The best version of Jon is the CW version and hoping they start adapting his comic arcs soon.

I'm find with Doomsday Clock being a Watchmen sequel, I just hate the crossover with the main DCU. Watchmen should be it's own universe.

DC rebirth didn't really fix DC after the new 52, it just made things worse. But I'm more of a Marvel guy so DC was never a big draw than me. I rather DC be spilt up into smaller universes. Integrating Vertigo, Wildstorm, Milestone and the Sandman Universe into DC wasn't appealing.

I'm fine with Phase 4 of the MCU. It feels like a better version of Phase 2.
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Lover of beat'em ups!
I preffered the Ben 10 animated sequel series over the original.
You're not the only one. Alien Force and Ultimate Alien's only problems were the heavy retconning or changing of certain characters' or villains' backstories/personalities. Some worked for the better, while others didn't. Granted, the Omniverse series that tried too hard to be like the original series, but got even worse with the retconning and less interesting. My problem with the original Ben 10 series is that I never found Ben or Gwen that likeable, and the constant bickering got old fast. Later seasons of the original show tried fixing this, but they would on occasion throw insults at each other without much provocation. Usually Gwen did this the most, and I tended to dislike her more. AF & UA dropped this like a bad habit for a good reason.

  • The problem with the MCU I am noticing is a lot of them are not worth re-watching or are one and done. There's only few I bother to re-watch, because they're either so good or have memorable plot beats and character progressions. I've re-watched more DCEU movies, than a lot of MCU movies. That's what happens when you continually make ok or generic products. Nothing sticks out. The DCEU at least bothered to have a defined look for most of their movies, or use a specific color palette.
  • Evil West shiets on 98% of today's AAA games, and nearly makes all of 7th generation cover shooters look like boring and repetitive slogs they are.
  • Despite its problems, Bayonetta 3 is still a great game. Bayonetta 2 is still the best, but even 3 has some advantages over 1. Bayo1 does have better enemy design and a defined color palette, but I don't like the washed out, old-timey, canvas painting/photo look. It reeks of 7th generation "real is brown" and Kamiya not fully committing to color. Bayo1 does have better graphical detail of course. Bayo2 fixed the color issue and removed the insta-death QTEs. Bayo3 does have a washed out look, but really pertains to ruined city locations in N.Y and Tokyo. Oh jeez, everything is destroyed on fire with lots of ash! Why wouldn't it be washed out? My opinion is not that unpopular, but certain loud individual YouTubers would have a problem with. I am not even gonna say their name. There are third games or sequels in action games, far worse than whatever Bayonetta 3 could muster.
  • A lot of the animated movies taking influences or aesthetics from Spider-Verse aren't bad, but they're definitely missing the special elements that made the film work. Across the Spider-Verse is going to make them look like jokes though. Speaking of which, I am more excited for AtSV, than any super movie or film of this year.
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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I just saw the original as an average kid show. I was in high school when Alien Force and Ultimate Alien came out so they kept my interest more. Ultimate Alien and Omniverse would've worked more it had Legend of Korra's approach. But Ben was getting boring in UA so it was probably time for him to pass the torch. If not his kid, probably another Plumbers recruit. Alien Force introduced a lot of side characters that would've been fun to explore more.

The Snyderverse was pretty ambitious but Warner bros got cold feet. He was playing chess instead of checkers. The MCU's strength was in its adaptability not the long term plan. They admitted they really didn't have one and Whedon talked about Thanos being an in-joke than someone he really knew how to use.
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Lover of beat'em ups!
I just saw the original as an average kid show.
Same. I was 16 when Ben 10 first started.
I was in high school when Alien Force and Ultimate Alien came out so they kept my interest more.
I was in college.

Ultimate Alien and Omniverse would've worked more it had Legend of Korra's approach. But Ben was getting boring in UA so it was probably time for him to pass the torch. If not his kid, probably another Plumbers recruit. Alien Force introduced a lot of side characters that would've been fun to explore more.
I knew when Ultimate Alien had a definitive ending, that CN would still try to milk the franchise. Omniverse was basically "Hey, this for OG Ben 10 fans only! It's nothing like those bad sequels!" CN had no idea what to do with the franchise for years. All the reboots/soft reboots in the world could not save the franchise. As far as I am concerned, Ultimate Alien is the true end to the series. Everything else afterward is just bad fanfiction dedicated to Geewuners! Y'all got what you wanted; I hope you're happy. Spoiler alert: most of you weren't!
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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Same. I was 16 when Ben 10 first started.

I was in college.

I knew when Ultimate Alien had a definitive ending, that CN would still try to milk the franchise. Omniverse was basically "Hey, this for OG Ben 10 fans only! It's nothing like those bad sequels." CN had no idea what to do with the franchise for years. All the reboots/soft reboots in the world could not save the franchise. As far as I am concerned, Ultimate Alien is the true end to the series. Everything else afterward is just bad fanfiction dedicated to Geewuners! Y'all got what you wanted; I hope you're happy. Spoiler alert: most of you weren't!
I was in college and I didn't mind omniverse that much. Giving Ben a new partner worked for me. But generator Rex felt like the better Ben 10 successor. So I wish Rex hung out with Rook instead.
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