I still like FMA (2003), but my main problem was the plot twist (the alternate world where to go to our universe was an ass pull), the ending, and the Shamballa film. I prefer Brotherhood, but I do thank 2003 to introducing me to FMA. It does not help there were some changes I did not like knowing after the fact, and there were some original characters for the show I just did not like. Thankfully, those unlikeable OCs are either in early episode and are bit parts or when the show started off rough and was mainly episodic. I do love how they handled Scar in the 2003 version, though both characters are well written no matter the version. Even in high school I could tell the 2003 show was going in a different direction than the manga, and I had barely even touched the manga, when the first show got to the halfway point. Still fun ride, but I rarely ever revisit the 2003 series again. I do recommend this retrospective series. Dude is a big fan of both and a good amount of his views will line up with yours.