OG DMC Fans Blamed for Low DmC sales

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How did they expect us to buy this game when they kept bashing and putting down Classic DMC fans?
Seriously, it's like they wanted people to hate this game. "hurrrr you guys just don't like it because of the hair xDD"

Gimme a break.
so...would you wanna talk to people who
-constantly spew lies about you
-make death threats
-want your company to go under
-constantly say that your works of art are all bad because once again, you're making a video game
-saying you paid off people to say good things
-saying you don't respect them enough after ALL OF THE ABOVE -_-
hideki kamiya says **** you to fans all the time and constantly trolls them and he gets worshipped like a god while tameem makes one joke about vergil being a unicorn in response to a bullshit post and he gets flamed non stop -_-
Yep, that's the one I thought it was. It basically confirms that Dante wasn't gay, that the comments by Bob were part of instory smear, and Tameem either being flippant or a smartass on "wish he was", and telling about how Capcom's guys get asked that all the time.

Gott'a love how blatently incorrect a lot fo that article was, saying LILITH was the boss in charge of Limbo City and that NT had "full creative control" of the game's look when infact they did NOT, and had been outright instructed by Capcom "do it this way, not just anyway you think works."
Ooooh ok gotcha. So it was sarcasm? Hehe sorry bout that. Maybe it's just me but I can never tell if some of the comments in these articles are sarcastic or not. It irks me sometimes lol.
Ooooh ok gotcha. So it was sarcasm? Hehe sorry bout that. Maybe it's just me but I can never tell if some of the comments in these articles are sarcastic or not. It irks me sometimes lol.
Knowing Tameem? Probably halfsarcasm, considering the crap he's gotten from the fandom
Knowing Tameem? Probably halfsarcasm, considering the crap he's gotten from the fandom
Honestly after reading most of these post I feel really sorry for Ninja Theory. It's like they're the ones taking most of the negativity when it was Capcom that came to them in the first place. It's like they're the scapegoat for Capcom's decisions. Granted some of the interviews could've went better but still, death threats? Wishing they're company would collapse? Jesus people. I'm not a fan of NT or the reboot either but why would people take it to the extreme like this? Sheesh.
There's a saying that Capcom should be very aware of, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."
If they carry on spouting this cr*p, the fans won't wanna know (especially if they keep tarring them all with the same brush). Whatever has happened, Capcom brought it on themselves.
There's a saying that Capcom should be very aware of, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."
If they carry on spouting this cr*p, the fans won't wanna know (especially if they keep tarring them all with the same brush). Whatever has happened, Capcom brought it on themselves.

But what crap is Capcom even spouting? The article in the OP talks of Capcom lower their sales projections, but the only one blaming anyone for anything is the guy who wrote the article. :/
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But what crap is Capcom even spouting? The article in the OP talks of Capcom lower their sales projections, but the only one blaming anyone for anything is the guy who wrote the article. :/

But if they didn't aim their sales projections so high, they wouldn't have to have lowered them and the fans wouldn't be getting the blame.
But if they didn't aim their sales projections so high, they wouldn't have to have lowered them and the fans wouldn't be getting the blame.
Well yeah, they were silly to have absurd projections like that of CoD and whatever, but the fact still remains that Capcom has literally said nothing that could equate to blaming anyone.

The only thing happening in that article is a guy reporting on lowered projections, and then using it as a reason to justify his opinion that original fans are to blame.

This is the same **** that Nero up there tried to pull, telling me that Capcom and NT antagonized fans, and then providing me a link to an article of someone with no affiliation to either company speaking out about how the angry fans are just being whiny babies or whatever. No affiliation to Capcom or NT, which means not Capcom or NT antagonizing fans, but an opinionated journalist.

I'm tired of seeing to people blame NT and Capcom for **** they literally have no control over.
You are letting the whole side down. If you could do more than just post "This game is crap" and actually made an effort to describe the game's problems a bit then I'd have a bit more sympathy for you, but you're acting like a complete berk. I hate DmC as well, and I can't abide lazy hatred. Apply yourself.

LOL whole side? I've been defending myself this whole time seems to me this side I've magically been on here is nonexistent.

Let's get something straight here the only side I'm on is my own .He already knows what's I was talking from the beginning and if you actually bothered to read the problem was addressed in this very thread and I've already explained my gripe with this game in previous threads but since I have to keep repeating myself.

>Worse untouched story that did absolutely nothing for the series and doesn't even understand the meaning of the name Devil May Cry
> Next Stage Heavenly Sword Combat that Just doesn't fit.
>Established Characters Destroyed
>Just not a fan of the direction that game is going in
>All the reasons for the reboot was proven false.

I would rather have no DMC at all then see a series get bastardized for money grabs.Even on PC I manged to Glitch 3 times without even trying.True facts none of you was whining about the game being
stale in till Capcom brought it up.For many this game represents everything that's is wrong with this gaming industry Casualization and No Innovation.

If those are not valid then I guess somethings not wrong with me

Somethings wrong with you.
>30 frames because environments release the game on PC at 200 fps lol
>DMC DNA is Still there.......No it's Not
>Ninja Theorys on board to fix the story creates a even worse story consisting of Futurama,They Live and V for Vendetta.
>Brought nothing innovative to the series besides reverse rainstorm.:troll:

AKA Reboot wasn't needed period.
>30 frames because environments release the game on PC at 200 fps lol
>DMC DNA is Still there.......No it's Not
>Ninja Theorys on board to fix the story creates a even worse story consisting of Futurama,They Live and V for Vendetta.
>Brought nothing innovative to the series besides reverse rainstorm.:troll:

AKA Reboot wasn't needed period.

okay, reversal for you.

Rehashed plot consisting for borrowed characters(and actors!) from Bleach
Dante does absolutely nothing besides go around repeating Nero's stages
Only really progression in combat is the Devil Bringer, no new innovations in combat as it was rehashed from DMC3

AKA, DMC4 not needed PERIOD

how does that counterpoint feel? :troll:
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okay, reversal for you.

Rehashed plot consisting for borrowed characters(and actors!) from Bleach
Dante does absolutely nothing besides go around repeating Nero's stages
Only really progression in combat is the Devil Bringer, no new innovations in combat as it was rehashed from DMC3

AKA, DMC4 not needed PERIOD

how does that counterpoint feel? :troll:

The only problems people had with DMC4 was that the game was not finished and it being rush out to the market so essentially we got a half game but even then no one asked for a reboot.

I'm not gonna touch the rest because it's simply hilarious and has nothing to do with anything I stated. :troll:
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