so...would you wanna talk to people whoHow did they expect us to buy this game when they kept bashing and putting down Classic DMC fans?
Seriously, it's like they wanted people to hate this game. "hurrrr you guys just don't like it because of the hair xDD"
Gimme a break.
-constantly spew lies about you
-make death threats
-want your company to go under
-constantly say that your works of art are all bad because once again, you're making a video game
-saying you paid off people to say good things
-saying you don't respect them enough after ALL OF THE ABOVE -_-
hideki kamiya says **** you to fans all the time and constantly trolls them and he gets worshipped like a god while tameem makes one joke about vergil being a unicorn in response to a bullshit post and he gets flamed non stop -_-