ignoredThat 's fine and dandy but which Dante is getting laughed out the bar at this very moment? Seems like Classic Dante still has that swag.
ignoredThat 's fine and dandy but which Dante is getting laughed out the bar at this very moment? Seems like Classic Dante still has that swag.
That 's fine and dandy but which Dante is getting laughed out the bar at this very moment? Seems like Classic Dante still has that swag.
Eh maybe it's because I'm a nervous person and was stalked before, maybe they wouldn't have done that at all but they were pretty vulgar; called me a dumbass bitch for wasting money on a faggy game and proceeded to follow me outside of the store. When I told them I would call the cops they left me alone. I really don't understand how someone can get so nasty over different taste, different strokes for different folks, live and let live but who knows? I think I was more surprised that they were actually grown men, and not punk kids ha.
A worker did tell them to nock it off or leave so I was grateful for that.
Way to miss the entire point...
The "bar" is a metaphor (big word, I know, but I believe in you) for the greater whole of society, and the intention was to dress Dante in such a way that was still somewhat iconic (long coat, yada yada yada) but make the design work as something that looks like things people actually wear out, but don't particularly stand out as much as the flamboyant classic Dante did.
Yikes. That is still rather bad...who are they to say anything to you about you or the products you purchase. That's just some bullshit there. It's insane that it's gotten to that point with some people :/
Look here I was joking around if you're gonna be condescending you can do me a favor a go **** right off.Never mind the fact all you ever do is dismiss valid complaints and evidence.
Well pardon me, then.
And valid complaints and evidence like when you told me things happened that didn't, and then couldn't actually provide evidence to satiate my curiosity...? Where have done this dismissing :ermm:
Bah, You just made a forum asking trouble and you reply like that?
Besides he Two across wasn't rude in anyway.
and that's exactly what I'm talking about do me a favor and no longer reply to me I grow tired of the BS on this forum.
Where did I make trouble?Also get off his nuts he can defend himself.
I was referring to the time I linked you to an article and in less than 60 seconds you replied and called it BS without actually reading it something you tend to do a lot in other interactions with people.So why should I waste my time with you? I really wanna know I guess the article in the op is also BS right.I ask you to explain your claims and you don't! What am I supposed to do?
And here's you being overly aggressive :/ I was a little rude with the "metaphor = big word" thing but damn dude, you get overly aggressive when someone challenges what you have to say. Am I not allowed to have an opinion, and correct misinformation...? Or am I just not allowed to do that to you...?
Apologies, my master. I'll be mindful of my place next time :blush:
And in other-other news. Activision has announced that the Call of Duty franchise will semi-annually release games. Within moments of announcing this, 10 million pre-orders have been made for the next two Call of Duties? (Is it like Call of Dutys like a family of Flatfoots? Or like Call of Duties like a family of Flatfeet?).In other news, Resident Evil 6 sold over 4.8 million copies. Why am I saying this? Well it means that sales don't mean **** to me. It just means people are missing on a good game (DmC)
I was referring to the time I linked you to an article and in less than 60 seconds you replied and called it BS without actually reading it something you tend to do a lot in other interactions with people.So why should I waste my time with you? I really wanna know I guess the article in the op is also BS right.
I'm allergic to bullshit dude it's just that simple and sarcasm doesn't help your case.^_^
Oh yeah! I remember that. I dismissed it because you provided it as a evidence to your claim that Capcom and Ninja Theory were disrespecting the fans when it was an article written by someone that has absolutely no affiliation with Capcom or Ninja Theory. And I did so in less than 60 seconds because I'm a race car.
You actually decided to dismiss the facts I laid out for you in that instance, and thus we parted ways for the time being.
As for the article in your original post, I must regretfully once again point out that the article you provided was also not written by anyone affiliated with Capcom and Ninja Theory...and is therefore just a random dude on the internet making a claim on a grander platform that you and I share on this forum. Neither Capcom nor Ninja Theory have any part in what Ben Parfitt there is saying beyond mention of lowered sales projections, and thanks to a fancy thing called "Freedom of Speech" we all benefit from here in the Free West, they can do little to redact Ben's opinion. It certainly breeds an interesting talking point, as the posts in this thread are evidence of, but nothing more than that, I'm afraid.
And I'm sorry you're allergic to bullshit, I made sure that the facts I spoke above were completely free of bovine-excrement. I hope it didn't give you the sniffles.
and that's exactly what I'm talking about do me a favor and no longer reply to me I grow tired of the BS on this forum.
DMC 4 had Brokeback Dante.
At least Dante in DmC was banging a bunch of girls and decided to dress rather normal compared to Dante in 4 who not only sported a gaudy vegas rodeo look but with enough leather that a gimp may feel he was issued a challenge.
I never said anything about gay being bad. Dude, one of my best friends is gay. You have to admit Dante did look pretty stupid in DMC 4 and yes it did look kind of gay. I don't know who thought that the chaps and overabundance of leather was supposedly cool because it just looked really strange.You are letting the whole side down. If you could do more than just post "This game is crap" and actually made an effort to describe the game's problems a bit then I'd have a bit more sympathy for you, but you're acting like a complete berk. I hate DmC as well, and I can't abide lazy hatred. Apply yourself.
...Oh I get it! It's because he's like a cowboy! And Brokeback is a cowboy film! And it has gays in it! And being gay is bad!
Warn me next time because, ooh, I don't think I can keep up!
Perhaps puerile sexuality isn't something to be dolled out as a means of impressing the viewer, and it only objectifies women when a character has to have three of them on his pelvis just to look impressive?
Quite apart from the fact that DMC4 Dante lives quite happily with two women who have an amusing love/hate relationship with him and he never feels the need to assert his case of the not-gays with them.
Really I just find the idea of "the fans" being blamed for DmC's financial failure to be incredibly funny, and further demonstrates the antipathy some journos have for their public.