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OG DMC Fans Blamed for Low DmC sales

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The Situation in a nutshell
DMC fans: "We don't like this!"

Video Game Journalism: "Who cares your just a minority"

*fans don't buy it"

Video Game Journalism: "**** you for not buying it! This is all your fault, *insert bullshit rant about hair colour*"

Don't forget that the DMC movie in the works is a DmC title, that should help with sales.

Directed By Paul W. S. Anderson:troll:


Hot-blooded God of Guns
No Shiit doesn't change the facts of what I said what was said by NT and Capcom was utter bullshit.

F*cking HOW? They explicitly said that they lowered and locked the framerate to 30 because the consoles couldn't handle going 60 and having that much stuff animating at once! PC's running on f*cking Ultra settings weren't even a factor in that entire decision, because it's a f*cking console game with a PC port handled by a completely different company after the console code was finished.

Are you ****ting me right now?

The game probably would've sold more honestly and people is still calling this a Devil may cry rip off.

Probably, but then if people are still calling this a DMC rip-off...then wouldn't that mean all that DMC DNA is still there? The fact that people look at the game, see a free-form combo system, a Style meter that rates performance, lots of weapons and launches and juggles, and then say "That looks like DMC" means that DmC has what people think is the "DMC DNA."


You really want to say that to me, the guy who poured over every interview and article about the game for three years to compile a Knowledge Primer? Nowhere did I ever find Capcom or Ninja Theory saying that the latter was brought on to "fix the story." That doesn't even make any sense, because there's no story to fix, they were making a brand new story that had nothing to do with the original. Ninja Theory was brought on because of their greater focus on storytelling and cinematic presentation of the narrative.

Find me where Capcom or NT said "fix the story." Seriously. Capcom or NT, and not some unaffiliated journalist.

Some how this magically excuses the story being a blatant ripoff and not inspiration go learn the difference between the two.

So then every story that has a rebel group fighting against big government, spiked food products that affect the public, and secretly being controlled by the whims of higher powers are all rip-offs? I guess the original Devil May Cry is a rip-off since it took inspiration stole elements from the Divine Comedy. Dante isn't even the first "half-[X] half-human" [X] hunter struggling with their identity.

Do you actually know how difficult it is to have an element that hasn't been done before? We're a world of six billion people, that have created content for over two millenniums. At this point writing has become about not just finding unique things to write about, but also how to use existing elements as part of a unique whole.

Subjective indeed and pressing the D pad was Clunky Wut?!?!

D-Pad for switching Styles and shoulder buttons for cycling through three weapons on each is clunky for the average gamer. The pros are pros because they mastered that system, but it doesn't make it very easy to swap weapons freely enough without screwing it up. And for a system that requires Direction inputs on the Left Stick, taking a thumb away from it to the D-Pad is just simply not something most players are exceptionally good at. I look at ChaserTech's video of his hands while playing DMC4 and I know there's no way I can to do that, despite my dexterity

I swear I thought that's why EASY MODE existed

An Easy Mode that was still rather difficult for some gamers. The series is touted for its difficulty, even on Easy, but how does that make it accessible to someone who is interested but not that good? That sh*t can be quite disheartening.

I've seen plenty of returns on the classic DMCs because of their difficulty. Some people can persevere, others can't, and Capcom was looking at all those people who were interested enough to try it by then they lost profits because of the difficulty. There's nothing wrong with setting the entry bar lower and having a better scaling difficulty. Is DmC just as difficult on its highest settings? I dunno, that's subjective, but I'm having an intense time with it, and I did about the same on the classics.

Yeah that reason was simple westernization to make that COD money and failed DMC was never that popular and was considered a niche to most people.

Westernizing it wasn't such a bad idea, since I have literally seen people pass up DMC for God of War, no matter how awesome I told the customer DMC was, because Dante looked funny to them. Then there's the people who give it a try and still bring it back because it's very difficult. It was stupid to think they'd ever reach CoD numbers, but trying to appeal to a wider audience isn't always a bad thing, especially when it's still a business, and they need to make money to stay in business.

And yes, it is a niche series. DMC is outsold by God of War by like...3 to 1, simply because GoW is a superbly easy hack 'n' slash to play, while DMC requires more time and commitment than most gamers are willing to put in these days.

Once again I didn't make anything up you really need to get that through your head everything i said was actually stated if you can't be bothered to read that's on you.:/

Bull. F*cking. Sh*t. I pointed out numerous times where you made sh*t up by saying someone said something that they didn't. And you simply dismissed it - the most prominent of them being you blaming Capcom and NT for things they didn't say. Do you understand that? Seriously, do you. I wonder if you're even acknowledging that you told me those companies said something and you only provided me an article of an unaffiliated journalist saying those things, and not the companies (or people from them) themselves. I'm completely serious.

I keep bringing that up, and you keep ignoring it as if it didn't happen. That's why I'm continuously questioning the stuff you keep saying, because from what I've seen, you say a whole lot without actually backing it up. And these aren't things that can be opinions, because you're actually trying to say they are facts that we should all believe.


^^Both of you are like a walking oxy moron with terrible reading comprehension nothing you say matters anymore it's just that simple.

No surprise you like it confirmation bias indeed.


Darkest Dungeon
F*cking HOW? They explicitly said that they lowered and locked the framerate to 30 because the consoles couldn't handle going 60 and having that much stuff animating at once! PC's running on f*cking Ultra settings weren't even a factor in that entire decision, because it's a f*cking console game with a PC port handled by a completely different company after the console code was finished.

Are you ****ting me right now?
Eeeeh, that's wrong actually. DmC is locked to 30 FPS on console because of the Unreal Engine. Capcom offered NT to teach them how to use MT Framework (DMC4 used this) but NT said no on the grounds that they were more familiar with Unreal.


it's really this simple this ain't DMC no matter how you spin it my opinion boys and girls.


Well-known Member
Well, if it is dead, what length is Virgil's Downfall? A couple of chapters or a longer DLC campaign in the vein of GTA4 episodes?
Dumbing the system down so terrible players could get SSS too apparently didn't make the game any easier to get off store shelves. d('~')

Personally, I had always thought a new entry in a series should build upon its predecessors instead of cutting away Royal Guard, Trickster, Gunslinger, Swordmaster, Taunts, Lock On, Directional Input moves, more than a handful of enemies at once, ability to utilize your entire arsenal against any enemy you like, Bloody Palace and a second playable character coming as a standard feature

Oh! But we did get match the color whip platforming. Innovation!

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
Eeeeh, that's wrong actually. DmC is locked to 30 FPS on console because of the Unreal Engine. Capcom offered NT to teach them how to use MT Framework (DMC4 used this) but NT said no on the grounds that they were more familiar with Unreal.
It's a combnation of both. Mt Framework could hit 60 FPS, but was having problems with multiple animation sources running at once(my copy of DMC4 went down to like LAG mode at 2 FPS at one point when something hit it during some of Dante's missions because too much got on screen at one), while Unreal, whinch NT was very much more familiar with, could do 30 FPS and have mutiple animation sources going with minimal drop in animation speed. It would have taken at least another year of Dev time for them to learn the MT Framework engine, and Capcom wanted the game out ASAP.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
Dat feel of missing the point fack this confirmation bias everywhere I'm done here.

I'd be more than happy to accept what you said if you ever actually showed me proof of the sh*t you were saying. I don't mean to be a dickhole about it, but goddamn dude, I ask you to back up what you say so I can believe you without a shadow of a doubt, but you don't, and so I can't rightfully believe anything you claim.

All you've done is defend against my challenges of providing proof by saying that I don't understand and dragging out the debate, instead of just providing proof to back up your f*cking claims that would end the debate right there.

I have an entire blog comprised of all the actual information that's been given to us by the devs through interviews and gameplay. That blog is literally where I have been backing up all of the things I've said, because it has links to all the stuff I've ever read (that wasn't just repeat articles covering the same exact stories or content). And the clincher? Everything I've claimed were things actually stated by Capcom and Ninja Theory, or things that are just common knowledge of the industry as a whole.

But, what the f*ck ever, bury your head in the sand. Don't blame me for your inability to back up what you claim when you're challenged about it. If you're going to say such contrary things, be ready to get challenged by anyone who doesn't believe you.

This is the f*cking internet. "Pics or it didn't f*cking happen." The burden of proof is always on us.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Good lord you actually just typed that.


That's made my day.

Dante's clothing is intentionally evocative of cowboys because it's an idealized image of classic heroism, where personal freedom and virtue are defining factors.


It's a play on the fact that his father was a chivalrous knight, and that the cowboy is the contemporary rendition of that classic persona. It might look silly, but Dante doesn't care because he's too busy breakdancing on a demon's face.

The real definition of cool is when you're beyond giving a crap what people think of you. Not when you need to use women as decorations to make yourself seem potent.


What a twat.

Your joking right?

Dante was IN NO WAY a cowboy at all, nor did he at all represent one.

He was a stereotypical anime OP character who dressed ridiculously and was all about trying to look cool instead of BEING cool.

How am I suppose to respect an ass like that?
You have no trouble respecting a 20something man who looks and acts like a middle schooler who hasn't noticed yet that someone splattered white paint on the back of his hair. How much of a stretch is it?


Hot-blooded God of Guns
Eeeeh, that's wrong actually. DmC is locked to 30 FPS on console because of the Unreal Engine. Capcom offered NT to teach them how to use MT Framework (DMC4 used this) but NT said no on the grounds that they were more familiar with Unreal.

And MT Framework still struggled to run two Fausts and a flowing river on my console in DMC4 at anything higher than like...10fps.

I highly doubt MT Framework on a console could have been able to smoothly run the stuff DmC has going all the time in 60fps when it couldn't handle two billowing cloaks and some rushing water.


Darkest Dungeon
And MT Framework still struggled to run two Fausts and a flowing river on my console in DMC4 at anything higher than like...10fps.

I highly doubt MT Framework on a console could have been able to smoothly run the stuff DmC has going all the time in 60fps when it couldn't handle two billowing cloaks and some rushing water.
So based solely on your own personal experince, you assume it happened to everyone?

It certainly didn't happen when I played nor for my friends.


Devil hunter in training
You have no trouble respecting a 20something man who looks and acts like a middle schooler who hasn't noticed yet that someone splattered white paint on the back of his hair. How much of a stretch is it?
Oh, I'd say it's not just Dante who acts like that. :troll: A lot of guys are still middle schoolers in their 20's chasing women, getting drunk and not having a clue what happened the morning after while living in a dump. It's called university. :p


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
The only problems people had with DMC4 was that the game was not finished and it being rush out to the market so essentially we got a half game but even then no one asked for a reboot.

I'm not gonna touch the rest because it's simply hilarious and has nothing to do with anything I stated. :troll:

Then allow me;

The plot was fixed to an anime fanbase
Nero was a p*ssy
Dante was a c*nt.
The game was made for female fans (So no badass scenes like with DMC3 or DMC1)
Gameplay was a rehash of DMC4
Nero's origin not properly explained
Women being objectified as sex objects and weak
Dante acting less mature then his DMC1 counterpart
No Vergil
Demons being sub pare
Lines SO cliche
cheesy romance
Trish being pretty much useless
Lady not even doing anything
Gloria was a ho
Some glitches here and there
A terrible mission 20 with all you have to do is hit the giant head like 3 times and your done.
Dante being stupid enough to not end all this by himself
Dante awful outfit

and SO much more that I can mention.

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
So based solely on your own personal experince, you assume it happened to everyone?

It certainly didn't happen when I played nor for my friends.

I've had it happen, the game has gone to a stalled crawl of 2 fps during Dante's pathway to the Oprea house in the street area during two different play throughs when I got a number of enemies on screan, an dthe game suddenly went into bullet time...INCLUDING Dante
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