......where exactly did you get that idea from exactly?
Mind the redundancy there chief.
......where exactly did you get that idea from exactly?
Mind the redundancy there chief.
It's strange, isn't it? There is this long standing for people to let each other like or dislike whatever tha' hell they will but when something like this happens it seems that the claws and fangs come out again. It starts slow and eventually reverts to how vicious it was from way back when.I liked the game. But judging from this thread you're not allowed to? Wow. I guess I can't come back here then.:/
I liked the game. But judging from this thread you're not allowed to? Wow. I guess I can't come back here then.:/
I PMed him, it was rude, I know, I'm sorry, but you gatta make your position know to the new inmates so they don't get funny ideas about starting their own gang and what not. It's a must.Who said you can't like the game?
I PMed him, it was rude, I know, I'm sorry, but you gatta make your position know to the new inmates so they don't get funny ideas about starting their own gang and what not. It's a must.
mind stepping off your high horse there chief?
I was asking a question thats all.