OG DMC Fans Blamed for Low DmC sales

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The thing is, why do they conclude that females do not like gore? Which females did they ask about this?
Ok, this is just me, but I love gore and violence in games; the more blood and guts flying the better. ^_^ Or, games like Bioshock. They're really violent, but they're awesome games with awesome story and social commentary that makes you think and question the world we live in.
Actually I can admit that I'm not a huge fan of gore. Thing is I'm a little squeamish. I'm just now getting used to MK9 and I even got a little lightheaded when I saw the fatalites and those X-Ray moves. But that's just me. I wouldn't expect the entire female gamer community to feel the same way I do.
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It brought aerial combat to a greater focus of the gameplay, over being something that only a handful could do by nearly breaking the system. Weapon-swapping "stance mechanics" are also interesting, and allow for a lot more actions to be done. I honestly don't see why people don't use it more often in their games, because it's a concept that works, just needs a bit more refinement. For DMC being a series all about combos and switching weapons, making a system that makes it incredibly easy to switch between eight at once, without cycling past undesired options, is pretty nice. DMC4 was nice to give us so many options, but it's clunky to operate for most people.

They figured out a way to make an action game with fun combat more accessible - there's nothing wrong with that.

I saw this bit and I couldn't really let it slip by. Mainly because of a few things:

"It brought aerial combat to a greater focus of the gameplay, over being something that only a handful could do by nearly breaking the system."

First and foremost, I wouldn't say that people were "nearly breaking the system" when pulling off Jump Cancelling combined with weapon switching. It's essentially the same as what you can do in DmC (jump cancelling while switching weapons), except it requires precise timing for jump cancelling individual moves.The combat system for Dante is essentially DMC3's combat system

Second: For Dante, yes, only a handful of people were able to consistently jump cancel with him. But Nero was specifically designed to stay in the air as opposed to Dante. He has a simple combat system in which he does not need to switch through weapons, guns, nor styles. As well as this, jump cancelling proved to be a lot easier with him as well.

He also has:

Extended hitboxes that promotes easy Jump Cancelling
Devil Snatch, which brings enemies to him. Even in midair.
Aerial moves that ascended Nero in midair. (Roulette Spin).

Although he wasn't as varied as DMC4 Dante, it was really easy for players to stay in midair. The only thing that was difficult for players to do as Nero was to be creative when executing combos while also making them look stylish since he has a limited arsenal of weapons in comparison to Dante.

"Weapon-swapping "stance mechanics" are also interesting, and allow for a lot more actions to be done. I honestly don't see why people don't use it more often in their games, because it's a concept that works, just needs a bit more refinement. For DMC being a series all about combos and switching weapons, making a system that makes it incredibly easy to switch between eight at once, without cycling past undesired options, is pretty nice. DMC4 was nice to give us so many options, but it's clunky to operate for most people."

To be honest, if DMC4 just refined Dante's moveset, instead of just giving his old stuff with newer weapons, he would have been a better character to play as overall.

For instance: If Capcom Dante more pause combos in midair, as well as having lock on specific moves while in midair, he would have a much larger moveset than he has already. But the problem is that they did not take the time to do this and unfortunately this makes Dante extremely difficult to master in terms of mastering Jump Cancelling and Weapon Switching.

And in terms of controls, I personally found DmC's controls easier to master but harder to get used to when performing complex maneuvers. (Like CaliburRave and Stomp Cancelling with E&I due to the triggers) In fact I find myself holding more buttons than DMC4, including Lock-On and holding the gun button for charged shots. And the fact that I have to deal with having two evade buttons is quite annoying since you only need 1 button to evade. It reminds me of SSBM/SSBB's shielding system since it has 2 buttons for shielding. It even has THREE WAYS for you to jump (which is again, a waste of buttons) since there are two shield buttons. It's not needed at all. Although, Brawl proved to be really customizable and it really helped since a lot of people had different configurations. Even so, the control scheme sorta worked to a certain degree. But with DmC, which is an action, hack and slash game, has been notorious in making good use of almost every button available on the controller. So having two evade buttons is just iffy in my opinion.

Also, as for this entire thread, it's gone extremely haywire.

. . . I'll just stay out of it and continue to read posts like I've been doing before.
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Loving how all the fallacies and holes in the "arguments" being thrown at people with legit rebuts just falls apart, yet he keeps spewing the same vitriol over and over without any evidence of his claims being substantiated or siting proof of what he claims.

~ponders and makes sure he didn't just hear the wind~ Yeah, just my imaginination, didn't hear anything after Ruisu.
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I'd be more than happy to accept what you said if you ever actually showed me proof of the sh*t you were saying. I don't mean to be a dickhole about it, but goddamn dude, I ask you to back up what you say so I can believe you without a shadow of a doubt, but you don't, and so I can't rightfully believe anything you claim.

All you've done is defend against my challenges of providing proof by saying that I don't understand and dragging out the debate, instead of just providing proof to back up your f*cking claims that would end the debate right there.

I have an entire blog comprised of all the actual information that's been given to us by the devs through interviews and gameplay. That blog is literally where I have been backing up all of the things I've said, because it has links to all the stuff I've ever read (that wasn't just repeat articles covering the same exact stories or content). And the clincher? Everything I've claimed were things actually stated by Capcom and Ninja Theory, or things that are just common knowledge of the industry as a whole.

But, what the f*ck ever, bury your head in the sand. Don't blame me for your inability to back up what you claim when you're challenged about it. If you're going to say such contrary things, be ready to get challenged by anyone who doesn't believe you.

This is the f*cking internet. "Pics or it didn't f*cking happen." The burden of proof is always on us.

I'm surprised I missed this gem no wonder you don't think your wrong it all makes sense now kid.
Loving how all the fallacies and holes in the "arguments" being thrown at people with legit rebuts just falls apart, yet he keeps spewing the same vitriol over and over without any evidence of his claims being substantiated or siting proof of what he claims.

~ponders and makes sure he didn't just hear the wind~ Yeah, just my imaginination, didn't hear anything after Ruisu.
Get off my nuts it's bad for your complexion.
So for now on since genuine debates don't work I guess I'm just gonna start shiitting on people in till I'm banned that's essentially what you asshats do to peeps who dare have a negative opinion about this game.
I could see a lot of reasons why it did not sell as well. A lot people who love the DMC series but dont like the new characters/story ended up just renting it like me :/
So for now on since genuine debates don't work I guess I'm just gonna start shiitting on people in till I'm banned that's essentially what you asshats do to peeps who dare have a negative opinion about this game.

You're kinda taking this too far. And besides, all you've been saying through the entire argument was "I'm right and you're wrong, go do your research." without really giving out valid citations. Such as saying DMC4 was an unfinished game.
I hear a lot of people say this and I've not seen a single piece of valid evidence that supports this claim. The only evidence that was presented to this entire thing were:

- Concept art of Nero's "true" D.T. form, which could be considered just a scrapped concept.
- People explaining that Dante's levels were supposed to be his own levels without backtracking (but I don't see proof of this.)
- People explaining that Dante had his own bosses for each individual weapon (still haven't seen any documents of this.)

But seriously, this isn't getting you anywhere. I'm not sure why you are starting up arguments while dismissing what people say as logical opinions/statements when you have flawed posts as well.
You're kinda taking this too far. And besides, all you've been saying through the entire argument was "I'm right and you're wrong, go do your research." without really giving out valid citations. Such as saying DMC4 was an unfinished game.
I hear a lot of people say this and I've not seen a single piece of valid evidence that supports this claim. The only evidence that was presented to this entire thing were:

- Concept art of Nero's "true" D.T. form, which could be considered just a scrapped concept.
- People explaining that Dante's levels were supposed to be his own levels without backtracking (but I don't see proof of this.)
- People explaining that Dante had his own bosses for each individual weapon (still haven't seen any documents of this.)

But seriously, this isn't getting you anywhere. I'm not sure why you are starting up arguments while dismissing what people say as logical opinions/statements when you have flawed posts as well.
...............So it's confirmed 98% of this website is dumb Yo Admin Bann me.I'm no longer apart of this wanna be community.
So for now on since genuine debates don't work I guess I'm just gonna start shiitting on people in till I'm banned that's essentially what you asshats do to peeps who dare have a negative opinion about this game.
I don't know why anyone would get a ban just for not liking the game:/ Debates are fine so long as they are backed up well.....trolling and flaming however....:troll: Sure if someone's being an uncivil, rude, obnoxious ass, fine. Otherwise, all is fair on here. ^_^
I could see a lot of reasons why it did not sell as well. A lot people who love the DMC series but dont like the new characters/story ended up just renting it like me :/
I bought the game, but I can see why others would not like it. Besides, it's not like the sun shines from this game's ass ^_^ And maybe to some it is worth a rent to see what's going on. But, if you don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as.
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It is at least worth a rental if you're really not sure even after the demo. I got convinced by that thing to get eth game on Gamestop pre order...because free vergil pack is a good incentive to hand out. Not fond of the Samurai pack, lord I never use that things, and want the bone pack to get on the market one of these days...I'm a proud admitter of my opinion turning around after checking out the demo.
This picture always makes me mad. They knew their game wasn't going to catch on so they paid reviewers. When I was watching IGN's review I could tell the guy was doing his best not to even mention the flaws.
...............So it's confirmed 98% of this website is dumb Yo Admin Bann me.I'm no longer apart of this wanna be community.

Y'know you could leave if you don't want to be apart of DMC.org. No one is forcing you to stay here.

It is at least worth a rental if you're really not sure even after the demo. I got convinced by that thing to get eth game on Gamestop pre order...because free vergil pack is a good incentive to hand out. Not fond of the Samurai pack, lord I never use that things, and want the bone pack to get on the market one of these days...I'm a proud admitter of my opinion turning around after checking out the demo.

My attention was solely focused on the gameplay. I was pretty indecisive about the entire game (wanted to try it out but didn't want to waste money.) So a friend of mine torrented the game for me and allowed me to play on their PC as well as giving me a copy of the game itself so I didn't have to support Capcom myself. After giving it a chance, I was still disappointed about the gameplay. Especially seeing color coded enemies, enemies that constantly parry/block out of combos, enemies that refuse to be latched onto with Ophion Whip, and enemies that require specific areas for you to hit.
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This picture always makes me mad. They knew their game wasn't going to catch on so they paid reviewers. When I was watching IGN's review I could tell the guy was doing his best not to even mention the flaws.
It's useless to post this.Everything is invalid by default.
Y'know you could leave if you don't want to be apart of DMC.org. No one is forcing you to stay here.

Why are you talking to me?
... So a friend of mine torrented the game for me and allowed me to play on their PC as well as giving me a copy of the game itself so I didn't have to support Capcom myself...

That's kind of a selfish move. You could've just bought the game used, wait for a price drop, borrowed off a friend or just played the demo.

I mean you played the entire game without paying.
...............So it's confirmed 98% of this website is dumb Yo Admin Bann me.I'm no longer apart of this wanna be community.
Why don't you just leave if you don't wanna be here?
And "wanna-be" community? This site is the most stable Devil May Cry community on the internet. Yeah sometimes we fight, but that's what happens sometimes with people who are passionate. And that's what this community is a group of people passionate about Devil May Cry. It's people like you who come on here and just sh*t on other people, and cause arguements that makes us look bad. This whole thread you've just been creating chaos, calling people names, being aggressive towards others, and then when a completely calm member (ChaserTech) tells you that you are going too far you just take a sh*t on him too.
I don't see why you don't just leave on your own terms since you think 98% of this community is dumb. I guess that includes you as well because you are the one staying on this site.
You might as well leave because this "dumb" community doesn't want you here.
P.S. Don't worry I'm pretty sure the mods will see your immature behavior and ban you for it, you don't have to ask.
That's kind of a selfish move. You could've just bought the game used, wait for a price drop, borrowed off a friend or just played the demo.

I mean you played the entire game without paying.

I didn't want to buy the game because I didn't want to support it nor waste my money. And my friends agreed to torrent the game for me since they were interested in seeing the story rather than playing it themselves (not to mention my subscribers were interested in seeing me play through DmC)

I also pirated Borderlands 1 and Borderlands 2 before and I thought they were good games. So I ended up buying them both because I wanted to support the company. Same goes for Starcraft 2 and even Minecraft (Notch, aka the creator of Minecraft, even said to pirate the game if you don't want to spend money himself). I pirated those games and then bought them since I liked it enough to support the companies.

However I simply do not want to support Capcom because of what they have done recently in terms of handling their games.
I didn't want to buy the game because I didn't want to support it nor waste my money. And my friends agreed to torrent the game for me since they were interested in seeing the story rather than playing it themselves (not to mention my subscribers were interested in seeing me play through DmC)

I also pirated Borderlands 1 and Borderlands 2 before and I thought they were good games. So I ended up buying them both because I wanted to support the company. Same goes for Starcraft 2 and even Minecraft (Notch, aka the creator of Minecraft, even said to pirate the game if you don't want to spend money himself). I pirated those games and then bought them since I liked it enough to support the companies.

However I simply do not want to support Capcom because of what they have done recently in terms of handling their games.

That doesn't really excuse anything. If you thought Borderlands were crap then you would've basically played the game for free and not pay them anything for the work they put in.

Basically you're saying that if you like a game, that's only when you will pay them.

I mean, if you didn't want to support Capcom you could've just not bought their game instead of pirating.
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