Sigh. Why can't we have more games that seamlessly mesh story/presentation/gameplay? There are way too few of them: Bastion, Silent Hill2, Portal, Ico and SoC... and I don't know what else. This makes me sad.From the presentation they gave today, that seems to be the whole thesis of their argument. This whole "East Cool vs West Cool" seems to drive the very core of how they approached this re-imagination. It really shows too. Capcom Japan must've been ashamed of how badly they handled Kamiya's franchise. For them to want to "westernize it" so badly only shows the goal of what this game is really trying to do. It almost feels like gameplay is secondary to sales. They kept talking about trying to make DmC reach Western film standards which is a huge stride. To do that with a game that was built originally on Eastern roots its practically impossible but Ninja Theory has come a long way with their presentations.
I'm all for taking new spins at things, but hey, the gameplay looks solid and fun and in the end, that's what a game should ultimately be the rest should just enhance the experience.