Railazel;196256 said:
I took that into consideration too, but I also thought of the Ascension Ceremony that is the basis of the Order's demonic army. If you know anything about it, then you could see that its a very dangerous project considering what it does. What do you think would happen if something like that were to fail? And concerning Agnus, since no one except Sanctus and Credo know about him, not much information is said, so his position in the Order is still in question outside of the fact that he is seemingly one of the top officials. However, it is said that the title of his notes are "Nero=Dante???" which is inconsistent with his character, yet he had those notes before he met Nero, so we could assume that he was watching Nero from afar, but why the surprise at his powers?
The Ascension Ceremony was the final and most stable release after experimentations from Agnus.
He clearly explains to Nero the hardship to make one armor come to life. Basically, the Angelos are nothing more than human/demon souls trapped inside an armor, obeying their masters with mechanical precision.
The Knights of the Order are shown at the Angel Creation area near the Underground Lab, as their bodies float in some cabins with their souls being taken away to be transported at Bianco or Alto Angelo's armors.
Agnus status as a high-ranking official was never questioned. He was the Chief Alchemist Researcher of the Order - the one who made the Cutlass, Gladius, Basilisk and the infamous Bianco and Alto Angelo - artificially made demons in order to obey their masters.
Dante was being observed by Sanctus and Agnus a long time ago. Sanctus himself tells to Nero that he had intended Dante to be used as the Savior's core, but having Nero as a carrier of Sparda's blood - being a vital point to bring the Savior to full power - chose the option at hand.
(Pun intended by Sanctus there)
That said, It's not hard to equal Nero and Dante in an equation together, as they look very similar. But only on Mission 6, Agnus was surprised to see Nero possessed demonic power as he was keeping the Devil Bringer as a secret, hidden from everyone.
DreadnoughtDT;196258 said:
But see, here's the thing I don't get. Nero's Devil Bringer has a small spike of bone near the elbow. Where is that when it's in a sling? He couldn't have covered it up with bandages, and as it's made of bone, I don't think it can bend either. Also, look at the fingers. While it's in a sling, it doesn't have the claw-like digits that the DB has. I think that his arm looked demonic under that glove, but it wasn't matured yet. Anyways, that's my two-cents on this matter.
If you notice the sleeve when Nero is keeping his arm covered, the coat has a spike under. That's the reason the sleeve is down there to cover It, while when hasn't the cast and the sling, the sleeve shows the elbow's pike.
The claws you see are not huge and If you notice the first image I presented, his fingers are way too long and weirdly shaped. That shows the bulky fingers he has and the space left at the fingertips for the claws.