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I've found my passion

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Zach Fair

Well-known Member
Alright guys time to end this
bad work:

Good work:

First one has no flow, no depth, no real focal. Second does.

Good work:

Bad Work:

First one is vectored, second is ready made.

Bad work:

Good Work:

First one is ready made, second is from scratch

Noob work:

Not noobish work:

Noob work:

Not Noob work:

Noob work:

Not noob work:

You, yourself can decide which is better out of every pair.


Your breasts are illegal!!
NerosDevil;138877 said:
Don't bother Esura. Where the hell have the mods been?

Thats what I wonder. D2 is OBVIOUSLY online but he aint doin shnit tho.


Well-known Member
Enough is Enough.

Naturally, thread locked.

Dante Aseroth and NerosDevil, I am apalled at your actions combined.
Not only have you dragged this dispute of petty insults and comparisons out into a five page waste of time, but also not keeping to PM's as you BOTH know you should.

You have both acted totally immaturely, disgracing not only yourselves but the forum aswell.

Dante, your smug attitude is repusive and conceited and I personally will NOT stand for it any longer. This is not a GFX forum and you will do well to remember that, your high standards and glourious reputation mean nothing because here it is, as you put it, about point of view. Your attitude of levels and your sheer greatness over the lower class is no more than clever trolling and I find it unacceptable! Its not the first time (by a loooong shot) that you have taken this attitude, but this is by far the least subtle of them all!

You could easily encourage other members and offer a few tips to help better their own work if you so desire this place to take GFX far more seriously, but instead you have persistantly refused and simply used the oppertunity to give your ego a ill-needed boost.

NerosDevil, you too should've known to keep this to PMs.
If you had a 'score to settle' it should've been done so outside of a public thread, personal insults aside, instead of engaging in an argument you should've reported any abuse. Not only that but you too have taken a simalar attitude as Dante in your competition with him - this forum isn't GFX, it is about Point of View, not everyone will like your sigs, but some will love them.

But, because of your actions here in contributing to a five page thread, you must share punishment as well as Dante.

BOTH of you are banned for one week, during this time myself and the other staff members will council to determine if further measures need to be taken.

Zach Fair, I don't know who you are, but undoubtedly you are a minion of Dantes from one of his GFX Forums', since your first two posts here have been to encourage flaming and furthering this argument I will be applying Infraction points and scencerely hope you start chatting within this community instead of helping to divide its members.

I am sad that the rivalry of two talented individuals has lead to this.

Thread Locked.

Please address any querys or questions reguarding this mess to myself - thank you


In light of an Aplogetic Privite Message sent to Angel AFTER the event but BEFORE my intervention I have decided to reduce NerosDevil's ban to 24 hours for misconduct. Her behaviour was unacceptable, but it was fuelled.


Is not rat, is hamster
Zach Fair;138860 said:
You my friend are retarded. Sparda vs this chick. Hmmmm Sparda has her beat. No way in hell she can beat Sparda. Now, NerosDevil, pentool CAN and IS used for cutting out images, henceforth rendering. The Marquee tool is also used for cutting images. But can't be used for rendering because the pentool gets more to the sides than marquee tool. Now about your other comments. Your current tag is hideous. Its replusive to look at. The text is off. The effects are random if there are any effects. Blurring images and adjustments is what you're doing as well because thats all that is in your current tag. You my friend are below Novice, Sparda is not. I'm willing to bet my life that you can't beat Sparda in a FAIR graphics battle. Hell, if you can't beat me, and I'm horrible compared to Sparda then you stand no chance against Sparda. Bringer of Chaos is right about his pentool comment while you are wrong. You seem to have just started and are WAYYYY to cocky and not going to get better because of it.

Esura, you have no graphic talent what so ever because if you know what it takes to make a tag you'd know that making something from scratch rather than having a render which is already done ( NerosDevil using for her tag) is hard as hell. Neros had the render already, while Sparda vectored his which I'm sure Neros can't do because noobs can't vector and Neros=Noob.
Tut tut - someone doesn't know jack about forums or they wouldn't be such a n00b as to burst in on someone else's turf and flame.

The next time your boyfriend or whoever the hell called you over to bully people on MY playground suggests you stick your nose in, don't go there. It will not go well for you.

By hell you'd better watch yourself here, sunny boy.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
NerosDevil;138877 said:
Where the hell have the mods been?

To also add to this we were sleeping as it all started in the early hours in our timezones. Well handled Keaton and im so stick of the high and mighty up their own ass attitudes some people have here, its sickening.
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