Dante Aseroth;138822 said:Bringer is not my side-kick, and please NerosDevil, learn some Photoshop. You're such a low novice.
You're no way near my level. Keep practicing.
The people who compared you to me have no comprehension of artistic level.
Explain?Art is biased.
What some think is cool, some may say it sucks.
Calm? Don't you mean bitchy?NerosDevil;138820 said:I'm not. Batman and Robin here should keep it to MSN opposed to making hints at me on a forum, over Bringers stupidity to not act calm with me.
BringerOfChaos;138829 said:Calm? Don't you mean bitchy?
Why do I have to be the side kick?
Dante Aseroth;138825 said:You're no way near my level. Keep practicing.
The people who compared you to me have no comprehension of artistic level.
Art is biased.
What some think is cool, some may say it sucks.
Esura;138833 said:Dude.....thats low.
And dont be cocky. You're pretty low leveled yourself compared to some ppl on the Unreal Tournament 3 forums.
And it has already been established awhile ago that Neros was on par, maybe even surpassed you. You cant be best at everything.
Oh, and I'm an experience artist myself and I can see great work in front of my face when I see it. She got u beat dawg. :lol:
BringerOfChaos;138837 said:G, she just totally got you with that face thing!:lol:
C'mon people have showdown.
I want to see both of you at your best.
Dante Aseroth;138836 said::lol::lol::lol::lol:
That's funny dude.
BringerOfChaos;138840 said:I'm dead serious.
It took the combined force of memory, wit, and what you saw in front of you to do that.
I thought I'd get to have a hilarious argument with ND, but Dante just stool my spotlight.
BringerOfChaos;138842 said:Esura, your all up in our kool laid, but you don't know the flavor.
So leave.