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if there is a DMC 5 proper by capcom....


A self-diagnosed misanthrope
If it was up to me, I wouldn't have created a Nero at the first place. Not only is he a Dante wannabe with bipolar issues, he's also a plot hole. A dead end. Who the heck made Nero? Is he a natural organic being, or a lab mix? What's his relation to Vergil? Why hasn't he been mentioned before, if he truly is related to Vergil? He is Capcom's biggest asspull, and that's saying something considering Capcom is the parent of asspulls who's in both sides of the family.

But yeah, in case of a DMC 5, I'd rather have my attention shifted to either Dante or Vergil. It would be cool to play a post-DMC 3 Vergil mowing demons in the underworld as he makes his way to Mundus. Alternatively, a DMC 4 sequel focusing on Dante (the less flamboyant one) would also be awesome.

On a completely unrelated side-note, I feel like people aren't using the word 'stenchpenis' enough.


Supporter 2014
If it was up to me, I wouldn't have created a Nero at the first place.
Good, neither would I.
Not only is he a Dante wannabe with bipolar issues, he's also a plot hole. A dead end.
I'm tired of people saying that "there's so much you could do with Nero." I honestly haven't seen any fanfictions of him that are to my liking.
Who the heck made Nero? Is he a natural organic being, or a lab mix? What's his relation to Vergil? Why hasn't he been mentioned before, if he truly is related to Vergil?
My theory is that since Nero is a quarter-demon (Sanctus said that he "had the blood of Sparda, but wasn't as powerful as Dante"), and since the novel implied that Vergil was the father (get over it, fanboys), and since Dante didn't act like he was his father and really did act more like that insane uncle at those family reunions everyone tries to avoid --

-- My theory is that Vergil met an incredibly powerful older sorceress who happened to be human (like how Hideki Kamiya implied that Eva was also a powerful witch) -- one who left Vergil after she "got what she wanted from the blood of Sparda" and left Vergil to fend for himself.

It would explain why he feels such malice towards humans to this very day. It would also explain why he would even breed with a one in the first place.
He is Capcom's biggest asspull, and that's saying something considering Capcom is the parent of asspulls who's in both sides of the family.
Yep, total asspull. I couldn't have said it better myself.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Initially it seemed Nero was supposed to carry on the torch but they botched his first impression and fans didn't take so now we are back to Dante.

To be honest, I was one of those people ok with the idea of a reboot because it signified a fresh start. Im not saying these characters are bad or the franchise lacked potential, just that the current writers didnt do a good job getting that across and created more problems since.

But there is always the chance the new writer(s) could have better success than the old ones.

I agree with Meg about Nero, make him a supporting character with a few missions in a dlc and solve that parental question. DMC4 doesn't really give you much to go on, not even how much time passed between games so you could resolve it however you want.

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
If I don't like the main character, I shouldn't be able to play and enjoy the games? Well, gee...I suppose that's the ONLY reason anybody picks up a Devil May Cry game, isn't it....because of their insatiable love for Dante? It's not like any of us plays the game for, I dunno...the GAMEPLAY or anything.

And whoever heard of people enjoying a game, despite hating the main character? I guess people who played games like Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Rising, despite harboring some distaste for the lead character, must be absolutely insane. Why are they even playing the game?

Let me whisper a revelation to you, so grab onto your bedpost and don't waste this magic moment:

There are people...out there....who like Devil May Cry...but....GASP...don't like Dante.
Late reply, but I just wanted to say that I came on too strong. I didn't mean that the games would not be enjoyable if you didn't like Dante, but I find it a bit strange that you would love the games so much (and even join a forum about them) if you hated Dante. The DMC games have not exactly had many characters to choose from or to like. All the games focus pretty strongly on Dante. He's got a lot of screen time. He is its protagonist, and the protagonist is one of the main reasons why people care about the plot. Because plots usually pretty much revolve around the protagonist (or the world he's trying to improve). Dante is also the character you control in the gameplay, so since you don't like him, wouldn't that mean the gameplay is a bit soured by his presence? I guess I questioned your hate for Dante because characters are usually very important to gamers, especially young gamers. They can make or break games for them... and I'm assuming you were pretty young when you first played DMC. So I assumed your dislike of Dante would 'break' the game for you.

I just could not see myself ever playing a game of which only the gameplay interested me. I need games to have stories and characters I like, so that I have a motivation to play. I may have projected my standpoints onto you too much. If you like the games only because of the gameplay, that's fine. I was just amazed at that, that's all.
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The Final Offer

Well-known Member
If it was up to me, I wouldn't have created a Nero at the first place. Not only is he a Dante wannabe with bipolar issues, he's also a plot hole. A dead end. Who the heck made Nero? Is he a natural organic being, or a lab mix? What's his relation to Vergil? Why hasn't he been mentioned before, if he truly is related to Vergil? He is Capcom's biggest asspull, and that's saying something considering Capcom is the parent of asspulls who's in both sides of the family.

But yeah, in case of a DMC 5, I'd rather have my attention shifted to either Dante or Vergil. It would be cool to play a post-DMC 3 Vergil mowing demons in the underworld as he makes his way to Mundus. Alternatively, a DMC 4 sequel focusing on Dante (the less flamboyant one) would also be awesome.

On a completely unrelated side-note, I feel like people aren't using the word 'stenchpenis' enough.

There are several reasons why Nero was created and if you kept your head on straight, you would've saw them instead of ragging on him.

Mind you, the game doesn't state if these are true, but here are my own logical reasons why Nero exists.

The Father:

-Vergil has planted his seed and he goes off to seek out his father's power in order to use that power to PROTECT his family. Because without power......

-Vergil, with the existence of Nero, can be seen in a more heroic light by us and Dante.

The Uncle:

-Dante shows off his appreciation of Nero's existence by using Yamato. If he truly hated Vergil, he wouldn't have done it. He is proud to be the brother of Vergil. That is a sentiment.

-Losing his brother twice and finding out the hard way that he's an uncle. Dante seems delighted to have someone he can call family again. I see DMC 1 and DMC 3 as tragedies for Dante. He never actually won the war, he only saved the day.

The B*****d:
-Nero is living proof that the Sparda legacy is full of those whom seek to defy demons because they understand them the best. They are always Stylish Demon Hunters.
-Nero's birthright, the Yamato, is handed down to him from his uncle and if Nero had a lick of intelligence on the fact that he is the nephew of Dante, then he'd know that his father is no longer alive.
-Nero and Dante easily understand one another (first fight) and they obviously both enjoy combat to the point where neither bothers trying to explain mid-fight why the two shouldn't be fighting.
-Nero needed someone like a father figure to show him how to handle situations. Dante isn't suitable to be a father to some, but his tough love approach is a character plus in my book. Nero wouldn't have listened to anyone else about calming down unless it were Credo (Kyrie's brother). That shows that Nero and Dante built that family bond between them throughout the course of the game.

I have my reasons as to why I like Nero, Dante, and Vergil. Seeing no value in valuable characters is your character flaw.
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One way to get yourself shot
Awesome! But I do have one thing to say. Why the hell would Vergil let himself fall deeper into hell if this entire quest for power was to protect Nero? He doesn't even say something around the lines of wanting Uncle Dante to guide his son because Dante proved himself worthier of Force Edge than Vergil. And then Vergil goes on a suicide mission (without the sword) and gets himself enslaved for 10 years. Man, abandoning their children without a trace must be a thing in the Sparda bloodline.

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
Awesome! But I do have one thing to say. Why the hell would Vergil let himself fall deeper into hell if this entire quest for power was to protect Nero? He doesn't even say something around the lines of wanting Uncle Dante to guide his son because Dante proved himself worthier of Force Edge than Vergil. And then Vergil goes on a suicide mission (without the sword) and gets himself enslaved for 10 years. Man, abandoning their children without a trace must be a thing in the Sparda bloodline.

The goal was Mundus and anything else that could harm his family. Sparda's power was absolute in 3 and it comes with a way to finish what Sparda had started. In DMC 1 Sparda's sword Force Edge could transform and it took both amulets. I seriously believed Vergil thought he could still beat Mundus.


Starfleet Demon
Nero needs to be fleshed out more and we need more on his origins, he could work just as well as a supporting (and playable) character rather than the lead which I think should go back to Dante.

This. It is what I believe should have been done by the DMC4 - introduce Nero but keep Dante as the main protagonist, and from there slowly reveal more about Nero over the course of 1-2 games until he is capable of being a proper deuteragonist. I liked Nero, but I'd have liked him even more if he wasn't basically a big question mark.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I'm definitely want to see original Dante back. But I also hope they take time to make decent antagonist. Somebody who can rival Dante.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
If DMC5 was set after or even close to DMC2 , there is no rival for dante.

I would love the whole game to be him fighting his way through and out of hell.

That allows for multiple bosses and enemies.

Give nero a segment or campaign of his own fighting back in the human world.

Expand on DMC4's combat adding new moves, have level 5 styles and new weapons too.

Give nero a darksayer style and new devilarms and fire arms.

And maybe just one.mission you can plat coop with a friend as both dante and nero.

This would make my perfect DMC , just add costumes and dlc this time.

Dlc could be anything from playing as lady to being a baddie.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Well you can make rival for him by adding spin on story. For example like Malebolgia was believed to be Devil himself at the beginning of the Spawn, only later to reveal that he's only one of demon lords ruling circles of hell. Same can be done with Mundus.

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
Well you can make rival for him by adding spin on story. For example like Malebolgia was believed to be Devil himself at the beginning of the Spawn, only later to reveal that he's only one of demon lords ruling circles of hell. Same can be done with Mundus.

Actually, in another thread, I unveiled that several demons are ranked a certain way. Look up Bob Barbas or however you spell it. I think he's ranked around 28 or something.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
Late reply, but I just wanted to say that I came on too strong.

No worries…I came off as a pretty strong myself. And harsh. But, in my defense, I’ve probably been confronted with this question more than any other concerning any fandom I’m a part of. For whatever reason, it seems ludicrous to play the Devil May Cry games and not be infatuated by Dante, and everything he is.

I didn't mean that the games would not be enjoyable if you didn't like Dante, but I find it a bit strange that you would love the games so much (and even join a forum about them) if you hated Dante.

I’ve addressed this before, but I’ll do so again for the sake of clarification. Excluding the exceptional hack-and-slash gameplay that the series provides, I like Devil May Cry’s other qualities. I like the Gothic influences, the lore and mythos (as vague and poorly-explained as it is), the multitude of diverse demonic forces, the stellar backdrops and character designs….and of course, I’m a big fan of the soundtrack. I have plenty of reasons to love the franchise and discuss my affinity for it on a forum.

I understand Dante is a primary part of Devil May Cry, but to me, he’s not what makes the game great. It may sound like heresy, but I’ve never found him as cool or appealing as everyone else…and in recent years, I’ve actually grown to despise him for how much of a Deviantartist’s Gary Stu fan-character he is. I find him underdeveloped, uninteresting, completely lacking in emotional variety or depth…and just overall an obnoxious character. In fact, watching people trash the New Dante is pretty funny, because my hatred for the Old Dante is much stronger and has spanned a much longer time period than DmC’s sheer existence.

All the games focus pretty strongly on Dante. He's got a lot of screen time.

He does have a lot of screen time….in the cutscenes. And I’ve found myself skipping the cutscenes just to make his presence seem less of a hinderence. True, I’ll miss out on the superb choreography of the cutscenes, but I’d rather it didn’t come with the price of Dante laughing and whooping like a 9-year-old on a sugar-coated cocaine binge, all while shrieking one-liners that wouldn’t sound out of place in something like Batman and Robin.

Dante is also the character you control in the gameplay, so since you don't like him, wouldn't that mean the gameplay is a bit soured by his presence? I guess I questioned your hate for Dante because characters are usually very important to gamers, especially young gamers. They can make or break games for them... and I'm assuming you were pretty young when you first played DMC. So I assumed your dislike of Dante would 'break' the game for you.

When I first picked up Devil May Cry on that fateful summer afternoon all those years ago, I greeted the game’s simplistic and cliché-ridden story with all the interest of a college student sitting through a Macroeconomics lecture. I didn’t care about what was going on…and I forgot the story mere moments after the credits rolled. I could say the same about all the other games in the series, and I retained that mindset up until I was old enough to contemplate what was going on. Then, the stories in games like Devil May Cry 3, which went out of its way to illustrate tension and drama, all while trying paint Dante as some kind of “badass”, really kicked into gear when I started to read into them…and how profoundly irritating he was as a character.

Did it kill the game for me? Nope…I had played and loved these games for a long time. I wasn’t going to let sudden qualms with the main protagonist stop me from murdering demons and having a good time.

I just could not see myself ever playing a game of which only the gameplay interested me. I need games to have stories and characters I like, so that I have a motivation to play. I may have projected my standpoints onto you too much. If you like the games only because of the gameplay, that's fine. I was just amazed at that, that's all.

Dude, if I couldn’t enjoy a game because its characters or story got in the way, I probably wouldn’t be able to enjoy half the games I love today. How do you think I enjoy games like Resident Evil or Metroid Prime? It’s not the compelling narrative or characters in these games that make me enjoy them, it’s the scenarios they allow, the idea of the characters in them. Resident Evil has some of the worst voice-acting, characters, and plots to ANYTHING to known to man. The appeal lies in the scenario…the idea of being a STARS agent clambering through infected corpses, covered in zombie innards, with one bullet still left in your pistol…the idea of being a survivor in horrifying conditions. There’s barely any context or story in the Metroid series, and the one instance it did was in the universally-blasted tripe that was Other M. What makes it engaging is the idea of being a lone bounty hunter on a desolate planet, overcoming obstacles and laying waste to parasitic insects and alien monstrosities. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night has a story and voice acting that belongs in a $5-budget B-movie. The appeal lies in the idea of being a dhampir diving into the bowels of your father’s castle, proving yourself as the superior monster amongst these petty demons and hulking bosses.

The same thing can be said about Devil May Cry. If you took the wooden voice-acting and shoddily-written dialogue out of the equation, it just boils down to an invincible demon hunter slaughtering hordes of demons in a castle or confined area, with combat finesse and agility that makes you feel like a badass. It’s the idea, the scenario that holds the appeal…not the character himself.

If I wanted an action game with a character and story that was coherent and well-told with a character I’m 100% invested in, I wouldn’t play Ninja Gaiden, I wouldn’t touch God of War, I wouldn’t approach Bayonetta, and I certainly wouldn’t go NEAR Devil May Cry….

I’d go to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.


Wall of text crits you for 600
I personally don't think they would continue with the DmC reboot, but then again I could be wrong.

Capcom went on record and basically burned ninja theory, blaming them for a really crappy year of sales. While not naming their name specifically, only two games were actually named as specific examples. Resident Evil 6 was held up as a colossal failure, and DmC (the second named game) sold less than one fourth of that amount. The words "a decline of quality due to western outsourcing" come up. Of the two games, only DmC was actually outsourced to a western company.


We might see another devil may cry, but it's probably not going to be a continuation of the reboot, and chances are even higher that tameem (the one man bad PR machine, going out of his way to antagonize old fans and sabotaging sales for his own game) will not be involved with this project.
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