Oh boy, this will be a long one.
It's featured because it's not as bad as you make it seem. What is really bad with DMC is the backtracking and that is toned down for DmC.
You might argue that it's "not as bad", but is it more important than the combat? Entire boss fights are reduced to glorified platforming puzzles, and whole levels are one long grapple platforming puzzle with little to no actual combat. Are you seriously going to defend a level with zero combat
in a devil may cry game? Are you so obsessed with disagreeing with me that you're honestly going to sit here and argue that cutscenes, platforming, environmental puzzles, and dialogue are more important to devil may cry than combat? Tell me if you honestly believe these things, it would save us both a lot of time
Questionable casting? Who was questionably cast?
The main actor for Dante,
Tim Phillips, never voiced acted for a game before his role as dante, never did motion capture for a game before, and on top of everything else, has a strong accent that he had no prior training to hide before. All those lines where he sort of slurs or mumbles a word, or maybe inflects something in a really weird way ("Vergil! NOOOOO!
aaaaaaaa!) was because he was struggling against his own accent the entire time.
Compare this to reuben langdon, who was a seasoned voice actor, experienced with motion capture, and a
stuntman. All of dante's action lines are literally reuben stunting out those action sequences in real life, saying the lines as he goes. A good chunk of DMC3/4 dante's lines are also entirely reuben improv. Reuben was so good,
dante became reuben, not the other way around.
Ninja theory wrote a version of dante, then cast an actor that essentially had no experience and a speech impediment, who couldn't do his own stunts, and clashed with dante's character on a personal level. How is that anything but a questionable casting decision?
Edit - and don't get the wrong idea, I agree that the recasting needed to happen (it was a new dante, reuben was too iconic to old dante to work) but at the very least they should have cast someone who wasn't suffering a handicap just reading his lines in the right voice. A heavy scottish accent doesn't just become american english with some easy faking
Quote the PR being hostile.
You're probably already well aware of all the "white hair drama" so I'll spare you the details on that. Another major incident involved an interview very early on when the reboot had just been released. Tameem was asked what he thought about negative fan reactions and his exact quote was
"I don't care". Not a great way to start off with the fans
Probably the biggest incidents are tameem going on record bashing on the old dante design
"Dante just isn't cool any more. If he went outside and walked into any bar looking like that, he would be laughed out"
His **** talking our favorite character didn't stop there, he even went and released a pretty insulting series of pictures bashing on dante.
Calling dante a gay cowboy
Dante looks out of place and not cool
Comparing dante to weeaboo cosplayers
He just keeps going
Seriously, an entire gallery of **** just like this
Remember how tameem once mentioned they initially tried to make dante look like classic dante, and capcom threw the ideas out? Well in that same gallery was also their original dante designs.
He looks just like classic dante!
DMC3 dante didn't have a shirt either!
Bear in mind, this was directly after a bunch of NT employees (not sure if tameem was one) basically said that old fans couldn't see past the hair color and they were stupid for it. Then they release this "classic dante" series of designs where literally the only similarities are his hair color. The hypocrisy was staggering.
Show me this article where Capcom trash talks Ninja Theory and not their own bad decisions.
Capcom blames decline in quality on outsourcing
Goes on record avoiding outsourcing to western developers
In the first article, two games are specifically named as reasons why capcom made no money: RE6 and DmC. Of the two games, only DmC was outsourced to a western developer. Ninja theory did such a terrible job, capcom literally lost faith in every studio that isn't in japan