General DMC 5 Discussion

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So Morrison was white in the anime. Yet is black in the game.

THIS is why I don't mix movie/comic lore with game lore. Hell, just reading about the comics says there's too many inconsistencies to be cannon.

In other news the same voice actor for Virgil has been voicing him since all the way back in 3. This includes Marvel vs Capcom 3. Same goes for Dante.

Also apparently Virgil had a cold in 3, which made him sound more sinister somehow. AND he was a power ranger.
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This video show that you can take fun of vergil with dante and he gets mad and answer to Dante, also i just realize that you can make some combo with sin devil trigger without needing to transform with the all animation and without using devil trigger did someone know how to do that?

Welp, I'm gonna subscribe to this guy now! You should see his Cavaliere Angelo video.
What's the deal with the Angelo guys anyway?

One moment they're "people", the next moment they're "vessels containing people". One moment they're made by Mundus, the next they're made by the order.

So which was Virgil in DMC1? A person that was corrupted or simply stuffed into a bigger guy? It's hard to keep up with these guys. Were they taken from DMC4 and made to serve Urizen for the most part?
What's the deal with the Angelo guys anyway?

One moment they're "people", the next moment they're "vessels containing people". One moment they're made by Mundus, the next they're made by the order.

So which was Virgil in DMC1? A person that was corrupted or simply stuffed into a bigger guy? It's hard to keep up with these guys. Were they taken from DMC4 and made to serve Urizen for the most part?
In 1 Mundus made Nelo Angelo, In 4 the order created the Angelos out of pieces of Nelo Angelo they found, In 5 the Angelos are made by Urizen.

Each time the Angelos appeared they are under different ownership than the last time.
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What's the deal with the Angelo guys anyway?

One moment they're "people", the next moment they're "vessels containing people". One moment they're made by Mundus, the next they're made by the order.

So which was Virgil in DMC1? A person that was corrupted or simply stuffed into a bigger guy? It's hard to keep up with these guys. Were they taken from DMC4 and made to serve Urizen for the most part?
The Angelo were originally created by mundus as an army to send and kill the sons of sparda vergil and Dante... They were made to copy sparda and his sons pattern of fight... However mundus realize that even if the Angelo were strong they were simply vessel... When the event of dmc 3 happened mundus waited for the son of sparda to fight instead of sending is legion, because he saw this as an opportunity, and Infact one of the two twins was defeated and trapped in hell, vergil was than defeated by mundus and used in an experiment that combined and Angelo with vergil, those giving birth to nelo Angelo a puppet for mundus to use as he want... Now mundus had the most powerful Angelo to defeat dante, however vergil was in the end defeated by his brother... Some year later fragment of nelo Angelo were find by the order of the sword and agnus used his experiment to create the bianco and the alto Angelo in dmc 4... In dmc 5 the Angelo you encounter are the one that were created by mundus and infact they are simply vessel who follow order, an Angelo was combined with Trish giving birth to cavaliere Angelo, this Angelo's follow urizen... It is also revealed that after his fight whit dante in dmc 1, vergil was free from mundus control but his body was on the bring of collapse because of all the fight and defeat he had to suffer in all the previous years... So the Angelo were always vessel that contained people created by mundus
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Dude, grinding demons and riding them over with Cavaliere's Gear Wheel is so satisfying! Especially with those armored enemies, the sound of their armor shattering is so crunchy. I'm happy they brought back the broken glass sound effect from DMC3, it feels all the better when they die.
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One of V's early concepts was a female version that they should totally reuse for another character or DmC. It kinda looks like Malphas so maybe it could be her human form( I want a rematch with V). I wanna see this reused for an older Patty or Patty's mom because they have the potential for it. She might have summoned Phantom or a medusa-like demon given how her hair was drawn.

One of them looks like Gilver, another looks like he's auditioning for the Crow and one looks he's in college so it would be a cool costume pack. It would be funny if V gets a sword and tries to do a weak version of Dark slayer- Griffin should be his announcer.

Dante has a muttonchop mustache which is funny to me.

One of V's early concepts was a female version that they should totally reuse for another character or DmC. It kinda looks like Malphas so maybe it could be her human form( I want a rematch with V). I wanna see this reused for an older Patty or Patty's mom because they have the potential for it. She might have summoned Phantom or a medusa-like demon given how her hair was drawn.

One of them looks like Gilver, another looks like he's auditioning for the Crow and one looks he's in college so it would be a cool costume pack. It would be funny if V gets a sword and tries to do a weak version of Dark slayer- Griffin should be his announcer.

Dante has a muttonchop mustache which is funny to me.
I like the gilver one, I would have like if they used that but obviously it give away to soon V true identity
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Trish's hair looks like an unkept wig or a mop. Although I still think her face just looks plain ugly, better hair would alleviate but not solve the problem.
Her hair have the same modelation as the other character but it's probably the haircut that look her like a bit strange, since she has straight hair but wavy on her tip... Infact she had the same hair as Eva but different cut...
I can't even see how you can tell she Is ugly, when I watched her during cutscenes I find her beautiful and real compared to her dmc 4 incarnation who had a strange face and looked fake and made of plastic .. In the cutscene whit Eva her model is the same as Trish and is extremely well maked...
This is ugly really?