General DMC 5 Discussion

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Honestly, the whole V/Urizen twist felt too roundabout a way to get to play as Vergil. I rather just have Vergil involved from the start and give him that dilemma of "do I try something new or fall back on old habits?" etc.

They could have kept V and his familiars in their back pocket for a spinoff etc. I enjoyed V's playstyle it just needed more polish than what we got and he's more convincing as a new lead than Nero was back in 4. I enjoyed my time as Nero but he interested me the least of the 3/4 leads.
If you fight with or fight against Vergil in DMC3 and then see the DmC version

You will see the point foxtrot is making , DMC4SE and 5 Vergil has some copy and paste moves from the reboot
Yeah saw that... I think it's not that bad, the new animation fit whit the new fastest gameplay, I liked the doppelganger too...
I have all difficulties beaten and s ranked

I just can't stop playing mission 13 to coop with ransoms , show off a bit Dante style

And I am addicted to experimenting with combos in the void

Put 3000 hours into my dmc4 save

So I don't think I'll ever be done with 5 lol
You know, I thought Vergil in mission 19, was easier then Vergil in Mission 20 of DMC3. But when I got there for my second playthrough, I became determined to beat him without having to revive.....I'm gonna have to reassess that statement...Plus side, I did manage to pull it off.

EDIT: Okay so we're doing complaints. I don't have a whole lot

1) Lady and Trish were a bit wasted. That being said though, if they weren't in it at all, people would have complained. If they're made playable later though, that would redeem it

2) Nero's Devil Breakers are fun, but not being able to cycle through them does annoy me a bit

3) This is a small one, and for those who haven't beaten it, a spoiler, making the D-pad the activation for Nero's Devil Trigger. Just use to L1 for Dante and V. Again, this is a small one, and I did swap it with Breakaway when I had a chance.

4) Now this is the only one I consider an actual criticism. I wanna start by saying, I didn't use items very often (Not for style ranking, I just rarely did), so I'm actually okay with them being gone. But I think they gave way to many reviving options. I did think using red orbs to revive was neat, and I stick to that. But I think it should have been more limited. Like It should have only been able to be used once, and should only revive maybe 1/4 of your health, sort of a last drop of fuel in the tank type thing. That and between the login bonuses and gifting for Stylish rankings from other players, the game gives out gold orbs like they're candy. Last I checked I had like 14. It's a series known for being challenging to casual gamers, having so many chances to instantly revive with full health kinda takes away a bit

Overall though, I freakin loved it. I said it after I beat it, and I stand by it, this is now my favorite DMC game.
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An illustration from the original artist who did the illiustrations for the original novel of DMC1, Miwa Shirow:

I beat DMD mode just now. I am going to go for better rankings later. Vergil was hard as hell to beat. I still have to do the last mission with no continues.
Can you imagine how cool it would be of you could take full control of shadow or griffon yourself , as in possess them instead of just tapping a button and inputs for moves

I think that would be pretty neat. Really tough to get right though, imo. Personally I wouldn't want the camera to move around to the two characters, I'd prefer to have the characters jump in instead. I'd also want a large moveset for them as well.

Although, now that I think about it... I guess there's no real reason for Griffin to be directly controllable. He's ranged / AOE anyway. It could be that you control a shadow, with Triangle and Circle, and Griffin being on Square.

I'd much rather just have Vergil or something though. I'm super picky, and whatever characters are added... I want them to have a moveset at least on par with Dante, who I feel needs more moves himself.

4) Now this is the only one I consider an actual criticism. I wanna start by saying, I didn't use items very often (Not for style ranking, I just rarely did), so I'm actually okay with them being gone. But I think they gave way to many reviving options. I did think using red orbs to revive was neat, and I stick to that. But I think it should have been more limited. Like It should have only been able to be used once, and should only revive maybe 1/4 of your health, sort of a last drop of fuel in the tank type thing. That and between the login bonuses and gifting for Stylish rankings from other players, the game gives out gold orbs like they're candy. Last I checked I had like 14. It's a series known for being challenging to casual gamers, having so many chances to instantly revive with full health kinda takes away a bit

Kind of disagree with that. If they added holy waters, vitality stars, and untouchables and made them all respawn per playthrough... Then for sure, rework the entire revive system. Otherwise, no way. There needs to be some mechanic to get even the worst players through DMD, for that sweet sweet Super Costume fun.

I do feel like they were way too generous with gold orbs, but I also feel like those should have respawned. Fewer of them, and requiring multiple playthroughs nto accumulate enough for the average joe to get through DMD. While DMC is generally known for being difficult, it's always had something for the casual player.

Although, I dislike how red orb revives have a holy water effect. Just give me holy waters...
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I know I've put it down for now so I can pick it up again when Bloody Palace comes out and so I won't be burned out.

Plus I have other games to attend to...

April. I looked into it. Looking forward to it myself.

As for revive mechanics, no matter how many times you can respawn you still got the same difficulty combat wise. The way 5 does it seems fair enough. Some fights are more of a chore then others on DMD mode while others are more fun then other. And if you spend too many red orbs reviving too much you can't upgrade effectively. That's why I go for the weakest revive setting when I can. Besides, there's still hell on hell mode for that extra challenge (boy is that going to be difficult).
Hell and hell is actually easy once you master gerbera , royal guard and v

If you can jump cancel too then you are golden as in the air you have i-frames
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Hell and hell enemies are the same health and difficulty as son of sparda bud

So they are easier than DMD , u just can't get hit

I found DMD and hell and hell quite handy to s rank , stay in the air with JC etc and you are golden

It's v that's the tough parts
Hell and hell enemies are the same health and difficulty as son of sparda bud

So they are easier than DMD , u just can't get hit
it took me good amount of time take down King Cerberus on SoS, because of his amount of health. So im kinda dreading it, because it demands good 10 mins without getting hit, by projectile spammy boss.
Cerberus can be bullied by the balrog uppercut , and using his namesake devil arm against him, so I've against electricity and fire , fire against Ice

Also if you stay up near his neck he literally can't touch you until he does the aoe explosion, or Ice rain move
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Cerberus can be bullied by the balrog uppercut , and using his namesake devil arm against him, so I've against electricity and fire , fire against Ice

Also if you stay up near his neck he literally can't touch you until he does the aoe explosion, or Ice rain move
will look into it :) thanks for the tipp.
No problem buddy , I'd link you my videos on it but I just JC all the way through which probably won't be helpful

Jumping still has i-frames and while you are in the air most enemies are completely useless

Also enemies off camera won't attack if they aren't already in an attack animation

So moving the camera away from them renders them docile
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I find easy to kill every boss by simply staying in the air doing some move with sword ecc than jump on their head slash them than jump again... They never touch you
I'm impressed by how the Sin Devil Trigger mechanics work, where they didn't go with the "near death power-up" system for the "Majin" form in DMC2.
For me, Devil May Cry was never the kind of game series that rewards players for doing badly.