Hope you can get sorted reb
If not u can always swap to rebellion
But...Rebellion's gone. O_O Are you telling me there's a way to still access the sword?

Hope you can get sorted reb
If not u can always swap to rebellion
Sorry my bad didn't realise u had not beat the game
As a clear bonus u can equip sparda sword , rebellion and devil sword Dante all together or whichever u want[\spoiler]
I think it's to linear, the level design are not inspired as the previous installment and something about the ending didn't convince me... The overall tone of the game was dark and misterious but the last two level where a bit too lower down in tone and cartoonist... Vergil: if I beat nero than be default I would have beat you too, agree dante?Completed it yesterday. Overall i enjoyed it. Wasn't really a fan of this Nero and the arm business when you run out.
What are peoples negatives with 5?
What are peoples negatives with 5?
In reality vergil animation are the same as devil may cry 4
I agree with these, as well as a few extra irks of my own:My negatives with DMC5 are:
- not being able to switch Devil Breakers without destroying the one you have equipped
- not being able to pause cutscenes
- Vylo Ren's clunky combat mechanics