Final Verdict (may contain spoilers)

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Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
May 25, 2014
So here's idea to make final thread about final impression DMCV left on us. Good, Bad, Ugly and what could be better in (hopefully upcoming) DMC6. Feel fry to dump all your thoughts here. Don't be mean to each other and enjoy debating. :)
I don't think I played the game enough to give a final verdict.
I'm aiming on completing DMD, Hell and Hell, etc. and then getting the Platinum Trophy, before I can give a "final" verdict on it.

But for the time being, it's a mix of satisfaction and frustration.
I loved everything about it, with smal nitpicks, like for example I think ending is alittle to open ended and environment could have been more diverse.
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Well first of like to just say it's my best gaming experience in years , to add to that

Graphically it is gorgeous, especially the implementation of hdr

It has a brilliant score

I love it aesthetically, I even like the slash marks that appear on enemies while being attacked now as it's a nice touch

It's my favourite Dante design of the series

Lack of proper inertia guardflying and sky running aside , it's the best gameplay and combat mechanics of the series in my opinion

I love the breakers and all the variety they add to Nero's arsenal and aerial play

I really enjoyed the story , not the best one but I liked what was there

Negatives wise they are very smal

V having to go

Vergil not having more screen time or being fleshed out more after he is reunited with v

Wish there were more missions, 24 be good so all 3 characters had 8 each

Not having more Dante

Lady and Trish being reduced to damsels in distress

I wish it had more missions like the urban areas in 1-7

So all in all i would give it a 9.5
I too need to play it a few more times through before I can give a final "final" verdict.

I will say that the lasting impression I have of DMC5 is that while it wasn't quite the Grand Return I was hoping for, I'm still glad it exists all the same and I hope that they can use what they've learned to improve in the future.
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I think devil breakers, while being fun to use, often felt like gimmicks instead of proper weapons, but not all. For example time slowing is usefull, but you actually have to use charge to get best out of it.
Oh, didn't see your "spoiler" tag there.
That means I can discuss the story.

I didn't like how the story "jumps right into the action".
DMC3 started with narration about the "sons of Sparda", followed by an actual proper opening where Arkham appears before Dante, which gradually kick-starts the plot, with Dante being attacked in his brand new shop by demons, followed by an ominous, demonic tower erupting in the middle of the city.
Events happened one after another.

In DMCV.... the player just get tossed in the middle.
We're supposed to play along that the heroes are in some sort of tree, somebody lost his arm and some other guy who doesn't shave is getting his ass kicked by couch potato Satan.

We're supposed to keep track of "2 months ago", "some time ago", "400 years later", etc. because the writers thought it'd be cool and mysterious to tell the story not arranged in chronological order.

The whole thing, especially with V turning out to be the demonic side of Vergil sounds like some weird fanfiction.
@Goldsickle I added it just now. I must say, it didn't bothered me that story starts in the middle, but I think it's a little to predictable. I suggested Vergil being Urizen since long time.
Lady/trish need a real role or i rather see them not come back. They are weak fanservice and don't add much. They aint Kairi level bad but if you want to use them just use them more/better. Or if you really don't know what to than don't use them.

Devil breakers should be switchable.

I rather just have everyone playable from the start and just let me choose who to play as first.

I really liked V and think experiments like him should be tried. Honestly he's a better version of Nero in DMC4 and just needed more polish in gameplay/story.

I'm mixed on the twist as it was too roundabout a way to play/explore Vergil when you could've just had us play as him from the start.
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I've said it on my status enough times, but DMC3 has finally been surpassed as my favorite DMC game. Game was everything I wanted it to be, awesome combat and weapons, great boss fights for each character, and not a ton of back tracking, with great visuals and a kicka$$ soundtrack. Absolutely loved it
Given how 5 ends and the lines said in 3 and the flashbacks becoming a common theme in the series I'm going to guess Capcom will have Virgil do a flashback of the past which involves Nero's mother. Then we'll play as present day Virgil and Dante with Nero somewhere in the mix. Considering Virgil knew her and Nero didn't (Kyrie and Credo was ALL Nero had in the past) there's a lot of room to explore there. "She died somehow" seems like the likely scenario. But hiding away as a hermit (perhaps under the guise she died) could also work.

Hopefully while beating the final level as Virgil this time. Since Nero and Dante had their turns it's about his time to shine. This just leaves the question of who the "big bad boss" is. Maybe Morrison?
For DMC6, I'd want an optional DmC styled control scheme. More moves for every character, including Dante. Every character being playable on every level. More customization on the sound track... If I want 3 classic DMC songs to play at random, let me do that... As well as allowing me to replace boss music - looking at you, Vergil.

Bring back regeneration for Super Costumes, don't degrade the style rank outside of getting hit. Allow me to retry more quickly, instead of having to wait for animations or for menus to merely appear. I'd even be happy with a shortcut command, L2 + R2 + start or something. Just give me something to get to the start of the fight more quickly.

Bring back items, and rework the revive system to compensate. Vitality / DT stars, holy waters, untouchables, etc. Repopulate them every playthrough - some of us actually like exploring these levels more than once. Replace blue orb fragments with gold orb fragments once collected. Items and gold fragments becoming red orbs once collected, but reverting back to items / gold when all other stages are beaten. Essentially becoming like DMC1 - you beat the game, and all items come back... Except, you can play the levels in any order.

I'd also want DMC6 to experiment with a new direction, and place more emphasis on atmosphere. I think remaking / reimagining DMC1 would be a great way to go back and experiment with that formula. Maybe at first just have Dante be the only playable character... I wouldn't want him to have his styles. I'd want them to take their time with him, and figure out what other weapons he may have found on Mallet Island. Really spend time to simplify his mechanical complexity without reducing the number of moves available. Make the DMC1 remake the introduction to the series that DmC should have been, and maybe alternate between the two formulas if they strike gold with it.

They could also have Trish and Nelo Angelo as DLC characters, but I'd seriously want them to take their time with them as well. I was disappointed with Trish and Lady in DMC4:SE. I'm disappointed with Nero as well... I want a lot of moves, and I want easy access to those moves.

Of course, some players want it to be mechanically difficult to do for the pure sake of it being difficult, and that's okay too... but for the next game I want them to start from the beginning, and rethink it all. Have DMC7 come back to the mechanical complexity that those players crave for. I genuinely think they can achieve it without creating a low skill ceiling like DmC.
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I was going to do a review of the game for my channel, but I'm afraid of the backlash I'll receive from the millions of fans who love DMC5 lol. Instead I'll just say that imo, DMC3 is still the king of action games. It's just much better fleshed out in terms of ideas, gameplay depth, and the story is the most wellrounded out of all of the series, and it rewards you far better than any other DMC. IMO, in all so nobody puts out a hit on me it goes, DMC3>DMC1>DMC5>DMC4>DMC2. I could go more into detail, but that's only if people aren't gonna call for my head in the process.
the game is alot of fun, even though the controls can be a bit tiring to the hands with keyboard and mouse. especially with dante lol.

the story, it was great, although i would love to see vergil and nero interact more. the ending is a bit too open ended i guess, i wish they kinda closed the sons of sparda saga or something, but probably they want to have the possibility of dante and vergil dlc down the line or something. also, the ladies are kinda useless tbh.
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+ 3 characters that play completely differently from each other and all are fun to play

+ Levels are not lazily rehashed and you're not in a singular location like in 1 & 3. Nothing against the castle or tower, but it was time for a change up. Also, bosses aren't lazily recycled aside from one of V's last missions, but the boss rush ain't even that long.

+ V I had too much fun playing as!

+ Music is awesome as always and the story had some nice twists and turns. Some I was able to figure out a 1/4 way in to the game.

+ Nico is the funniest characters in this game.

+ The right difficulty curve. I heard some people say DH mode is too easy, but that's because a lot of those guys and gals played (me included) are experienced DMC veterans, so its easier for us than a new comer or someone who's never played a DMC game. Plus, once you get to SoS and DMD, no one should be complaining. Plus, you won't see any green orbs in preset locations on Dante Must Die


- Unlockables that should have been unlocked after beating the main game are either pre-order DLC or come later as a free update. I.E, BP mode is free DLC on April first. I got the deluxe edition, so that came with the bonus arms, alternate soundtrack selection, alternate style and title announcers. Mine did not come with the EX colors, aside from V's unlockable EX costume after beating the game. Either it's a glitch or I am missing a code.

* Update: The EX colors are available on PSN now for other characters now, and I downloaded without having to pay extra since I have the Deluxe Edition.

- Devil Star, Vital Stars, and Holy Water are gone. I get why they did this, but it's just odd not seeing them in a DMC game. Even the reboot had them, except for the holy water.

_ Enemies and bosses especially, are damage sponges. I hate that took a similar system to 3 of enemies DTing, instead of using 4's or the reboot's method.

Overall, surpasses 3 in terms of gameplay and is the best DMC game to date. It even surpasses Bayonetta 1 & 2.
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They're only holding bloody palace back to flesh it out more. Since it's free that's not much of a con. I'd rather have it done right. But if they add a timer that counts down again (which I think they are) I'm conning the hell out of that.

As for difficulty curves it's not JUST DMC games. It's also plenty of others as well. Ranging from Assassins Creed to Dark Souls among others. If anyone plays any 3rd person hack and slash games at all (and play on difficulties above easy) then DH difficulty is easy. You can pretty much just spam attacks and make the bare minimum of dodging. You can even just stand there as V while spamming attacks (seriously, I've taunted for ages and not get hit just by spam attacking. There I am chilling playing my cane as a violin for ages in a mob). Enemies recoil more easily too. Once you crank it up to sparda though the enemy starts fighting back properly. DH is basically "Learn the controls first" (except you learn how to spam instead? Sparda difficulty MAKES you learn) Which makes human difficulty laughable in that regard. But I guess if someone never played an action game in their life they might need that difficulty setting.

The difficulties for the most part of kind of a "trend" at this point. Same ones are kept. It was a trend that was actually broken somewhat between 3 and 5 since DMD mode was too easy. But 5 brings back the difficulty that 3 had. I think Capcom was afraid of being too harsh with DMD mode (like Halo 2's legendary which was unfair while Halo 1 was very hard but in a balanced way). Now that we know 5 is "Hard but fair" on Dante must die mode they should be able to do the same with 6. There's also sparda difficulty but that's been a bit "here and there". With 4 having tons of enemies (which I quite enjoyed) and 5 simply upping difficulty in general.

Dante must die mode on DMC6 as Virgil with yamato and teleport powers again? Yes please! At the very least he better be in bloody palace.