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explain the nero hate plz?

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Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
^Thank god the forums have members like you, Angelo credo, Nerosdevil, and Angel.

The Nero hate is stupid and needs to stop. There wasn't even close to this much stress over Lucia, and she really sucked. Why Nero?


Is not rat, is hamster
Honestly? I. Do. Not. Get. It.

I would have thought - oh foolish me - that the potential of a new character would have been an exciting premise in a next-gen styled DMC game.

If Nero looked and acted different - which I already think he does, actions-wise - would people be as upset or not? Just curious...

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I don't think that's even the case Angel, look back at MGS 2. (I know, I keep bringing that up.)

Raiden looked, sounded and acted entirely different to Snake, yet the Solid Snake fans still cried about Raiden taking his place, and it's the same with DMC 4, even though he's essentially a different character in terms of looks, style and sound, the fanbase is still BAWWWWing because Dante got ousted from the main protagonist picture, it'd make no difference if Capcom actually varied Nero more, you'd still have a load of people crying because Dante's no longer the protagonist.


Shall we dance?
Angelo Credo;114169 said:
I don't think that's even the case Angel, look back at MGS 2. (I know, I keep bringing that up.)

Raiden looked, sounded and acted entirely different to Snake, yet the Solid Snake fans still cried about Raiden taking his place, and it's the same with DMC 4, even though he's essentially a different character in terms of looks, style and sound, the fanbase is still BAWWWWing because Dante got ousted from the main protagonist picture, it'd make no difference if Capcom actually varied Nero more, you'd still have a load of people crying because Dante's no longer the protagonist.

It's simular to MGS2, but keep in mind DMC4 has caused conflict over who likes; doesn't like.Capcom have got themselfs as awkward spot. No one cared about Raiden (I liked him) but I wasn't bothered either if he went, I'm sure some fans of him and new ones who first used Nero would be upset if he changed or taken out the picture. Thats why the gameworld is annoying, because you never get what you want; nor mature people to discuss it. Nero isn't emo. It's common 'net' slang for something someone doesn't like. Black Angel: Your signature have motivated me to make a mini-banner against Nero hate and fanboys :p


Is not rat, is hamster
Angelo Credo;114169 said:
I don't think that's even the case Angel, look back at MGS 2. (I know, I keep bringing that up.)

Raiden looked, sounded and acted entirely different to Snake, yet the Solid Snake fans still cried about Raiden taking his place, and it's the same with DMC 4, even though he's essentially a different character in terms of looks, style and sound, the fanbase is still BAWWWWing because Dante got ousted from the main protagonist picture, it'd make no difference if Capcom actually varied Nero more, you'd still have a load of people crying because Dante's no longer the protagonist.
I know nothing of metal gear solid I'm afraid, so I don't even know who those people are that you mentioned. I'm just very very confused about this - you get to play as Dante, right? And in DMC3 you get to play as Vergil, am I correct? So why did people not get upset about Vergil taking the spotlight? Is it because he had already featured in another of the games? Again, just curious - I don't like DMC particularly and so I don't know the games well...just trying to get why playing as Nero is different to playing as Vergil...in both Dante is pushed from his spotlight in order to operate the other character...

Not trying to be contentious, just wanting to know, I suppose :)

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
NerosDevil;114178 said:
It's simular to MGS2, but keep in mind DMC4 has caused conflict over who likes; doesn't like.Capcom have got themselfs as awkward spot. No one cared about Raiden (I liked him) but I wasn't bothered either if he went, I'm sure some fans of him and new ones who first used Nero would be upset if he changed or taken out the picture. Thats why the gameworld is annoying, because you never get what you want; nor mature people to discuss it. Nero isn't emo. It's common 'net' slang for something someone doesn't like. Black Angel: Your signature have motivated me to make a mini-banner against Nero hate and fanboys :p

Nero is emo enough for me!!!

And I'm glad you like the sig, when you make the banner, PM it to me and I'll use it!:lol:

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Alright Angel, I'll give you a little back history into MGS.

So, Metal Gear Solid revolves around the story of the much loved character, Solid Snake, there have been a lot of MGS games before the first on the original Playstation, all of which have featured Solid Snake, or some incarnation of him, as the protagonist, now, during that massive time span, and we're talking over a decade here, the fan base got attached to him, as you do with such an iconic character.

So a few years down the line, at the point where a new generation of consoles are released, Hideo Kojima brings about a new Metal Gear Solid with it, Metal Gear Solid 2, at the start, it wasn't so bad, we were shown the very start of the game with Snake, thinking we'd be playing Snake, we were happy, then when it's released, outrage, we get to play Snake for an hour, tops, before having him taken over by a blonde wannabe.

As far as insults go, it was like slapping you in the face with a wet fish, the character the fanbase knew and loved for years had been subplanted by some new kid on the block, and very few people liked that.

Now the same has happened with Devil May Cry 4, because of the history with Dante, and how much we loved him, it was a huge disappointment to discover Capcom followed Hideo's example of replacing the main character with a new protagonist, sure, you got to play as Dante, but for many, it wasn't enough, that's basically where all this started, and from there, the hatred only grew out further, into how people thought he was exactly like Dante and the like.

How do I know? Because I used to think like this, then it struck me that I just didn't care, either way, I was still playing Devil May Cry, just with a new character, since then, I've never been able to get my head around the new arguements people are coming up with, it's a shame though, because this whole thing with Nero is ripping apart solid communities, such as here...


Is not rat, is hamster
^^ thanks for the info - much appreciated. Can't say I understand it though...and I'm still not sure why Vergil is so awesome but Nero is not...I personally have no real liking for any of the characters and this is largely because they are fictional and I have not completely lost my marbles just yet ;)

Steve can be a bit of a Vergil fanboy though, although at least he admits it for what it is :lol:

I'm getting the impression that the fans and not the creators are potentially stunting the development of future DMC games...

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
It can be incredibly confusing, even I don't fully grasp it anymore, and I'm entirely insane beyond a shadow of a doubt, yeah, I like Vergil, always have since DMC 3 was released, but it makes no difference, because as you say, they're all fictional characters.

I mean, for the love of god, I'm going through a massive "<3 Final Fantasy: Crisis Core and Genesis" moment, yet I'm not ranting about it, it's both funny and sad really...To see the lengths people go to in flamebaiting and beating down logic and other points of view, all for the sake of fanboyism.


Is not rat, is hamster
^^Agreed - and whilst listening to the fanbase regarding a game is important, I do not believe it wise to adhere to their every whim as there will come a time when you need to expand your horizons and pull in more people. I think Nero, love him or hate him, did just that - he was new for the new 360 platform and a far more amenable and likeable character for newbies to the DMC series to connect with than Dante or (had he been a part of it) Vergil.

People were able to see what the fuss was all about concerning the former Playstation exclusive and were rewarded with a character who looked like the Sparda twins but was nowhere nearly as up his own ass as them - a gentle edging into DMC with some romance chucked in for good measure, whilst whetting the appetite to find out about Dante courtesy of his inexplicable appearance (at least to those who had no idea who he was prior to the game)...

If anything, there will be more people wanting to know about Dante and Vergil now thanks to Dante's apparent "guest appearance" in DMC4 - those who have not played before or have never owned a Playstation anything will undoubtedly be somewhat intrigued and want to investigate. Indeed, I spent most of the first two hours Steve played DMC4 asking relentless questions - and I've seen the other games already.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Precisely, I reckon Capcom made the right move with Nero, as you say, he offers a nice introducing character to those who have never experienced the series before, while having the human element, which allows other people to relate to him on a deeper level than you could with say, Dante or Vergil, and without him being pompous and arrogant to the degree of being up his own ass.

I mean, like it or not, Nero's here to stay, and no one can do a damn thing about it, honestly, it had me asking questions too, and I'd been playing since the first DMC was released in 2001, so it did a good job keeping the open minded veterans entertained whilst giving the newbies to the series someone to relate to.

People don't seem to get it though, the fact that people may..."God forbid" not like Dante or Vergil because of their attitudes, and you know what, honestly, I was getting sick of Dante, he quickly got on my nerves with his arrogant attitude, sort of like those high school jocks that try to be cool, clearly overcompensating, Nero was a nice respite from that, plus a nice little change in combat style too, I certainly appreciated the Devil Bringer, but I'd have liked to have seen more action out of Yamato.


Is not rat, is hamster
I mean, just think of all the Nero lovers and haters out there - not just here but on forums all over the net. How much publicity is this game getting?? Capcom are having the last laugh here - even those hating Nero are plugging the game however unwittingly that may be. Those not understanding the hate get the game, play it and then pick a side - adding to the explosion of threads, blogs and comments which are already flooding out all over the shop.

But in a similar vein, I do not think after the apparent fiasco that was DMC2 - again I don't get the fuss over that but I'm no fan so it's probably something I wouldn't get anyway - Capcom would so easily chuck in a new character just to irritate everyone and get a rise out of them. I think there is more strategy involved; more planning and more thought. Yes, they needed someone new and fresh for DMC 4. Yes they needed to entice the XBOX 360ers as well as Playstation lovers. Yes, they needed to encourage newbies to jump on the DMC bandwagon. But unless a company is seriously deranged in some area, and is seeking to alienate everyone entirely, they will not shove the rest of an established cast of characters out forever with no further explanations. Dante is going nowhere. Neither is Nero. Vergil may well make a comeback - or at least more light may be shed. Sparda may turn up as a playable character for all we know...either way, Capcom would not get away with completely mutilating a well-known and well-loved series such as DMC. They've got a more long-term plan up their sleeves, I reckon...

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I feel like giving you lots of rep for basically every post you've made in the last couple of pages, mainly because I'm too tired to keep posting today, and also because you've made some really good points, what can I say, I'm a real sucker for finding out other people's views on things.


Shall we dance?
Beh; I hope they don't just do a complete make-over, because the human side is what I actually like. Either way, its really not up to us what Capcom do.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
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In every series, no matter how good or popular it is... There is always going to be a character that is disliked. In my time here I have stated my reasons as to why I dislike Nero, but I keep seeing new people coming here, reviving dead threads on Nero hate just to clear up what has already been said... And that annoys me, because it's like "If it bothers you so much... Y'know... The whole flamewars thing" Then why did you go around talking to members about issues that are obviously going to cause arguments? It's truly not necessary.

I don't see why so many people favour Nero over Vergil. In all the time he has been in the game over Nero, he should have more respect *I would've hoped* But no... People are praising Nero like he is the greatest thing to grace devil may cry. At the end of the day, it is just a game... But it is a gaming series that caught my eye and made me drawn to the story. I loved the characters, and I started to play *All this happened in a time when... Get this... Nero wasn't even a character yet*

Nero enters in 4, and he takes over the game... This is in regards to the fact that Vergil hasn't even had a whole game based on him ;) And it annoys me that so many of you find Vergil's story over. *The whole, he is dead thing* Too much fanbase, that he is bound to be brought back :)

If Capcom is so great at characters... With giving us Nero and everything... Then I am 100% sure that they can bring Vergil back in style... So much style in fact that your jaw drops :)

I am not saying that Nero is a bad character. I am just saying that *to me* His story was good, but they should have made him look a little different to Dante.... To me he seems like he is a character that will grow, until eventually they will lose interest in Dante and kick him out...

I know what you say to that "They won't kick out Dante"... But I am sure that the same people that have said that, have also said elsewhere this "I don't mind if Dante is gone, in fact he's had his time"...

For me, he hasn't had his time. He is far from doing anything fantastic and legendary, give Dante and Vergil a chance to shine once more. Let Nero stay, but share the spotlight out between the two protagonist :) And let the story perhaps be related to Dante next time.

The whole Nero hate thing... I never said I hated him entirely. I said I wished to debate about him, and that atm I do not see him as a character that I like. That is my opinion, so when I state it in a thread as my opinion, it is not entirely nice to see comments shot directly at that saying something like "God, you are so annoying. Nero rocks, he's the best... 'Nuff said"... Because frankly, to me... That is just insulting someone that only wanted to say their opinion and nothing else.

So I guess people don't know what to make of Nero yet, which is why there is a little hatred surrounding his character. But surely, I do not know what will happen with dmc in the future... I just hope that I get the ending that I want :)
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