I’m not trying to be a jerk by posting this, but it’s something I would like the staff to read and consider.
About not being able to edit posts anymore. (I assume it’s because of the people that say stupid things and then edit?)
Look at it this way. It’s very common for people to miss mistakes that are right in front of them because people’s brain auto-correct mistakes because the brain knows what it meant. It’s only until sometime passes that mistakes jump out at people. That’s when you edit because one mistake can throw off the message. I’ve had people in the past get confused by what a poster meant because of one misspelled word and several posts of trying to explain and figure it out followed. It took away from the message and derailed the thread, but it was necessary in order to continue the discussion. That’s going to happen more now that editing is disabled.
The other option is to go over each post with a fine tooth comb before posting, but even then there is a good chance you’ll miss something. Some of the best editors in the world (like meh

) have to really study, and in some cases print out, their writing before they can spot obvious mistakes. That’s how the brain works.
I have time to post now, but once the semester really gets going I’m not going to have time to sit and go through word after word to make sure everything I post is exactly what I want to say. I do have a life outside of dmc.org (I know it’s crazy!

) and soon I won’t have time to spend extra time on each post. Soon I’ll have to just post quickly and come back to it later if I have time. But now I can’t edit to clarify what I mean and if I want to add something I have to wait until someone else posts? The next time I have time to post the conversation could have moved so far beyond what I wanted to add that I now feel left out. That has happened in the past and it’s only going to happen more now that I can’t edit to add that one last thought I had.
Wouldn’t it just be easier to disable editing for the members who write stupid things instead of punishing the whole forums?
Online forums are great because it isn't in real time. You have time to think about what you want to say and write something really special. However, not being in real time is also a curse. If you think of something to add a few hours later (happens to me), but no one has responded yet you just edit. Simple. Now it's more complicated. You can't just edit and have to now wait. What if you don't have time later? What if it takes days to get a response? How long should a person really have to wait just so they can add that one last cool idea they had hours after their initial post?
Perhaps this bothers me so much because I like writing long winded essay-like posts. Maybe it's because I fret over correct grammar and spelling and spotting a mistake makes me "EH GADS!" Or maybe it's because over the years I have barely done anything wrong, but would be punished constantly because of what other people have done and I have since grown tired of it. To the point where I'm wondering what the point is of following rules so closely when I'm going to be punished anyway. Maybe it's a combination of all three. Regardless, not being able to edit posts anymore really messes things up for me. I can tell you right now that dmc.org will be seeing less posts from me. No, I’m not gonna leave as some weird example or some crap. But because I’ve lost the freedom to edit my words I have to spend that extra time on posts to make sure everything is exactly as I want. I don’t have that kind of time. It’s not laziness or stubbornness. It’s the I’m-a-full-time-college-student-and-a-member-of-five-organizations-and-an-officer-for-two-of-them thing. So yeah.
Tr; dr
Not being able to edit posts is not the best course and I won’t be able to post as much anymore because of it.
I hope the staff reconsiders their decision. Thank you for reading.