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All about Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super


Earthbound Immortal
I bought "Jaco the Galactic Patrolman" written by Akira Toriyama, which comes with a bonus chapter called "Dragon Ball: Minus".

Stay tuned for a review in the next couple of days.


Earthbound Immortal
Okay, I've finished reading Dragon Ball: Minus and have had time to digest it. Time for a review...

"Dragon Ball: Minus - The Departure of the Fated Child" is a bonus chapter in the collected volume of "Jaco the Galactic Patrolman", both written and drawn by series creator Akira Toriyama.

Let's start by addressing the elephant in the room. A lot of people criticise Minus for making Goku's origin too similar to Superman's. But in reality the similarities were already there, all the way back to the start of Z. So for me this is really a moot point.

Onto the story, the short story covers the events leading up to Kakarot's journey to Earth and the destruction of Planet Vegeta. As it is written by the author, it can be considered the canonical version of Goku's origin. You know the drill, Freeza fears that the Saiyans aren't loyal to him and that the Legendary Super Saiyan God will destroy him. Bardock (or Burdock in the Viz translation) realises something is up and he sends Kakarot away in a spaceship to the planet Earth for safety.

Most interestingly, it introduces Gine (anagram of 葱「Negi」"Spring Onion"), the mother of Goku. She is where Goku's kindness comes from as she is so gentle that she can't preform as a combatant and so works in the Mess department, serving food to warriors returning home. Bardock and the Saiyans in general are much less villainous than prior movies made them out to be. Seeing chibi Vegeta and Raditz was very amusing.

Overall it was a thoroughly enjoyable short, especially with the final shot being a glimpse into the future where Goku faces off against Freeza to avenge all those he killed. If anyone has any other questions about Minus or Jaco in general I'd be happy to answer.

Is Lapis Lazuli of StevenUniverse named after Android18 & Android17 ????
A bit late but "Lapis Lazuli" is the name of a semi-precious gemstone. So both Steven Universe and DBZ are referencing that stone.


Earthbound Immortal
Wow nice review & i'd love to see an animated series of this.
Thank you. <3

I too would like to see it animated, but also a special/movie where Goku gets to meet his parents. It would be so heart-warming.

Bardock: "No matter what, you must live!"
Gine: "Take care."


Earthbound Immortal
So I started watching "Dragon Ball Super" the other day, just finished the "Battle of Gods" arc. It was entertaining, but I'm more interested in the next arc, "Resurrection of F".

I have to say, those slice of life episodes in between arcs are actually quite enjoyable. Goku farming, Krillin being a policeman and Gohan being a new father, really adds to their characters.


Earthbound Immortal
On the other forum i'm on they said the power gain & scaling is so screwed up though.
Hmm, I haven't seen the original Battle of Gods movie so I can't compare the changes.

But the fight was crazy, Goku and Beerus fire a Ki blast at each other so strong that when they clash the energy condenses into a small star, which Beerus throws at Goku! Also their strongest attacks were creating shockwaves so powerful that they threatened to destroy the universe.

On a side note, did you know that Beerus was supposed to be a pun off of the German word for "Virus" but when Toriyama came on board he thought it was meant to be a pun of "Beers" so he created the assistant with the name "Whis" after "Whisky".


Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
I got back into Dragonball Super just for this Black Goku arc. I want to say I'm pleased with the direction they're going for, but why couldn't they leave Trunks alone? He was fine where we left him in Dragonball Z, although if this led into tying Xenoverse into the main continuity it'd explain why he "easily" devoted the rest of his life to being part of the Time Patrol.

Second (less important question), why is Young Mai in Future Trunks's timeline? She should have already been dead or at least really old. The timeline where the Androids laid waste to most of humanity isn't one where the Pilaf gang would've wished for youth.

Third (this just bugs me), why the hair color change? His hair's blue, his kid self's hair is lavender, Bulma's hair is still blue when it should've been lavender in the first place... it's confusing. Like they were trying to fix an error, but it still exists and inadvertently birthed another one.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Second (less important question), why is Young Mai in Future Trunks's timeline? She should have already been dead or at least really old. The timeline where the Androids laid waste to most of humanity isn't one where the Pilaf gang would've wished for youth.

Third (this just bugs me), why the hair color change? His hair's blue, his kid self's hair is lavender, Bulma's hair is still blue when it should've been lavender in the first place... it's confusing. Like they were trying to fix an error, but it still exists and inadvertently birthed another one.

These are two inconsistencies that I think are the most annoying for me right now, to put it bluntly I doubt they will address any one of these inconsistencies at all, they probably figure that the majority of the fanbase will eat whatever they put out up and for the most part they are right, I have run into so many fans who just flat out don't care about this and only wants us to shut up and enjoy super despite these problems.

The Mai thing can be easily overlooked by the newbie fans who got into the series recently since BOG established that the pilaf gang got turned into children, but any longtime dbz fan who knows the lore knows this does not add up since the Dragon Balls have been gone since the android saga in Future Trunk's timeline and if we have their ages to go by in BOG its obvious they would have had to make their wish shortly after the Buu saga for her age to match up with Trunks which is impossible in Future Trunk's timeline for reasons already stated.

The hair thing is just the most blatant here really, they must think the Dragon Ball fans either dumb or completely subservient to whatever changes they make to the characters, they even showed a flashback of Future Trunks within Super with lavender hair only to flash forward back to the timeline with him having blue hair, and then there is him going back to the past and NO ONE even acknowledging his blue hair despite the fact we have kid trunks standing right there to compare him to, and oh lets just act like these 2 look completely the same despite that obviously not being the case.

Neither or these are big deals to me, I still am looking forward to where the story is heading very much but I just wish that they would stop treating us like we are dumb and will not notice these glaring inconsistencies, or maybe they are just that indifferent and just don't give a crap if we notice them are not, either way it kinda rubs me the wrong way.


Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021

This video cites a few interviews where Toriyama admits he's inconsistent with coloring certain characters as he goes with (paraphrased) whatever feels right at the time, or "It's more or less this color". That and it shows actual manga pages and promotional images where Trunks's hair fluctuated between blue or purple. So effectively, Trunks's hair is blue just because.

And one more thing that's bothered me about this saga, well, all the way back from the first Future Trunks arc, is why Goku and the others couldn't use King Kai to communicate from Otherworld. The anime showed these things are true:

Goku keeps his body in Otherworld, as do Piccolo, Chiaotzu, etc.
Goku died before the Androids showed up, but the rest died because of the Androids.
King Kai speaks to people telepathically, and Goku occasionally gets to use that for the benefit of his friends. King Kai even allows Mr. Satan to communicate to all of Earth through his telepathy.
Bulma was aware of the existence of New Namek, because the earthlings wished for it in the first place and teleported the Namekians there.
Goku asked about New Namek's location in the Main Timeline, King Kai pointed him in its general direction, and then Goku tried locating the energies of the Namekians to IT there.
The Buu Saga shows that dead people can come back to Earth for one day.

Did the rules of the afterlife change that drastically between one timeline and another? Because with that set-up, Goku could
A) use King Kai to talk to Bulma and the others, and let them know what's up, otherwise KK could talk to them independently and do the same
B) cash in that one-day allowance that he got during the Buu Saga, except earlier, to drop back down to Earth and wipe the floor with the Androids. It's not like he wouldn't be training to get stronger even after he died, and none of the events happened that would lead him to reason that the world doesn't need his help. The fact that he died, and almost everyone he knew followed after him wouldn't lead him to that conclusion.
C) If that doesn't work, then both Goku and Vegeta could be revived for a day, assuming Vegeta didn't end up in Hell for some reason. They would've no doubt spent a significant time training with each other for the next decade or so until it was Trunks and Gohan's turn to fight.
D) Assuming Goku somehow is still running on "the world is in more trouble when I'm around, so I'll stay dead" even though the circumstances are different (and technically speaking he was only responsible for Raditz on account of being born), Goku uses his one-day allowance to visit the Namekians and have them revive most characters except him, especially after the struggle is over, the Androids are finally defeated and there is some level of peace and humanity needs to be rebuilt. Or even
E) Contact Baba and have her locate Dr. Gero's lab with the shutdown remote blueprints, Future Trunks and Gohan would find the blueprints and take them back home, Bulma could then use the schematics to make a remote, and turn the Androids off. That doesn't deal with Cell, but assuming the lab looks exactly the same, Trunks and Gohan could just stumble on it and kill Cell before he's born, with a Ki blast.


Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
Definitely a continuation from Z. When Future Trunks was last with the others, Goku was dead. The recent episode has him asking about that now that he's back.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
I'm not into blowing my own horn but... I did some fun English Dubbing! I dubbed two different scenes where Goku Black faces Future Trunks. I want feedback and chicken! Mostly chicken!

My English Dub of Future Trunks VS Goku Black:

My English Dub of Goku Black appearing before Future Trunks:



Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
Momentary thread revival: Dragonball Super is now on the Universe Survival Arc. I have to say, I don't have an active list of favorite characters that ( off the top of my head ) I'd say "these are the characters I absolutely love". They don't really jump to me that way. But if I did, Android 17 would've shot to the top because of episode 86, putting Vegeta at a really close second. 17's undergone significant character development since the last time he was seen in Z, IMO.

Also, because power levels are b.s., it helps that they've decided on scaling up the strength of the other characters so that Dragonball Super is no longer the Goku and Vegeta show. Gohan is involved in this arc. Finally. He's somewhere on my non-existent Faves list too ... but Krillin is a bit higher than him.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I've really been enjoying DB Super and good to see characters getting their own power ups so they can compete with other characters. Also think it's good idea to have the battle royale in the tournament of power so it's not just about power levels and brute strength, giving all characters a chance to shine.


Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
^ +1. It's the best idea they've had for a tournament. One on one battles get relegated to being about "who is stronger", but having everyone in the ring at the same time means the characters actually have to do that funny thing called teamwork and complementing each other. The concept of team-ups got lost in Z; any time more than two people faced off against one opponent it was a curbstomp anyway, just to show how much stronger the one guy is against the 2+ people. See: any battle vs. the Ginyu Force.


Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
There are three types of people in the world:

Those who spell it "Frieza", those who spell it "Freeza", and those who spell it "Freezer".

In other news, that Episode 92 is great. I'm looking forward to the next episode and the direction it's going in.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
I call him former emperor of the universe. Helps avoid all that "how do you spell his name" confusion. Their is a rumor floating around that Universe 6's Frost and former emperor of the universe will team up for no good during the Tournament. If such a thing were to occur then this already interesting battle royal will over 9'000! (I regret nothing!) But I can't see how they will scheme with the Zenos being present.
If they don't like what they see then everyone is going up in flames.


Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
Maybe we should go Street Fighter and call him Dictator. We all know he is one, or, used to be. That rumor sounds plausible, and I wouldn't worry too much about the Zenos. They happen to be notoriously fickle. Hard rules are hard rules, like needing to bring the ten people to the tournament, but in terms of what they'll be entertained by, Dictator and Frost turning on their universe would look fun from a spectator standpoint and keep them busy. I'm wondering more how Dictator would be able to do it without everyone else catching on. He's him, and everyone will be wary of that. And doesn't Vegeta still need a rematch? He'd probably be the first one to knock Dictator off the stage just because he can.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
That is another reason why I'm anticipating Son Goku's conversation with the son of King Cold. What's the logic behind involving him? If their is any. (Knowing Son, it lacks any real thought. Or he figures "his golden form is strong so he'll be helpful.")
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