machindix;5498 said:Hey, chill out guys it's only a video game, and it's not even out yet!! Everyone's free to express their opinions about it. I mean, Dante's been with us all along the series, we love the guy, but now he's being replaced by someone else. It came as sudden, so it's no big deal if some of us are having doubts about the new leading man.
Let's just stop here, ok?
Crimson Lucy;5505 said:Dont play peacemaker, I'm perfectly able to have a difference of opinion and be tasteful about it.[/u]
machindix;5502 said:My guess is that they might put Dante in as an unlockable character along with his side of the story. Sort of like what they did with Ada in RE4...
Common enemy is highly possible, but I'm hoping otherwise because that's a bit of a cliche...
machindix;5521 said:Well, no one says you can't. So the least you can do is to have a little repect for others.
End of converstion.
Captain Liberty;5545 said:(see my thread about what ign had to say the day before this was released)
From what I can tell Nero is the main character and Dante wil be unlockable but what I really want to know is what is Nero's relation to Dante? He looks SO much like a younger Dante it's gotta be more than coicedence. My opinion? I think he's either a younger illagitament brother or Dantes son.
Captain Liberty;5545 said:(see my thread about what ign had to say the day before this was released)
From what I can tell Nero is the main character and Dante wil be unlockable
I thought the same too because I read somewhere that Nelo Angelo was a mistranslation of Nero Angelo. I think that was the word anyways.When I first saw neros name I thought "nero angelo....nelo angelo"
Crimson Lucy;5532 said:When i said tasteful i surely meant respectful at the same time.
Dont play that new member game with me kiddo.
Chrysander;5635 said:What Vergil_Sparda said was that they weren't sure if they would enjoy playing Nero or not, which means they haven't reached a conclusion, because, like Lucy said, there is very little to go on. I don't think there is even a disagreement, so I don't get why Lucy would want to say what Vergil_Sparda said was 'silly'. It's like me saying 'I'm not sure what weapons Nero will have'. That's a fact, similarly, I don't know if I will enjoy playing Nero. Another way to phrase what Vergil_Sparda said could be: "Regardless of what it's like to play Nero, I think he is cute"... I don't see what the big deal is.