That is not Dante. When Donte is saying "No Dante" he thinks of DMC Dante.1.) That is Dante, no matter what you say. You can say it's not, but it will be Dante anyway. And if I remember correctly, if smoking isn't cool, then why are stupid popular teenagers trying to do it to "Look Cool?"
So how about you DragonMaster2010 clarify what Dante your speaking of.
If you say "That is Dante" it could mean any Dante. Dante from D.C, Dante from Dante's Inferno game?, Dante from DmC or Dante the bad ass from DMC?
It's not Dante from DMC just because you want it to be.
And DmC seems to be aimed at mature gamers. And everyone who smoked in their teenager years have MOST LIKELY regreted it. Smoking is not cool, it's just something that people think is cool.
It's like a philosphist said (Sokrates?) in reply to someone else in a discussion "But all people strive for good things. They just don't know that what they strive for is ACTUALLY good or not".
Point: Just because people THINK smoking is cool - does not make it cool. It's a way for teenagers to be accepted. Among girls stealing of clothes happen - because of what ? Group pressure (just like smoking). And is stealing cool as well? No. So how is smoking? Both smoking and stealing of cloth is sending the message to people who don't want to do these actions "If you don't do this your not one of us". do teens say NO to smoking? They need to learn to resist negative peer pressure by building and maintaining good old healthy self-esteem