Am I the only one noticing a trend here? The people who are for DmC are saying the article was well done, but the people against DmC are saying it was horrible or cringe-worthy.
Guys, isn't it obvious it was made for someone who is actually FOR this game? It's written on the title! Six ways it'll fix Devily May Cry, not 6 Opinions on DmC (which would be a very interesting article, actually). So, yeah, it's a little biased. But that's because it's an opinion, not much of an article where they show the news (aka: facts...the complete opposite of opinion).
Me, I didn't find the post amazing but I didn't find it cringe-worthy. I took it as someone saying what good things are in there.
Now, if they made a post with more opinions on how the game is so far, that would be pretty interesting...
It does seem like that just because someone is saying something positive about it, people are throwing sticks and stones at it.