Oh IGN......oooooh IGN. How dumb are you?
They like to kiss ass. I'm excited about the game, but atleast I won't praise
THAT much.
Woah wait a second IGN were the same people who said dark souls would be better than skyrim
when it comes down to reviews ign are reliable when you
balance the writer review with the user review
but when it comes to articles I go straight to cracked.com
so here are my reasons it's gonna suck
1. No Dante
Dante has been the protagonist of devil may cry since the first and even during 4 Dante was one of the main protagonist and dante has always been about cool and that's what this new Dante is supposed to be according to tameem
in other words this new Dante says smoking (one of the easiest ways to get cancer) is cool
2. Unreal engine
unreal is great for shooters but when it comes down to hack and slash , the outcome will be terrible
and I have to remind you that it ports terribly to ps3 ( luckily I own a 360 and a ps2 to play 3 and 4) majority of the dmc games were for ps2
3. Demon and angel mode
tameem said that certain weapons were exclusive to demon mode sand certain weapons to angel mode
as far as I can tell that means ”you haz t0 g0 into d3v1l tr1gger to us3 c3rtain w3apons n00b l0l0l"
As far as ninja theory is concerned all 3 of these complaints are
about the hair
Those the only reasons you think it sucks? I expected better then that. Like the enviornment, or the change of story. Let me bring light on this (Even though I know it won't change your mind

1.) That
is Dante, no matter what you say. You can say it's not, but it will be Dante anyway. And if I remember correctly, if smoking isn't cool, then why are stupid popular teenagers trying to do it to "Look Cool?"
2.) Unreal engine can work for PS3 too. If it works for shooters on PS3, it can do the same for hack n' slash. To me, the speed of the gameplay is kind of like Kingdom Hearts. (Which is way more popular then DMC.)
3.) I don't remember him saying specificly that some weapons will be only for devil trigger. That's more of an assumption then actuallity. What he ment was that some weapons are part of the angelic weapondry and some are for the demonic. You don't have to go into DT to use some of them, or at least he hasn't said you had too.
So that's all I have to say. I know you probably won't change your mind, but I just like to reply.