A Spice Girl fan? Really? Please tell me it was for the chicks and not the music...:lol:
She likes Crash and Spyro too - but is a big Fable, Oblivion, Halo, Mass Effect etc etc fan as well...she enjoys COD4 - she's a little camper and is often the last person left alive in a game and she only plays with people we know who won't use bad language or be offensive. She loves GTA as well but refuses to handle weapons or steal cars/run people over - she says it's "naughty" so she's totally missing the point :lol:
She's not allowed to play zombie games, Gears of War, RE or anything like that - everything she plays I play first and if I think it's ok for her, then it's ok. She's more afraid of the Grinch than she is of gun-toting aliens :lol: