Not yet - we're thinking of getting one though as they are becoming a lot cheaper's just something I wanted to find out more about as so far the interviews haven't been all that encouraging...Jessica doesn't come online much (she's played some COD4 on XBL before) but the whiny-ass retards put her off - plus as soon as they find out she's female she gets hit on, which is gross and she hates it. That's what put her off coming here - she got hit on in a PM and it really upset her.
I think HOME is something she'd really enjoy, you see - she loves SIMS and stuff like that. I hate how people say "she's a kid she should stick to Wii and DS" - why should she? If they don't have what she wants, why should she be pushed into playing them when the 360 and PS3 are so much better?
Sorry, mini-rant there :lol: If she ever did get on HOME I'd be on with her because she's only little - and the biggest morons of the world sadly all have access to the internet