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-evil laughs and pats DoV affectionately- The Keep is really confusing, though. O_o Such a weird layout.

Holiday tomorrow. =D All the food shall be mine!

My thoughts exactly. Half the time I'm not sure where I have or haven't been. x_x Lol, oh gods...I get the feeling it features in DoV, then?

Enjoy your holiday! Hope you get lots of R&R and good food. ^^
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My thoughts exactly. Half the time I'm not sure where I have or haven't been. x_x Lol, oh gods...I get the feeling it features in DoV, then?

Enjoy your holiday! Hope you get lots of R&R and good food. ^^

Same. @_@ Or I'll try to get to one area, but I'm so turned around that I somehow end up back where I started after half an hour of wandering. LOL It features prominently. Which probably indicates exactly what the plot is, but...hmm....
Thank you! =D I will try! I just...need to remember to wash all these clothes and stuff first. OTL -hates packing-
That face when it's morning already but you haven't slept at all.


Damn you insomnia!
So I got in the Mail today my Certificate of copyright for my original story. Woo-hoo! Something I created now belongs to the annuals of USA history. I am now immortalized and I can start using the official copyright sign. (Yes a work is copyrighted the moment one writes it to paper but official documentation always looks better than me just flapping my gums.)

I am bringing American-Tokusatsu back to spotlight baby! Starting with a book. Woo!
Here's hoping the next two weeks go by quickly. On the plus side, I always seem to be more productive when he's away. I just hope I can keep the game itch at bay until everything else is taken care of. :cautious:

+I'm actually surprised by how much editing I've done on FotS so far. Considering I threw in developmental edits (i.e. full rewrites to certain scenes), I figured I'd be further behind. *Knocks on wood* Hopefully I don't hit any walls along the way. :unsure:
Latest transformers film sucks. Glad I didn't pay to see it in the cinema.

Need to tidy house...

Need to finish puzzle...

Need to sleeeeeeeeep.....
Stupid ass YouTube commenter on a video that advertises financial support for the poor people in Africa:

"Funny how they don't have water, food and medicines now, whereas before colonialism they were perfectly alright! We've forced our motherfucking standards on them, and they can't live up to them! They used to gather and drink river water, heal themselves with flower petals, drink fresh milk! Now they starve and die because of us westerners, who still exploit them! What a shame!"

Well, while the last part is shareable, how much hogwash can you write before making sense? I mean damn, who needs these devilish western medicines, they got flower petals to cure ebola! We're so dumb!
Sonic Forces is ok.

Shadow just hovers like Super Sonic when boosting. I don't know how to feel about that.

What are you up to? I can smell the bull sh@t a block away!

Seriously when is DLC5 for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 coming out?!

Kale and Cauliflower fuse into... Mia Khalife? I... Am actually ok with that.

The HR lady at work is nice to me I appreciate that.

If I don't watch a Japanese superhero show soon I am going to pop! I need my fix.

I need some. Maybe I should text her. Her failing marriage has nothing to do with me! :woot:

I need to think of something new to pack for lunch. Sandwichs are getting boring. Reliable but boring.

I should text my bud back. Boy is she going to be mad that it took so long to reply.

A moment of silence for the booty that left us today...

I still have no interest in buying a Nintendo Switch.

That hot chocolate was "lit."

... Yeah teenager "lingo" is stupid. :rolleyes:
Shadow just hovers like Super Sonic when boosting. I don't know how to feel about that.

O_o .... :unsure: .... :shifty: .... :cautious: .... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Literally half that order is bread and idk how I feel about that.

+ Will the editing ever be done? This fic is 6yrs old, for dog's sake.