Lived in a town populated largely by students for 24 years and they were by far the rudest, most ignorant and selfish people I have ever come across. I personally do not give a monkeys whether academically they were superstars - as human beings they were crappy people.
There have been a small select group I have enjoyed the company of and I call them friends. They worked hard, earned their place at uni and have done something useful with their lives that benefits others or fills the world with somethig beautiful and thought-provoking. I have no problem with that and why would I? But this particular person is so full of themselves, their social status and their "degree" and spends much of their time waxing lyrical about subjects they have no real knowledge irritates. I have little time for those who think that because they went to uni, they are somehow smarter or more acceptable in life than others. Just because this person can waffle on about a subject for hours on end, does not necessarily mean there is any substance to it. Intensity is not the same as depth.
CT: no I am not getting an xbox one. I already had a betamax years ago, thank you.
Ah, I see what you mean now. Just try and avoid this particular person if you can. They seem to be really winding you up.
I don't even think this person would care if they come over as an ass. Some people are just naturally like that. And some of the crappiest people are the ones in the high paying jobs because they went to university and then screwed over people on the way up. Life's just like that.
Got to admit though, degrees do give a fair few people a sense of entitlement these days, even if the degree was a pointless one like Harry Potter Studies from a former polytechnic turned university. :tongue: However, if you took 16 GCSEs with top grades, 4 AS levels and 4 Alevels, then passed a multi layered application process and interview, then yes, going to university is an accomplishment and they are highly intelligent. But I find people like that are usually quite modest because they've learned that if they open their mouths about it, people get quite irritated for some reason. I don't know...maybe those people feel jealousy that they didn't go to university?
I wonder if this person you're on about acts this way because of the school they went to? I know a few schools that bring pupils up with the idea that people without degrees or other academic qualifications are stupid, possibly criminals, do low skilled work, are lazy, and will do nothing in life but pop out kids and live off benefits for life. Then there are people who take vocational qualifications such as BTEC who are also considered to be stupid and will amount to nothing. My olds school is one of ones that encourages this kind of thinking.

It really messed a lot of my former classmates up.
Just out of interest, what sort of subjects does this person go on about? The most popular subjects I've heard are sudden discovery of Randian objectivism where the person developes and attitude of 'f-ck the poor, why should I donate my hard earned money to those parasites?' and 'altruism is evil.' :facepalm:
Then there are the ones who get a sudden thing for quantum physics and tachyons, or the person who won't shut up about a piece of art and comes off as unintentionally pretentious.:tongue: I think with some people though, this talking does come from a genuine enthusiasm to share ideas, but others do it just to show off and make a hash of it. I know sometimes if I have a favourite subject or something new really gets me interested that I'll do loads of reasearch on it and then I waffle on about it for ages. I've sinces learned to keep that in the lecture halls, or private discussions with lecturers because these people share the same enthusiasm and can also waffle on for ages. Plus, I don't want to bore some unfortunate person to death. :laugh:
Don't think I've heard anyone throw the fact they had a degree around like it was something IRL (except on here occasionally). Isn't the attitude in UK is that if you're a student now, you're a waste of space? Can't say I heard it in my family since they're academics but I hear it now since the financial thing made everyone feel you should be grateful for working in McDonalds instead of something to make fun of like that position was ten years ago.
I've had people ask me what I'm qualified in and then immediately mock me for it. Even though said people were hardly more intelligent or qualified, they just consider themselves "better" or "more useful". I don't usually talk about it out there because the attitude to being educated is kinda hostile.
I've heard it in real life from time to time. I don't think I'm better than anyone just because I'm still studying. It's just something I really like doing, that's all.
I've heard that about McDonald's too. Sadly at the school I used to go to, people working there would still be looked down on. The way I see it, the world needs all sorts of people, and everyone should be given respect, regardless of their job or education level.
People look down on men who empty the bins, but if they don't collect the rubbish, the streets become a mess and sanitation goes down the toilet. People need to keep that in mind when they look down on bin men, waiters or store staff. Without them, you wouldn't be able to eat out or shop. My parents always say that there isn't a job not worth doing. Even if it's cleaning a toilet, it's still honest work and builds a good work ethic.
When I start my job next year, I'll be happy to start at entry level. If I ever get to the highest grade like my parents, I'll be able to understand what it's like for people on grades below me because I've worked my way up and learned from people above me. I think that's how it should be done. Parents shouldn't be putting their children in high positions, especially if it's over someone who is more suitable than the child.
Thinking: someone please take these chips away from me and lock them in a box where I can't eat them.:tongue: Also, I am really loving this new facepalm emoticon.:facepalm: :thumbsup: