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Disappointing DT?


General gamer
I like the DT! At first I was a bit skeptical of it but to me it now seems very dramatic and makes you feel epic when you activate it as Dante is thrown up into the air briefly! I can understand some skepticsm but to be honest DT doesn't make or break the game so there is no use in getting angered by its design... :/

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
If you're gonn'a mock the game on its design influence, at least use the RIGHT influence and call it "Punk May Cry", since there is nothing emo in the culture influence of DmC...it's Punk Culture, not "Emo".

And if you have no desire to even give the game a chance, then stop posting in a forum that is dedicated to discussion about it. Fair is fair.


Praise the Sun!

It might seem like an insignificant change, but you're comparing it to a standard that DmC doesn't have. The fact that Dante's DT in this does what it does; to him and his surroundings, is a fairly significant change. Not necessarily to his overall design, but how else would you really show off a metamorphosis like Dante's? Trying to keep with that style DmC has is one hurdle, while also making sure what shows up is in line with the narrative.

I also like the idea that Dante is also trying harder to hold onto that small semblance of human-like qualities he has while he continues to grow as a Nephilim.
Seeing how unlike the original new dante isn't human and doesn't have a single trace of human in him i don't see the point he lived all his life being mistreated by demons and humans were all just ignorant to the whole them being manipulated and made them look like idiots i dont know how NT is going with Dantes "humanity" old dante wanted to protect humans because he was partially human and felt the need to do so because it made him feel human also the fact that he enjoyed getting crazy and killing a bunch of demons so i dont know how NT will use the story to fill this in

A transformation that is only used for less than 5 secs is barely a "transformation" and not at all storywise.
Okay, the original series DT is badass but whats the meaning of it if it's not used at all?
Besides...there are human type collaborators that can use limbo.
You don't have to be a amphibian to be a devil in this series.
Well in the 1 and 3 its part of the overall story while in 2 if anything connecting to story lucia's DT was part of the story and then nero's DT for 4

i could say the same about the transformations in the original. Eh he changes shape and moves faster. Doesnt really mean much does it. Also ive never seen anything slow down, they just float helplessly.
sorry bleh i get tired late at night and sometimes write babble but i don't like the idea of when Dante goes DT enemies just suddenly fly up into the air and stay there :/
I like the DT! At first I was a bit skeptical of it but to me it now seems very dramatic and makes you feel epic when you activate it as Dante is thrown up into the air briefly! I can understand some skepticsm but to be honest DT doesn't make or break the game so there is no use in getting angered by its design... :/
im not hating im just wondering if the DT will be something more than it already is im not partially angered by the design choice (even if it is a bit lazy and used to appease fans or atleast in the begging at least) i just think, or hoping that he can atleast get a cool DT later in the game


Well-known Member
Seeing how unlike the original new dante isn't human and doesn't have a single trace of human in him i don't see the point he lived all his life being mistreated by demons and humans were all just ignorant to the whole them being manipulated and made them look like idiots i dont know how NT is going with Dantes "humanity" old dante wanted to protect humans because he was partially human and felt the need to do so because it made him feel human also the fact that he enjoyed getting crazy and killing a bunch of demons so i dont know how NT will use the story to fill this in

Just because he does not have any human blood in him does not make him any less human, he has eyes and ears and everything else like a human. he has emotions as what other humans would recognize themselves I am sure, so how is it he can't have humanity since I am thinking you do not agree with him having it since you put the word in quotes but to me he is just as human as those around him because that is what he knows and grew up in even if he is not biologically human everything else about him is just like us with extras we do not have.

not hating im just wondering if the DT will be something more than it already is im not partially angered by the design choice (even if it is a bit lazy and used to appease fans or atleast in the begging at least) i just think, or hoping that he can atleast get a cool DT later in the game

I would not call it lazy since we were not there when the game was being made and you do not know if it is as you said or they been plan to do this from the start which even if I do not know for sure think that is how it went down, the first trailer was just an announcement but they were already working on the game, so it is unfair to say what they did is lazy when you were not there to see what went on and it is rude to the work and hours as well as days they put in to make the game, I feel how it looks ties in with the story and this canon and we have no idea what is going on only bits and pieces that comes out (Damn you tempting spoilers!!))


Hot-blooded God of Guns
Seeing how unlike the original new dante isn't human and doesn't have a single trace of human in him i don't see the point he lived all his life being mistreated by demons and humans were all just ignorant to the whole them being manipulated and made them look like idiots i dont know how NT is going with Dantes "humanity" old dante wanted to protect humans because he was partially human and felt the need to do so because it made him feel human also the fact that he enjoyed getting crazy and killing a bunch of demons so i dont know how NT will use the story to fill this in

I'd like you to meet my friend, Punctuation. He's a great buddy, and is always there when you need him.

Dante doesn't fit into any world in this, being a Nephilim, but he looks human, and lives among the humans. It's the only place he's felt somewhat comfortable, of course he'd want to hold onto that. Dante's compassionate side will come from compassionate people in his life, particularly Kat. She's not a love interest, but a person who helps him become a more compassionate person.


Praise the Sun!
I'd like you to meet my friend, Punctuation. He's a great buddy, and is always there when you need him.

Dante doesn't fit into any world in this, being a Nephilim, but he looks human, and lives among the humans. It's the only place he's felt somewhat comfortable, of course he'd want to hold onto that. Dante's compassionate side will come from compassionate people in his life, particularly Kat. She's not a love interest, but a person who helps him become a more compassionate person.
sorry ^_^ i get into those moments were i just need to write what im thinking before i forget it and then i look over it and im like "eh don't feeling like changing any of it" but how does he even look human if he's not human?!

Just because he does not have any human blood in him does not make him any less human, he has eyes and ears and everything else like a human. he has emotions as what other humans would recognize themselves I am sure, so how is it he can't have humanity since I am thinking you do not agree with him having it since you put the word in quotes but to me he is just as human as those around him because that is what he knows and grew up in even if he is not biologically human everything else about him is just like us with extras we do not have
I would not call it lazy since we were not there when the game was being made and you do not know if it is as you said or they been plan to do this from the start which even if I do not know for sure think that is how it went down, the first trailer was just an announcement but they were already working on the game, so it is unfair to say what they did is lazy when you were not there to see what went on and it is rude to the work and hours as well as days they put in to make the game, I feel how it looks ties in with the story and this canon and we have no idea what is going on only bits and pieces that comes out (Damn you tempting spoilers!!))
Maybe i was there the entire time. *Dramatic stare* But anyway even if he looks human and has emotions doesn't make him human. *looks over at Sparda* He's had a bad past his life is pretty much **** and even if and when Kat does change his out look thats one moment in his life and he's supposed to be all willing grow more compassionate? Its one game so im sure NT won't be putting a novel sized plot into the game. (Im about to make slight compassions to the old DMC you have been warned) Old dante had a few good moments in his childhood and teen years but still had a pretty miserable life the same as new dante, he would never kill a human as long as that human didn't turn demon, i mean even in his adult years he still had a pretty **** lifestyle but he was okay with it because he found a new family :D


Hot-blooded God of Guns
I dunno, how do the demons look human if they aren't human? It'll most likely be explained in the game. There's talk that the demons have "human vessels," so maybe something similar was done in birthing the twins. Who knows?

The concept is along the same lines of "being raised by wolves" and whatever. I think the Jungle Book was a good comparison, despite the whole going back into the jungle and killing all the animals >.< One feels at home among who they grew up with, and to realize they are something else is a jarring thing. You'd hold onto that old comfortable life you know for as long as possible, because what you really are is scary, if only because it's new.

You should also know that it was said in a recent preview that DmC has enough story to rival a feature film, so...there's quite a lot that can be done within...what...an hour and a half to two hours of cutscenes.

And no, no classic Dante did not have a similar life to DmC's incarnation. His family was killed, and apparently he had a nice foster family, and then grew up to be a demon hunter consistently in debt. Their childhoods are vastly different.


Well-known Member
Maybe i was there the entire time. *Dramatic stare* But anyway even if he looks human and has emotions doesn't make him human. *looks over at Sparda* He's had a bad past his life is pretty much **** and even if and when Kat does change his out look thats one moment in his life and he's supposed to be all willing grow more compassionate? Its one game so im sure NT won't be putting a novel sized plot into the game. (Im about to make slight compassions to the old DMC you have been warned) Old dante had a few good moments in his childhood and teen years but still had a pretty miserable life the same as new dante, he would never kill a human as long as that human didn't turn demon, i mean even in his adult years he still had a pretty **** lifestyle but he was okay with it because he found a new family :D

Tell me what do you consider human if I may ask since you do not consider to right to say he has humanity because I can point to real biological humans who are as evil and non human as any demon could be. so yeah what would you consider being human?

And you reeeeally should not compare the two games and Dante's because besides a few things here and there they have nothing really alike hell the original Dante's were not that much a like besides the few things..which gave me a headache to notice while I played the original series and just was all 'What?" as each thing was reveled and I tried to put it in the line with the other games..lol

I think TWOxACROSS said it better then me above about their lives..but yeah


Praise the Sun!
I dunno, how do the demons look human if they aren't human? It'll most likely be explained in the game. There's talk that the demons have "human vessels," so maybe something similar was done in birthing the twins. Who knows?

The concept is along the same lines of "being raised by wolves" and whatever. I think the Jungle Book was a good comparison, despite the whole going back into the jungle and killing all the animals >_< One feels at home among who they grew up with, and to realize they are something else is a jarring thing. You'd hold onto that old comfortable life you know for as long as possible, because what you really are is scary, if only because it's new.

You should also know that it was said in a recent preview that DmC has enough story to rival a feature film, so...there's quite a lot that can be done within...what...an hour and a half to two hours of cutscenes.

And no, no classic Dante did not have a similar life to DmC's incarnation. His family was killed, and apparently he had a nice foster family, and then grew up to be a demon hunter consistently in debt. Their childhoods are vastly different.
I don't where it says he had a nice foster family, the anime? and in that his foster brother eventually told him to leave his foster town or he'd kill him. Dante's dad died then his mother was killed (we don't know if it was right in front of him, if she was raped then killed, ect) he assumed Vergil was also killed. When he was in his late teens he's pretty uncaring to most situations like in the opening of 3 when a customer calls the office he doesn't even go out to help instead he immediately hangs up the phone mentioning a number of people have called most likely getting the same treatment from dante (we could assume that these people were either killed or another hunter may have stepped in, while playing the game he mentions the people in the town only once and doesn't seem to care much about any one but himself and vergil by the end he realizes that whats happening isnt just affecting him and vergil its something much larger than that and in the end he mourns the loss of his brother for a second time by 1 he meets trish and grows an attachment to her,due to the fact she looks like his mom, and when he's betrayed he still rescued her. When she was "killed" he felt a rage that let him DT into sparda's DT, not to mention the fact that he killed his brother unknowingly, back tracking alittle we don't know when he left his foster home and what he did between then and the events leading to 3 he seems to share some characteristics to the new dante seeing how they both drink and the fact that theres a brothel house close by, he has always lived in debt and he lives in the slums
Tell me what do you consider human if I may ask since you do not consider to right to say he has humanity because I can point to real biological humans who are as evil and non human as any demon could be. so yeah what would you consider being human?

And you reeeeally should not compare the two games and Dante's because besides a few things here and there they have nothing really alike hell the original Dante's were not that much a like besides the few things..which gave me a headache to notice while I played the original series and just was all 'What?" as each thing was reveled and I tried to put it in the line with the other games..lol

I think TWOxACROSS said it better then me above about their lives..but yeah
<-- this chick is a good example i guess she finds out she not human but with the help of her friends she moves past that, also yes there are some humans who are as evil as some devils but there are also kind and compassionate devils, once a human gives up their humanity they themselves become devils


Hot-blooded God of Guns
Do you remember your DMC lore? People think Dante is a mercenary, but he's not. He only goes out for work when they gave him a "password" meaning, he only ever did anything when it involved demons, because that was his whole point of forming Devil May Cry, to kill demons and get revenge on those that killed his mother and brother.

I don't even know what the hell you're talking about anymore. And seriously, use punctuation. I don't care if you need to get the ideas out. I do it all the time when writing, and still take the milliseconds for punctuation. Or, get your text out, and then go back in toss in the punctuation. I find it incredibly odd that you say you don't have time for punctuation, and yet can still find the time to *put stuff inside stars*

Your posts are nearly unreadable. I don't know where one thought ends and another begins. Commas are your friend.


Well-known Member
<-- this chick is a good example i guess she finds out she not human but with the help of her friends she moves past that, also yes there are some humans who are as evil as some devils but there are also kind and compassionate devils, once a human gives up their humanity they themselves become devils

Yes but what I am reading from your post is that you don't consider (Not that I am saying he is biologically human) this Dante to have humanity you even put it in quotes as if you do not believe it. but I am not asking about all you just put up there I am asking what do you consider human. I am not jumping on you to be clear I want to know what you consider human.

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
It's sort of implicated that Dante's foster family treated him decently well, and the novel even suggests that it was Nell Goldstein who took him in, since her dying words suggest she knew his mother and knew EXACTLY who he was. He had a bad trauma in his childhood, yes, but in the anime, "white haired Tony" seem to have had a good childhood other than being chased by demons with his mother(implicating again, Nell) after being taken in. Converesly, it's outright stated that NT!Dante has been abused, tormented, and shuffled though a demon run foster system and corrective processing that...frankly, did it's job of making him worse. The fact we met DMC3 Dante already in a shop front setting up his business says he was to many degrees better off than NT!Dante, being that he was only half demon, instead of being an Angel/Demon hybrid that represented a worse betrayal than just feeling pity for humans; it was sleeping with the enemy.


Praise the Sun!
Do you remember your DMC lore? People think Dante is a mercenary, but he's not. He only goes out for work when they gave him a "password" meaning, he only ever did anything when it involved demons, because that was his whole point of forming Devil May Cry, to kill demons and get revenge on those that killed his mother and brother.

I don't even know what the hell you're talking about anymore. And seriously, use punctuation. I don't care if you need to get the ideas out. I do it all the time when writing, and still take the milliseconds for punctuation. Or, get your text out, and then go back in toss in the punctuation. I find it incredibly odd that you say you don't have time for punctuation, and yet can still find the time to *put stuff inside stars*

Your posts are nearly unreadable. I don't know where one thought ends and another begins. Commas are your friend.
In the anime he took jobs regardless if they had a password or not. Also my punctuation is not that bad especially my last message to you. Yes, i didn't capitalize some of my letters and didn't add comma's to some of my sentences but oh well. :I
It's sort of implicated that Dante's foster family treated him decently well, and the novel even suggests that it was Nell Goldstein who took him in, since her dying words suggest she knew his mother and knew EXACTLY who he was. He had a bad trauma in his childhood, yes, but in the anime, "white haired Tony" seem to have had a good childhood other than being chased by demons with his mother(implicating again, Nell) after being taken in. Converesly, it's outright stated that NT!Dante has been abused, tormented, and shuffled though a demon run foster system and corrective processing that...frankly, did it's job of making him worse. The fact we met DMC3 Dante already in a shop front setting up his business says he was to many degrees better off than NT!Dante, being that he was only half demon, instead of being an Angel/Demon hybrid that represented a worse betrayal than just feeling pity for humans; it was sleeping with the enemy.
I never really got that why not brainwash him into doing what they wanted it would be slap to the face to Sparda. Having his wife killed and then his son become a monster doing what ever Mundas wanted without question just like he had done. While yes new Dante seems to have had it rough old Dante had it bad as well maybe not to the same extent but still.
Yes but what I am reading from your post is that you don't consider (Not that I am saying he is biologically human) this Dante to have humanity you even put it in quotes as if you do not believe it. but I am not asking about all you just put up there I am asking what do you consider human. I am not jumping on you to be clear I want to know what you consider human.
What i think is human? Well, jeez this might be hard to think of the right words but here goes. I think being human you should at least have of coarse compassion and empathy being able to understand both enemy and friend. Kinda like what DMC1 Dante did with his enemies. Being able to show emotion to things is also important; like being able to shed tears for those you love. Appreciating those who care about you no matter how weird or strange it might come off as. While new Dante as some of these qualities I don't understand how he would try to stand up for humanity he's a jerk to a lot of people and doesn't show much empathy he might change but the thing his type of character is either hit or miss. Your introduced to this character in the begging you know that some point in the story he will change and grow to be more compassionate and heroic to some degree. If the character doesn't grow on you then you'll find him/her annoying . In a sense that's how i feel about this Dante I admit yes the story isn't fully out yet since the game comes out in January but it's highly unlikely that his character getting humanity will appeal to me. (That's my two cents on the matter and it might sound confusing these kinds of conversations are better for me in person rather then typing it out.) :)


Well-known Member
What i think is human? Well, jeez this might be hard to think of the right words but here goes. I think being human you should at least have of coarse compassion and empathy being able to understand both enemy and friend. Kinda like what DMC1 Dante did with his enemies. Being able to show emotion to things is also important; like being able to shed tears for those you love. Appreciating those who care about you no matter how weird or strange it might come off as. While new Dante as some of these qualities I don't understand how he would try to stand up for humanity he's a jerk to a lot of people and doesn't show much empathy he might change but the thing his type of character is either hit or miss. Your introduced to this character in the begging you know that some point in the story he will change and grow to be more compassionate and heroic to some degree. If the character doesn't grow on you then you'll find him/her annoying . In a sense that's how i feel about this Dante I admit yes the story isn't fully out yet since the game comes out in January but it's highly unlikely that his character getting humanity will appeal to me. (That's my two cents on the matter and it might sound confusing these kinds of conversations are better for me in person rather then typing it out.) :)

Ok..I am sorry had to re-read more then once to clear things up as to your posst but...what I am getting your basing things off of things you do not even know and ok..wait

You sad he is a jerk, how was he a jerk? really do tell me and again tell me how if you can show me him not being able to stand up for humanity?? how can you know he has no empathy?

And you mentioned emotions and such and being able to cry for others, we do not know anything of that but he was damn emotional when a certain person got shot and I can see the emotion on his face when he heard he had a brother..

What I am getting s your basing things off comparing a full game to a game we haven't even played and with everything you said about what you think is human most of it has been shown even from the small spoilers...so I do not get what your saying..sorry.


Well-known Member
sorry bleh i get tired late at night and sometimes write babble but i don't like the idea of when Dante goes DT enemies just suddenly fly up into the air and stay there :/
I like the concept behind why they float up into the air and Dante still get a power but which really high(try using Arbiter in DT on poison) and its gives you an edge over the aligned enemies since you can attack them with any weapon in DT. The game is about Dantes development so he probably gets a stronger power by the end of the game or we see a glimpse of a stronger power in a cutscene.


Praise the Sun!
Ok..I am sorry had to re-read more then once to clear things up as to your posst but...what I am getting your basing things off of things you do not even know and ok..wait

You sad he is a jerk, how was he a jerk? really do tell me and again tell me how if you can show me him not being able to stand up for humanity?? how can you know he has no empathy?

And you mentioned emotions and such and being able to cry for others, we do not know anything of that but he was damn emotional when a certain person got shot and I can see the emotion on his face when he heard he had a brother..

What I am getting s your basing things off comparing a full game to a game we haven't even played and with everything you said about what you think is human most of it has been shown even from the small spoilers...so I do not get what your saying..sorry.
I knew this would happen *sigh*. I know thats why im trying to wait for the full game to come out to make my final decision. The new Dante has personality I just don't like his mannerisms and such just get to me making me think of him as cliche (cuz you know old Dante was never cliche looool) but anyway its a love or hate kinda of thing for me when you see a character for the first time especially a main character that you have to play as for the whole entire game that character will either grow on you or will annoy the crap out of you. New Dante does that to me and by "that" i mean he just over all kinda bugs me. I have the feeling with another character , Foira from Xenoblade Chronicles, the character to some people could be completely likable and relate able but eh. I'm going to completely honest with you I prefer old Dante's character to the new one.:| After all the years of fanfiction, comics, fanart, and analysis's of his character I've come to my conclusion of the character same reason I like old vergil some people may like DmC because it has a more coherent and less confusing story. Since Capcom was so lazy with old DMC's plotline you could say fan's could pick and choose from the books, anime, games, ect. That may sound stupid but i think its kinda cool when you can come up with theories and plots for the series I've come across some pretty amazing writing that makes me think that when DMC5 does come out the story won't be as good as the stuff I've read. You can say that it's stupid and that Capcom has deemed certain DMC iterations noncanon, but I honestly like that being able to pick and choose. Also yes, DMC has a very loose plot line for the series but don't you think its fun to add certain things in to make it more interesting? :lol:


Well-known Member
@meg5493, what do you find annoying about him..I kind of get what your saying even though it is hard to read and I am not in the same boat of thinking so to speak and I cannot really follow you only clear thing got was that you find him annoying which is fine with me but why do you find him annoying? I am really trying to see what is annoying about him from others view since I do not see anything and can't really say anything besides what I see so far.


Praise the Sun!
@meg5493, what do you find annoying about him..I kind of get what your saying even though it is hard to read and I am not in the same boat of thinking so to speak and I cannot really follow you only clear thing got was that you find him annoying which is fine with me but why do you find him annoying? I am really trying to see what is annoying about him from others view since I do not see anything and can't really say anything besides what I see so far.
The way he talks to enemies for one; how he acts i did say that he and the old dante share characteristics like both drank and fooled around. With old dante it was kinda inferred but with new dante its just BAM in your face. Also the cutscene where his trailer is getting attacked and he's flying around naked *shivers*. Also no offense to the voice actor or anything he's probably a cool guy to be around but i just don't like Dante's new voice like at all. His clothes look more normal but now makes me wonder why he has a trench coat now instead of just like a jacket. I also think his hairstyle is a bit normal and uninteresting like i could walk outside in a street and see people with similar hairstyles. Now old dante has a similar "normal" hairstyle that a lot of guys wear its just with his unusual hair color and outfit he just POPPED out.While this is nit picking don't take it as hate okay :blush:


General gamer
The way he talks to enemies for one; how he acts i did say that he and the old dante share characteristics like both drank and fooled around. With old dante it was kinda inferred but with new dante its just BAM in your face. Also the cutscene where his trailer is getting attacked and he's flying around naked *shivers*. Also no offense to the voice actor or anything he's probably a cool guy to be around but i just don't like Dante's new voice like at all. His clothes look more normal but now makes me wonder why he has a trench coat now instead of just like a jacket. I also think his hairstyle is a bit normal and uninteresting like i could walk outside in a street and see people with similar hairstyles. Now old dante has a similar "normal" hairstyle that a lot of guys wear its just with his unusual hair color and outfit he just POPPED out.While this is nit picking don't take it as hate okay :blush:
That is the point of the re-design of Dante, he is meant to be more contemporary in appearance and the Trench coat is there because it looks cool and for continuity's sake. I understand your apprehension but the drinking and all is thrown in your face to show how Dante is hedonistic as he doesn't think he is gonna live much longer and you are meant to be hit with it to help you to get deeper into his character. NT will make him likable in the end trust me they are great with character development - if you watch an IGN video there is a bit where he tears up a little and it seems like an emotional moment so he will become a caring character in the end. :D
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