Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Things I liked:
- Black Morison
- I like that the Devil May Cry shop is mobile now. I always felt that was a better idea and would allow Dante to go places.
- Nero's new look. He finally looks like a character I can enjoy looking at AND has separated his image from "Dante clone."
- Nico's a whole snacc and I'd dive deep in her greasy pipes
(yes that was dirty and I'm messed up for that)
- I actually like the new robot arm. The designs look good and I already love the abilities.
- It may not be as easily seen but I like Nero's new gun as well. It's not the same one as in DMC4. Neither is his new Red Queen.
- The new areas I've seen look so realistic and more of a gothic meets modern take. Something that reminds me of DmC.
- The returning enemy from DMC1 was a cool treat.
- the demons actually look like threatening demons.
- Nero's actually an entertaining character now.
- Some of the gameplay elements I've seen are spectacular both in color and action.
- Vergil's back.
- The logo is nice.
- Dante's back.
- Taunts are more creative with some being done in the air, while one allows you to put on Nero's hood and keep it on.
- A new character to use.
- That stupid song that they keep playing for it. It just sounds bad to me.
- The fact that the arms can't be switched out for one another.
- The red orbs look bad.
- I wished Nero had a different sword. Something more traditional to a longsword or a claymore.
- Dante looks like Hank from Detroit Become Human.
- The main bad guy looks like something out of Bayonetta.
- It takes place after DMC4 instead of DMC2.
- Nero still swings his sword like the most ugliest sword fighter I've ever seen.
- I already know Dante's sword swinging will just be a rehash of what it's always been with the three swing combos since DMC3.
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