A thread revival, eh?
And I haven't weighed in on this? Well, I'll just have to take care of that.
Oh god, you're asking me to choose one over ALL? D:
I'm torn between Episode 1, 7, 9, and 12. I liked all of the episodes (I'm in agreement that 2 was by far the weakest episode), but I'd have to say the four I listed are my favourites.
If I had to narrow it down further, it's a dead heat between Death Poker (9) and Stylish! (12, obviously).
The reason for Death Poker is the whole premise behind the episode; you get a pretty good glimpse at the fact that Lady does care about what happens to Dante (since she tends to play it off cool, any other time) and in Stylish, well-it's the freaking climax! The build-up to Patty finding Dante in the Demon Realm, pleading with his unconscious form to wake up, and then BAM! He shows up to save her just after she's finished mouthing off to Sid.
And his cheeky line to her. Gah, it's just too much! XD