I don't know about it now, but a lot of people seemed to hate this game, especially at launch. I just wanted to see why. If anyone DOES hate game, could you explain? Its no where near as good as 3 or 4, but I think it's a nice gateway game for newcomers.
1. I hate that Vergil looks way smexier than Dante. This is a BIG no-no.
2. I hate that Dante looks like he's run into a wall face-first. Or like someone blindfolded the person who sculpted him in 3D. And that haircut. Like... I can't even say GET A HAIRCUT because the cut is just...let's say too damaged to fix. Black or white, it's awful. Tameem should not become a hairdresser if NT ever closes down.
3. The. Friggin. Lock-on. I'm lost without it. Really, really lost. To the extent where I end up button-mashing because I dragged myself to the wrong/pulled the wrong enemy my way. I HATE button-mashing.
4. The DT. Am I going to be the first to say I played DmC without the use of the DT? WHICH IS INSANE. This is DEVIL MAY CRY. You can't NOT have a DEVIL TRIGGER. (Yes, I know there is one, No, I still haven't executed a bloody DT, thanks NT)
5. I hate that Reuben wasn't new Dante's voice actor.
So for the most part, my hate toward this game is superficial.
They could have made Dante way hotter, whether his hair was black or green.
With all of that said, I was one of few who went gushing and bouncing in excitement and praising the potential of DmC around these here parts. And yes there was a lot of fan backlash, not only at NT but at myself and every other member who were open to giving the game a chance.
Basically, what it came down to, and I might get some heat for saying it as it is yet again, is that whilst DmC was being sussed out by NT and Capcom BEFORE the First Trailer, the majority of fans around the forum were sulking and whining about how Dante was becoming stale. Old. Boring. We want something new.
It turns out the majority of the fanbase didn't know what they wanted since NT smacked down EXACTLY what the fans were BEGGING for all the time, only to get it tossed back in their faces. Yep.....yep....:meh:...yep that's what went down in a nutshell. Well, here on the forums at least. There were all kinds of boycotting and petitions and extremists marching all over the internet in protest.
So, in short: CAPCOM shouldn't listen to the majority of the fanbase in the first place. End of.
one of the things i really hated in DmC was that Sparda was completely ruined
he went from the Legendary Dark Knight who single handedly stopped hell from invading earth
to banished forever we can't save him
Well Sparda was technically turned into a pig, bound and apple-gagged for slaughter, according to DmC. But totally agree with this.
That was like
the one thing I didn't want NT to touch. Why couldn't they have just left Sparda tf alone?