Why the hate?

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Ryu Yamato

Sep 22, 2014
I don't know about it now, but a lot of people seemed to hate this game, especially at launch. I just wanted to see why. If anyone DOES hate game, could you explain? Its no where near as good as 3 or 4, but I think it's a nice gateway game for newcomers.
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I don't hate it. But I think I understand why some people did: It was such a drastic cosmetic change in terms of character design, tone, and art style that it alienated a lot of people.
I don't know about it now, but a lot of people seemed to hate this game, especially at launch. I just wanted to see why. If anyone DOES hate game, could you explain? Its no where near as good as 3 or 4, but I think it's a nice gateway game for newcomers.

I think it should've been a new IP, since it was pretty different from usual DMC, of course.

And all the hate was because change is always hated.
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It just feels like a step down from DMC in nearly every way for me, and I sincerely don't mean that to offend any DmC fans. It's just how I honestly feel.

On the positive side, the facial animations were really good, there was little to no backtracking, and a lot of the dialogue had some nice delivery. Those are just minor improvements for me though.

Otherwise, it just doesn't feel as fun to play to me for various reasons, some of the design choices are just odd, and I thought the story felt like a bad Hollywood movie based on the first three DMC games, sort of like how the RE movies are kinda based on the games but not really at all.

("We'll take this Mundus guy from DMC1, make him head of some evil corporation like the one from DMC2, add in the whole Dante/Vergil thing from DMC3, completely ignore who these characters actually are and we've got our movie!")

I had constant performance and frame rate issues that I never had in any DMC game ever. I can't count the number of times I jumped off a ledge, hit the Angel lift button(s), and just fell into a pit. And often the audio (especially during cutscenes) would crap out or sound really odd, like muffled. It just didn't feel like a refined product at all, even with the extension in dev time, whereas I've pretty much always considered DMC some of the highest quality games around.

There were glitches galore as well. I've put a few hundred hours into DMC1-4 and I can honestly say I've never run into any major glitches. In about 50 hours of DmC, I had several bosses/enemies just stop attacking me, and there seem to be a ton of videos on the internet of the same things and worse.

DMC4 had a cut in dev time and ran like a dream. On top of this, I honestly think DMC4 looks better than DmC. Is it just me or what? I played DMC4 much more recently, so maybe I'm mistaken, but I feel like DMC4's Dante just has way more detail to his design than his DmC counterpart. Looks a lot more crisp too, imo, whereas everything in DmC looks really blurry to me.

And the the whole, "Dante looks dumb with white hair and a red coat," thing was interesting. I liked how, when you activated this super awesome DT power, they make him look all awesome and powerful by giving him white hair and a red coat. :facepalm:

I didn't even care about the change of his looks, well except when that first trailer was released and no one knew it was actually a reboot, but once that all came out I was like, "oh, that makes sense then." It's just funny that they did that.

I'm also not even a "make me bleed" type of gamer, but the difficulty drop is crazy. I died at least once on Mundus and still got an SSS rank one time.

Dante meets this dude that looks just like him and is later shocked that they're related.

Dante, Vergil, and Kat are like "hooray, we saved the world!" while demons (that they unleashed, I might add) are slaughtering people in the streets. I was like, "Guys... Guys?... GUYS! THOSE PEOPLE NEED YOUR HELP, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"

The recurring "nightmares" lines from Kat just came off as really silly to me. Sorry, Kat.


Kate Gosselin hair at the end. Cannot unsee.

Mundus wants an heir even though he's all-powerful, immortal, and clearly too greedy to actually want to ever pass his power down someone. Why? If he said he wanted a kid, I could buy that I guess (that sounds kind of stupid too though), but I'm pretty sure he specifically said "heir." It's been about six months since I've played so maybe I'm just remembering wrong. (Honestly, I'm just reiterating a lot of these points from somewhere else I had typed some up.)

A lot of cutscenes during fights just ruined the flow for me, and the slo-mo endings to fights were cool at first, but got old after the first couple thousand times. I also played Enslaved: Oddyssey to the West shortly after DmC, and it does the same exact thing, so I'm pretty burnt out on it at this point and hope NT don't do it again in Hellblade. (I am almost certainly getting Hellblade and do like NT as developers based on Enslaved and even DmC, just for the record.)

Honestly, I think what might've bothered me the most was a lack of action scenes. I'm pretty sure Dante had more action scenes in Playstation All-Stars, and I'm just counting the intro to the game.

They used the Avatar studio for mo-cap for god's sake. Put some damn action scenes in there. The opening scenes to DMC4 and Dante running down Temin-Ni-Gru in DMC3 are two of many DMC scenes that just get my heart racing and make me feel all awesome and stuff. DmC had nothing like that at all and it was a total letdown for me.

Y'know what I think would've been a much better idea? NT rebooting Onimusha. It doesn't have characters nearly as iconic as Dante for their newer versions to compete with, the series is already seemingly dead anyway, and a lot of NT's combat/gameplay ideas would've probably been a massive improvement over any of the game's previous installments.

Then again, if it wasn't set in Feudal Japan we might've had a "HIS HAIR ISN'T WHITE?!," thing all over again, so whatever.
There are more than a few reasons. There are the obvious ones, which revolve around the redesign of the game and how it varied from it's predecessors, then you have it's own shortcomings as it's own entity, and last you have the interactions between fans, developers and press creating friction between everyone.

With this we can finally put to rest that notion that all that matters is gameplay. No, it obviously isn't. The game's art and design and story carry just as much weight as the gameplay. If it didn't we'd all be playing Bayonetta right now.
Well I hate it because it removed and/or ruined everything I loved about Devil May Cry and was filled with pretty much everything I hate about modern gaming in general.
There are the other things like the horrid writing, Ninja Theory and such.

The reason why Dante is or was one of my favorite video game characters is because he was just that, a video game character, among the ranks of some of my favorites like Duke Nukem, Doomguy, Rex Power Colt, Bayonetta, Lo Wang, Johnny Gat, Serious Sam etc, you weren't supposed to care about them as people or any of that crap cause they weren't people, they were just polygons with voices that you were supposed to have fun with, they were just entertaining protagonists in extremely entertaining and fun to play video games.

But DmC shows up and the fun character I loved becomes just another dark, gritty, serious and humanized bore in a game that favors story and graphics over the fun & challenging gameplay that I also loved.

If it were an original IP, I think I'd do the same thing I did with Spec Ops The Line and Binary Domain, play 2 or 3 hours, give up out of boredom and forget about it. At least I wouldn't hate it so much for ruining something dear to me.
Who cares at this point? Everybody always has a 'good' reason to hate something. People are just going to spit their opinions as if it was some kind of universal law and before you know it we'll be back in 2010.
I don't claim it's worst game ever, but I pretty much don't have slightest interest at DmC's future. It changed tone of the whole franchise, making it dull and boring for me.
I found writing pretty bad, with most characters being bland and partially very annoying (Kat). Overall story has interesting lore, but what they did with it, wasn't interesting and had many plotholes that weren't even covered in game itself. In the end it felt like Michael Bay production with many visual effects, bombastic scenery and cliche american type action story with protagonist who fights evil government under slogan "Society is evil".
As for gameplay, it's better than most HnS, but I didn't felt it has anything in common with original franchise. I also didn't liked how changed enemy principe since first 4 games. Instead of putting challenge through tougher enemies, DmC attempts to challenge player through combination and amount , taking quantity over quality much like GoW. Addition of color-colored enemies only added to it.
I didn't enjoyed platforming segments and to many forced cinematic cutscenes that took away from replayability. Overall replayability ran out for me after 2 playthroughs and rest was just boring button-mashing. Reduced difficulty didn't helped either.
My biggest grip is terrible boss battles, second only to DMC2. For a game famous for good boss battles, DmC did terrible job.
In the end I liked some creature design (Rages) and some visuals, but I wouldn't give it anything except 6/10 and have no interest in DmC2 if it ever be made.
You're a little late to the show considering it's been a year and 8 month's since the game's out.

Now back to topic. It's just another case of the internet bullying in my humble opinion.

So yes, the originals were classics, they were everything that's cool in the early 2000's stuffed in a solid game with some excellent visual. Kind of like what Duke Nukem did in the middle 90's. By the raw look of it, a remake's actually something that's exciting.

But unfortunately we live in a internet world that takes remake=bad. Especially when it comes to remaking something from the east, so naturally people were concerned. add some Facebook rumors, some biased twitter and the dreadful comment section of the YouTube. Oh, and let's not forget the quote's from the developer that's been taken way out of context. And you got one of the most hated game in recent years.

Then the developer launched the game, and it's been nitpicked to the death by the so called "fans" to the series. Calling it "The worst God Of War Ripoff ever created".

And there you go, you got another victim of the "Almighty Internet".

All this, because of that awful TGS 2010 teaser trailer.

I hate internet sometimes.
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As for the game itself, I like it. It felt so satisfying pulling off a decent combo move then finishing your opponent with a charged Eryx blow to the face. But it doesn't excuse the game for having flaws.

The thing is, the flaw just doesn't outweigh the good for me. Yes, sometime I felt the game's giving me those "Savage!" like candy. Sure, some enemy's were more annoying than they're interesting. And the sound Dante makes while Vergil was being dragged by Mundus always cracks me up. But the thing is, none of that really bothered me to the point I have to give up.

None of that makes me wanna "hate" this game.
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I don't know about it now, but a lot of people seemed to hate this game, especially at launch. I just wanted to see why. If anyone DOES hate game, could you explain? Its no where near as good as 3 or 4, but I think it's a nice gateway game for newcomers.
Nobody seems to have baseless hatred toward DmC here, thankfully. That said, I don't really like DmC either, and it made me pretty angry at first, because it's not Devil May Cry to me. It just doesn't interest me, and even sort of annoys me sometimes. Some reasons for my dislike of DmC:

1 Its gameplay was decent, as it was basically the same as DMC4, only with less combo potential, I think. And the controls were a bit less intuitive to me. Stuff like 'press forward twice to do Stinger', too... wut.
Dante having the Demon Pull and Angel Lift was pretty much a copy of Nero's Devil Bringer platforming elements. I thought the platforming was really boring, though. It seemed to only serve as eye candy, and to make the DmC world seem larger than it actually was. It's just a lot of traversing of empty spaces, really.

2 Its story was eye-rollingly bad, in my opinion. Not because it was terrible objectively speaking (it wasn't), but because it's just so cliché. It's like the wet dream of some paranoid conspiracy theorist on YouTube. It tried too hard to be 'edgy'. It's like we've gone from anime (or Japanese) clichés to western clichés. Why not get rid of these clichés altogether?
Its writing was also awkward sometimes, and I would say that's a fact. Mundus with his ''I will rip open his chest and feast on his beating heart''. Not only did it seem out of place, the line itself is just... LOL. The words 'f*ck you' being used three times without much effect. Kat explaining that they're a secret organization, when they are *standing in front of a secret door with a retinal scanner next to it*. Obviousness.

3 In terms of visual style, I can understand that most people didn't like it either. It wasn't their thing. Everything in DmC looks overly vibrant. I can see what they were going for, since it's supposed to reflect Limbo's manic and demented side (similar to TES IV: Oblivion with the realms of Mania and Dementia) but they overdid it, IMO. Its world also often looks dirty, and DMC's gothic style is hard to find. When it comes to enemy and character design, I found it pretty boring, tbh. Dante looks like a normal trailer trash kind of guy, and that just doesn't resonate with me. Nor does Vergil's 'hipster Ken doll' thing he has going on. Poison looked boring - no real creativity or imagination there. Pretty much every demon wasn't very interesting, aside from Bob Barbas's demon form.

4 Soundtrack was okay, though I'm not a fan of that type of music. Many people aren't. Could've used more variety too.

And they supposedly made this game for DMC fans and newcomers alike. It didn't feel like a Devil May Cry game to me. It just doesn't have enough similarities to DMC to warrant calling it Devil May Cry, IMO. No real gothic vibe, no apparent anime/manga influences, no witty Dante, a completely different visual style, different types of characters, and so forth. Seems more like a spin-off. That said, as an H&S game, it's pretty good. They might as well have called it something else, made slight alterations, and you'd have a new IP. I can't believe they seriously expected nobody to get angry... especially when you consider that DMC was dropped like a brick, as though it never had any value. Add to that Ninja Theory's telling people that 'their Dante is cooler'...yeah, sh*t was gonna hit the fan.

So it's not that people think ''change is bad'', it just depends on the type of change. If people don't like the things that were changed, that's fine. I don't see why people who like DmC would whine about that. I would love for DMC to change, but DmC was the wrong kind of change (for me, anyway). Some forum members prefer DmC, which is fine too. But that's the thing; this reboot has helped ruin people's gaming lives. It's caused a dichotomy in the fanbase. Many people will never play DmC or any sequel to it, so if DMC doesn't return, Devil May Cry is ruined for them.
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This isn't another one of those 'potential flame wars' threads, is it? I'm just saying, this isn't the first thread like this on the forum.

I didn't hate it... In fact, I prefer it to DMC4.

Wasn't the original problem with this game, something to do with Dante's hair? :whistle:
Tbh, all the so called 'hate' got a bit boring to read, so I 'zoned out' in that last few months before release.
This isn't another one of those 'potential flame wars' threads, is it? I'm just saying, this isn't the first thread like this on the forum.

I didn't hate it... In fact, I prefer it to DMC4.

Wasn't the original problem with this game, something to do with Dante's hair? :whistle:
Tbh, all the so called 'hate' got a bit boring to read, so I 'zoned out' in that last few months before release.
The comment about Dante's hair was of the first reactions to the first DmC trailer. They didn't like the fact that his hair was black, because white hair signifies he's a demon. So they thought maybe he wasn't a demon anymore in DmC. I guess the black hair also signified that Devil May Cry was being completely overhauled, and that it had nothing to do with DMC.

Sadly, that comment got blown out of proportion a little by the people who preferred DmC. It was used as a way to get back at the haters. They started implying that ''the biggest problem with DmC according to DMC fans, was Dante's black hair''. That's just not true - it was just a comment that was made by a very vocal minority of the fans, and it got parroted sometimes by people who were too ignorant to think for themselves.
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The comment about Dante's hair was of the first reactions to the first DmC trailer. They didn't like the fact that his hair was black, because white hair signifies he's a demon. So they thought maybe he wasn't a demon anymore in DmC. I guess the black hair also signified that Devil May Cry was being completely overhauled, and that it had nothing to do with DMC.

Sadly, that comment then got blown up by the 'pro DmC' side. They started implying that ''the biggest problem with DmC according to DMC fans, was Dante's black hair''. That's just not true - it was just a comment that was made by a very vocal minority of the fans, and it got parroted sometimes by people who were too ignorant to think for themselves.

That's why I 'zoned out'.
I just wrote a book up there describing my problems with the game and not once did I complain his hair wasn't white. In fact, I made fun of people who said that with my last line.

I'm honestly more concerned with the redundant title.
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