Anyone can edit Wikipedia. And what was being cited was primarily opinion pieces from years ago as if they are facts. As for why people say DMC kinda fell off the radar
as the years went on is because when you look at the franchise, Dante's lineage is primarily remembered and celebrated by those who have played the games and dig the hack n slash genre.
He was never a household name and the highest selling game is hardly even that big of a deal compared to other titles in Capcom's lineup and the gaming industry in general.
I think the numbers do speak that as well. Inflation is a b!tch and Devil May Cry's highest sales are still not really something to think is a big deal. It took time for it to become that high selling game. There's games that break insane bank overnight. And I really only see it supported and bought by people who are already familiar with the franchise.
DmC was an attempt to introduce Dante and the franchise to a new generation of gamers (WHICH DOES EXIST) and, the fanboy rage was totally seen through the numbers because any new gamers picking up Devil May Cry for the first time around with DmC couldn't make up for the sales loss simply out of spite against a reboot.
I think DmC shows exactly what my first point was, Devil May Cry is a series supported by a fanbase that for the most part are already familiar with franchise and it can't seem to get new blood. Which is why I just see an unfortunate future for the franchise as a whole. Garnering new fans is vital for long lasting franchises.
Look at comic book superheroes, they didn't stay popular for so long because they had one devoted fanbase for years. They added more and more as the years went on.
DMC has five games and that's it. And once again it's just sitting there. The more time DMC stands still, the less relevant it'll get. I hate to say it, but DMC's got one foot in the grave.
- That's actually not true. I tried editing something once, but I was locked out by default. I could edit a small Dutch article about Dragon Ball Z, but that was pretty much it. Some people have reported editing things, but seeing the edits reversed very soon. Besides, even if anyone can edit Wikipedia, it's reviewed by experts every once in a while. There's really not much of a reason to act like Wikipedia is just some random stuff random people make it.
''Dante's lineage is primarily remembered and celebrated by those who have played the games''. Yes, but not only fans of DMC have played DMC... it was everyone who had even the slightest interest in H&S games and decided to buy it. DMC's main attraction was its gameplay, not the story, so it seems like many people could remember DMC and/or Dante. And maybe I've missed the point, but DMC being remembered and celebrated isn't the only way for it to get good sales in the future. If it's a good game, gets advertized well, and people want to buy it, then it'll sell.
Yeah, so they were opinions... I don't see your point. Opinions are all people can have - nothing is completely objective. Many, many people and reviewers held those opinions.
- Does something/someone have to be a household name (known in most households) to be iconic? I don't know, man. Sure, maybe Dante isn't as well-known as Kratos, but apparently a lot of people feel that he is iconic. I'm pretty sure Innsmouth and most of the rest of the people in this thread have already explained with multiple arguments, so I don't need to repeat it.
Also, DMC4 sold what, 2.8 million within the deadline? Now it's 2.9 or 3 million, which is more than games like Battlefield: Bad Company got. I don't see how that's bad.
- ''It took time for it to become that high selling game''. Not really, I think. DMC1 already sold 2 million, and it was a new IP, I'm not sure H&S games were even that popular, and it wasn't multiplatform. I don't even know if it was advertized that well, but I would assume it wasn't since it was a new IP and they didn't have much faith in it since it was just scraps of RE4.
''And I really only see it supported and bought by people who are already familiar with the franchise.'' Again, I don't know how you know this. If it's just an impression, I doubt I can argue with impressions.
- Seriously doubt some disgruntled fans can cause a game to flop so dramatically. Yes, there was a lot of hate, but honestly, I'm not convinced that the majority of all DMC fans refused to buy DmC. DmC dug its own grave, and I explained that before, as well as here:
What are you sick of?
- DmC was meant for newcomers - it was meant for people who never heard of Devil May Cry, and those who just didn't like the DMCs and wanted a different take. Hell, it was simply meant for fans of H&S games. It provides a story you can follow from the beginning, it was a reboot. It got a lot of publicity, and I would've expected it to sell well. Taking all of that into account, I don't see why you think that only fans of DMC were interested in it - can you explain? I just think DmC's sales show that most people didn't like it. Simple.
- Sure, if DMC isn't continued in some way, it's gonna die, but it's been dead since DmC. DmC is not DMC.
I'm not sure what else to say... this whole debate is pretty vague. How did this even pertain to the thread's topic? I feel like the thread's gone off on a tangent nobody remembers the point of.