Why does Ninja Theory get all the bullsh*t?

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No, i did not want to like the reboot. I wanted to like a DMC game, not a DmC.
Well, that's on you then. The idea is not caring about whether it's a reboot or not, and only hoping that the reboot itself would be "worthy" by having the gameplay DMC is known for. It's similar to how Bayonetta fans didn't really care about Kamiya making a game that wasn't Devil May Cry, they were concerned with the gameplay, which it delivered in spades.

So because original Dante does not fit into a contemporary setting, it means he is outdated and not cool? Tell me do you know that NTDante is inspired by punk movement which was in 1970s? So why is a punk character cool, but a character with influence from stuff in 2001 not cool? Where is the logic in that?
Yes, I know he was inspired by punk culture, who the heck do you think you're talking to? Did you know that punk culture is still very much alive and well even today, and looks much like it did back in the 70s? It's not a matter of punk culture "being cool," it's the fact that NT wanted to make a character that wasn't entirely bound by the pop culture that changes so easily. Back in 2001, grim/dark gothic stuff, "stylish" vampire movies like Queen of the Damned and Blade, even the type of rock/metal/electronica was huge - those things are not now.

Be happy that DmC Dante isn't wearing a flat-brimmed cap, his pants around his thighs, saying things like "swag" and "yolo," and the battles aren't permeated with vacuous dubstep while Dante kills demons with his bling-encrusted weapons. Because THAT is what's popular right now with the kids...

And no, before you say DmC has dubstep, learn what dubstep actually is. Dubstep is electronic music with a specific tempo, without that tempo, it is just normal electronica (Noisia), which DmC uses, along with AggroTech (CombiChrist). A song can have some "wub" without actually being dubstep, same as a song can have an electric guitar without being a rock song.

There is no reason to say Dante is outdated and uncool just because he does not fit into a contemporary setting. Dante is cool, and he is not outdated or laughable either.
Makes it even weird that Dante does not fit into a contemporary setting with his white hair and red clothes, when in DmC...there is white hair and most of the typical Dante stuff.
There totally IS a reason to say those things, especially because he doesn't fit into a contemporary setting - once again, you're ignoring the concept of Dante having an "everyman" look. Get that through your head.

Classic Dante is all style and flair, and that's cool but it makes him stick out like a sore thumb. No one dresses like that day-to-day without getting noticed. DmC Dante was supposed to blend in, someone who you could just see on the street and not really give a second thought to.

It's also based on the current state of the DmC's world. Dante just wanted to live his life, not be bothered by others (demons included). By the end of the game, yes, he does have white hair, but...the state of the world has also changed.

Remember all that stuff I said about DmC Dante's journey? DmC was about Dante becoming the kind of man that the classic Dante is. Not literally, of course, because they're different universes, but, the same personality and mindset.

How convenient that you call it a joke when it suites you.
I've only ever called it a joke, because that's what it was. However, not a joke aimed at any particular fan, it was an in-game joke with a punchline at the end of the game. Read that post I linked, because that's what it was.

Or...just keep thinking it was aimed at you guys because you're suuuuuch victims and everything about DmC was designed to hurt you and your precious DMC. Sounds dickish? Yeah, sorry, but that's how bored I am of hearing this complaint.

And Capcom made decision to have it a reboot, but Capcom did not tell Tameem to talk about the DLC in the way he did. Or are you going to tell me that it was part of Tameems job to make that comment.
It's his personal twitter, he could have really said whatever he wanted, and he has. He wasn't even aiming at it anyone specific, "who says developers don't give away free content?" It's a massive assumption to think that it's aimed at any one developer, and an even greater assumption to feel offended by it when you are part of the consumer-base that has had to deal with all the DLC ****ery the industry has fallen into.

If you're gonna get upset over such a harmless joke at the gaming industry's expense, then f#ck man, you really are sensitive.

Let us put things into perspective. You say "people", do these people represent majority of DMC fans? No.
So why are you pretending like it does?
I believe the maxium serious death threats NT received were less than 5. FIVE...
How many fans did not send death threats? the remaining fans who were hundreds of thousands.

And by the way did you get chance to see the death threats? Care to tell me how the death threats was like?
Death threats are serious, and should always be taken serious, no matter how many or how little you get. Why would me threatening to kill you be any less serious than if I and a handful of others did? There are crazy f#ckin' people in the world, like the guy who had the Anti-Tameem twitter that obsessively insulted him on a daily basis, and 'shopped gay porn of Tameem and DmC. That dude was not right in the head (the twitter account has since been deleted).

ANYway, you're trying to brush off this topic with something aside from the point I was making (Nice try).

The number of death threats is really an aside to the much more massive number of people spewing vitriol and hoping NT and Tameem goes bankrupt.

It might be pretty impossible for you to see since you're so invested in not liking DmC and feeling that Ninja Theory personally wronged you, but to anyone not of the fandom, the debacle that was DmC's time before release was batsh!t insane. Disregarding proper complaints (see, disclaimer there, I know there were some), there was way too much bullsh!t going around with insults being thrown at the devs, people believing hear-say and rumors instead of things straight from the dev's mouths simply because it gave them something else to pin on DmC being awful for, and judging so much of the game before its release, to the point where some of the videos people made about "why DmC sucks" used points that by release were not even true.

For Tameem to make light of that madness...hell, I do it too. Unknown certainly does :p And, just to be clear, it doesn't matter how much you or I care about DMC, DmC, Tameem, or Kamiya, the levels of madness this crap has reached is truly insane. If you looked in the dictionary for "Nerd Rage," DmC's pre-release time would perfectly exemplify that definition.

And isn´t it nice of you to talk about Trish as if she´s a empty shell. Did you play DMC 1? Or is it all of sudden a crime for a character to wear sexy clothing?
Here you go again deflecting from the original topic. I take it you agree that Tameem was, in fact, not talking about Trish at all.

In fact...not even I was talking about Trish. Granted, I was talking about how all of the DMC gals (or 75% of them), but I never talked specifically about Trish. So now you're trying to push what you accused Tameem of doing onto me.

Anyway, I'll play into your little side-game here - yes, I very much did play DMC1. It's not a crime for a character to wear sexy clothing, but I never talked about Trish as if she was an "empty shell," either, just that DMC with it's aim to be both cool and campy, was never directly intended to have a story of any great substance, just one that helped move things along so we could do more cool stuff.

So...I don't know what you're getting at.

Jokes are meant to be funny.
Some jokes go over peoples' heads, and this one was rather subtle, since the punchline comes at the very end of the game. It's not really your fault you don't get it. Well...it might be your fault, you don't like DmC, so you seem to be incapable of accepting things as they are. You're very biased, and it shows :x

I think that scene is quite fishy. Goes well in line with the wig scene, dont you think...
Anyway i get it, NT showing a finger to fans is justified because of all the vitriol.
Except the wig joke wasn't aimed at fans, so...no. Plus, Tim seemed to be doing something regarding his character. Reading his lips, he said "something something I'm Dante" and then rolled off.

This is the epitome of looking for something in nothing. Seriously, just f#cking let it go.

It´s strikes me how just because i say "I don´t like apple", somehow people derive the setence "I dont like fruit" out of it.
My point is: I know well why people make what they make out of passion. That is the reason why i like Platinum Games and companies like them.
So save the lecture please?
Apparently not if you're going to accuse someone of doing something out of spite and greed, instead of passion, when he clearly states that you should make things out of passion without worrying about sales.

My point is (and still stands) Tameem is a pretentious prick. It´s easy for him to talk about sales or making the game you want when your making a game for Capcom where your already paid independt of sale outcome.
Well yeah, he is kind of a prick, but honestly, when you're pushed that far, anyone can be. David Jaffe is the same way (actually worse), but you don't see people getting their panties all balled up whenever he says something - probably because groups of people haven't made him the target of ridicule simply because they feel he's responsible for "destroying something they care about."

However, this is also very much you accusing Tameem of saying or feeling a certain way about a situation when you patently cannot do that. You are not him. You do not know how he feels. You cannot say that he's talking about how he doesn't care about the game selling well because he gets paid no matter what. That is YOU making him sound bad.

Tameem being a prick isn't necessarily the same as him saying all these things, or claiming he has all these hidden motives behind his words. I actually know a guy who is very much a prick, but, he's also very friendly, he loves his kids and his wife like any other family man would, and he cares about his friends. He doesn't like it when people attribute things to him because of how he looks or acts. His having tattoos doesn't make him a hoodlum, and his prickish way of speaking matter-of-factly doesn't mean everything he says is laced with hate.

You also might want to remember that devs oftentimes get paid extra by the publisher depending on how well their game sells. So devs aren't just always in the free and clear when they land a dev contract.

Also DMC or DmC is not his company´s invention.
Well...yeah. What the hell is that supposed to do with anything >.>


Here's a little disclaimer for people, just 'cause: Tameem certainly does seem like a prick sometimes, and he certainly could have carried himself better in a few situations. However, a lot of what he did was in response to all the bullshit he got. He was bullied and ridiculed for three f#cking years just for doing the job that was asked of him, and he had to endure people taking his words out of context and making it seem like every little thing he said or did was some sort of jab at them.

Many fans were the first to cast stones, because they were the ones outraged at TGS 2010, outraged without knowing f#ck-all about the game aside from a 90 second trailer. They were the ones leaving "F#CK YOU NINJA THEORY" on every version of the TGS 2010 trailer that was put up on different YouTube channels (I was there, I saw them), and they immediately condemned the game without any information, refusing to believe the things coming straight from the devs' mouths and instead let themselves believe in unfounded rumors and hear-say about gun cooldowns and dial-a-combo and whatever else.

Tameem should have been the bigger man and held his tongue; he didn't, but I honestly do not blame him for fighting back with snark when he did. Maybe it's because I've worked in retail for a third of my life, and I can very explicitly tell you that no, the customer is not always right. Maybe it's jaded me, so that I'm able to understand where he came from. Tameem dealt with people telling him the game they didn't even play yet sucked, and then telling them they need to "fix" certain things that were working exactly the way they intended, and people only wanted them "fixed" because it wasn't what they wanted.

Tameem should have been the bigger man, but I won't blame him for speaking out against the people who acted like utter pricks all the same. He's just as flawed as the rest of us, but some seem to believe that he's something akin to the devil, the wicked man who ruined Devil May Cry :/

Of course, this is all an aside to IncaDemo's stuff, because Tameem didn't really say or feel any of the stuff IncaDemo says he did...
The fact that Dante gets white hair at the end of DmC is not important, since it looks nothing like old Dante's hair. DmC Dante's hair is short and sort of unkempt, and old Dante's hair is long and groomed into position. Ninja Theory ridiculed old Dante's hair, and what it came down to was ''hah hah, you think long white hair looks cool. Idiots''

That is such bullsh!t. I'm actually surprised someone like you would say something so stupid, Lionheart...

So Dante's hair is supposed to immediately go from mohawk to long and straight out of nowhere?

Aside from that, I think it was a reference to the old Dante in general, not just his hair. ''Not in a million years'' could be taken as ''never going back to old Dante'' and that's a kick in the head to the fans - right after they rebooted it, no less.

Aside from the wig joke, there was this annoying joke: ''that just seemed to drag on forever. Church.'', which refers to DMC4 when Nero doesn't pay attention and acts rebellious by putting on music on his mp3/mp4, and Dante crashes through the ceiling.

Or, y'know...it refers to every person who hates how boring church is, and has made a similar joke in their life. You're really reaching man. Like, seriously.

It's not like Dante was always known for making the dorkiest and lamest jokes or anything.

It's like somehow DmC is only referential to the classic series if you can find a way to make it seem like they're taking a jab at it.

They insulted people when they let Dante say ''not in a million years'' with the wig. I don't know if it wasn't their intention, but people were insulted nonetheless.
Or people could learn to lighten up, and maybe you could realize how the joke was an ironic and subtle in-joke to Dante in DmC, because he ends up becoming something akin to the classic Dante in his convictions, care for humanity, and even his hair, all things the selfish, hedonistic, and black-haired Dante said he'd never be "in a million years."

That's what DmC was, Dante going from selfish d!ck to selfless champion of humanity, the only thing that stayed the same was his campy, and oftentimes lame jokes, which the classic Dante always had.

Their ridiculing of Dante at one of the game shows, comparing him to two gay cowboys, and those two jokes combined make it clear that Ninja Theory has been quite disrespectful toward the DMCs, and they have the right to free speech, but they shouldn't cry when the game doesn't sell that well due to their disrespect.

Did you actually see that panel? The one that was about the Art of DmC and how they tackled the concepts? Because it certainly seems like you saw the picture without its context. For someone claiming to be a game reviewer, you didn't seem to do any research on that, because he wasn't being compared to "two gay cowboys," it was comparing the stylish classic Dante and how he doesn't fit well into the Western side of things for looking like an everyman, just another dude on the street.
Well, that's on you then. The idea is not caring about whether it's a reboot or not, and only hoping that the reboot itself would be "worthy" by having the gameplay DMC is known for. It's similar to how Bayonetta fans didn't really care about Kamiya making a game that wasn't Devil May Cry, they were concerned with the gameplay, which it delivered in spades.

Yes, I know he was inspired by punk culture, who the heck do you think you're talking to? Did you know that punk culture is still very much alive and well even today, and looks much like it did back in the 70s? It's not a matter of punk culture "being cool," it's the fact that NT wanted to make a character that wasn't entirely bound by the pop culture that changes so easily. Back in 2001, grim/dark gothic stuff, "stylish" vampire movies like Queen of the Damned and Blade, even the type of rock/metal/electronica was huge - those things are not now.

Be happy that DmC Dante isn't wearing a flat-brimmed cap, his pants around his thighs, saying things like "swag" and "yolo," and the battles aren't permeated with vacuous dubstep while Dante kills demons with his bling-encrusted weapons. Because THAT is what's popular right now with the kids...

And no, before you say DmC has dubstep, learn what dubstep actually is. Dubstep is electronic music with a specific tempo, without that tempo, it is just normal electronica (Noisia), which DmC uses, along with AggroTech (CombiChrist). A song can have some "wub" without actually being dubstep, same as a song can have an electric guitar without being a rock song.

Hunter Boss theme, Mundus boss theme, Mundus spawn theme is up in the air but who knows

There totally IS a reason to say those things, especially because he doesn't fit into a contemporary setting - once again, you're ignoring the concept of Dante having an "everyman" look. Get that through your head.

Classic Dante is all style and flair, and that's cool but it makes him stick out like a sore thumb. No one dresses like that day-to-day without getting noticed. DmC Dante was supposed to blend in, someone who you could just see on the street and not really give a second thought to.

It's also based on the current state of the DmC's world. Dante just wanted to live his life, not be bothered by others (demons included). By the end of the game, yes, he does have white hair, but...the state of the world has also changed.

Remember all that stuff I said about DmC Dante's journey? DmC was about Dante becoming the kind of man that the classic Dante is. Not literally, of course, because they're different universes, but, the same personality and mindset.

If its a different universe why would they try to make him like DMC 3 Dante? When it is again....a different universe.

I've only ever called it a joke, because that's what it was. However, not a joke aimed at any particular fan, it was an in-game joke with a punchline at the end of the game. Read that post I linked, because that's what it was.

Or...just keep thinking it was aimed at you guys because you're suuuuuch victims and everything about DmC was designed to hurt you and your precious DMC. Sounds dickish? Yeah, sorry, but that's how bored I am of hearing this complaint.

It's his personal twitter, he could have really said whatever he wanted, and he has. He wasn't even aiming at it anyone specific, "who says developers don't give away free content?" It's a massive assumption to think that it's aimed at any one developer, and an even greater assumption to feel offended by it when you are part of the consumer-base that has had to deal with all the DLC ****ery the industry has fallen into.

If you're gonna get upset over such a harmless joke at the gaming industry's expense, then f#ck man, you really are sensitive.

Death threats are serious, and should always be taken serious, no matter how many or how little you get. Why would me threatening to kill you be any less serious than if I and a handful of others did? There are crazy f#ckin' people in the world, like the guy who had the Anti-Tameem twitter that obsessively insulted him on a daily basis, and 'shopped gay porn of Tameem and DmC. That dude was not right in the head (the twitter account has since been deleted).

So your saying we all sent Death threats at him? Because just from what you are saying, it seems like your blaming a whole majority group for the actions of a miniscule of people.

ANYway, you're trying to brush off this topic with something aside from the point I was making (Nice try).

The number of death threats is really an aside to the much more massive number of people spewing vitriol and hoping NT and Tameem goes bankrupt.

Again...thats almost being hypocritical, for the actions of some and then pinning it on the whole fanbase like it is all our faults.

It might be pretty impossible for you to see since you're so invested in not liking DmC and feeling that Ninja Theory personally wronged you, but to anyone not of the fandom, the debacle that was DmC's time before release was batsh!t insane. Disregarding proper complaints (see, disclaimer there, I know there were some), there was way too much bullsh!t going around with insults being thrown at the devs, people believing hear-say and rumors instead of things straight from the dev's mouths simply because it gave them something else to pin on DmC being awful for, and judging so much of the game before its release, to the point where some of the videos people made about "why DmC sucks" used points that by release were not even true.

For Tameem to make light of that madness...hell, I do it too. Unknown certainly does :P And, just to be clear, it doesn't matter how much you or I care about DMC, DmC, Tameem, or Kamiya, the levels of madness this crap has reached is truly insane. If you looked in the dictionary for "Nerd Rage," DmC's pre-release time would perfectly exemplify that definition.

Here you go again deflecting from the original topic. I take it you agree that Tameem was, in fact, not talking about Trish at all.

In fact...not even I was talking about Trish. Granted, I was talking about how all of the DMC gals (or 75% of them), but I never talked specifically about Trish. So now you're trying to push what you accused Tameem of doing onto me.

Anyway, I'll play into your little side-game here - yes, I very much did play DMC1. It's not a crime for a character to wear sexy clothing, but I never talked about Trish as if she was an "empty shell," either, just that DMC with it's aim to be both cool and campy, was never directly intended to have a story of any great substance, just one that helped move things along so we could do more cool stuff.

So...I don't know what you're getting at.

Some jokes go over peoples' heads, and this one was rather subtle, since the punchline comes at the very end of the game. It's not really your fault you don't get it. Well...it might be your fault, you don't like DmC, so you seem to be incapable of accepting things as they are. You're very biased, and it shows :x

Except the wig joke wasn't aimed at fans, so...no. Plus, Tim seemed to be doing something regarding his character. Reading his lips, he said "something something I'm Dante" and then rolled off.

This is the epitome of looking for something in nothing. Seriously, just f#cking let it go.

Tell that to the people who tell us to accept the game and then use the strawman argument of its just the hair to the people who didn't like the game for to some of the people who calmly and sanely gave valid reasons on why they don't like the game.

Apparently not if you're going to accuse someone of doing something out of spite and greed, instead of passion, when he clearly states that you should make things out of passion without worrying about sales.

Well yeah, he is kind of a prick, but honestly, when you're pushed that far, anyone can be. David Jaffe is the same way (actually worse), but you don't see people getting their panties all balled up whenever he says something - probably because groups of people haven't made him the target of ridicule simply because they feel he's responsible for "destroying something they care about."

However, this is also very much you accusing Tameem of saying or feeling a certain way about a situation when you patently cannot do that. You are not him. You do not know how he feels. You cannot say that he's talking about how he doesn't care about the game selling well because he gets paid no matter what. That is YOU making him sound bad.

Tameem being a prick isn't necessarily the same as him saying all these things, or claiming he has all these hidden motives behind his words. I actually know a guy who is very much a prick, but, he's also very friendly, he loves his kids and his wife like any other family man would, and he cares about his friends. He doesn't like it when people attribute things to him because of how he looks or acts. His having tattoos doesn't make him a hoodlum, and his prickish way of speaking matter-of-factly doesn't mean everything he says is laced with hate.

You also might want to remember that devs oftentimes get paid extra by the publisher depending on how well their game sells. So devs aren't just always in the free and clear when they land a dev contract.

Well...yeah. What the hell is that supposed to do with anything >.>


Here's a little disclaimer for people, just 'cause: Tameem certainly does seem like a prick sometimes, and he certainly could have carried himself better in a few situations. However, a lot of what he did was in response to all the bullshit he got. He was bullied and ridiculed for three f#cking years just for doing the job that was asked of him, and he had to endure people taking his words out of context and making it seem like every little thing he said or did was some sort of jab at them.

Many fans were the first to cast stones, because they were the ones outraged at TGS 2010, outraged without knowing f#ck-all about the game aside from a 90 second trailer. They were the ones leaving "F#CK YOU NINJA THEORY" on every version of the TGS 2010 trailer that was put up on different YouTube channels (I was there, I saw them), and they immediately condemned the game without any information, refusing to believe the things coming straight from the devs' mouths and instead let themselves believe in unfounded rumors and hear-say about gun cooldowns and dial-a-combo and whatever else.

Tameem should have been the bigger man and held his tongue; he didn't, but I honestly do not blame him for fighting back with snark when he did. Maybe it's because I've worked in retail for a third of my life, and I can very explicitly tell you that no, the customer is not always right. Maybe it's jaded me, so that I'm able to understand where he came from. Tameem dealt with people telling him the game they didn't even play yet sucked, and then telling them they need to "fix" certain things that were working exactly the way they intended, and people only wanted them "fixed" because it wasn't what they wanted.

Tameem should have been the bigger man, but I won't blame him for speaking out against the people who acted like utter pricks all the same. He's just as flawed as the rest of us, but some seem to believe that he's something akin to the devil, the wicked man who ruined Devil May Cry :/

Of course, this is all an aside to IncaDemo's stuff, because Tameem didn't really say or feel any of the stuff IncaDemo says he did...

If I misread any of those statements I underlined, I apologize.
So Dante's hair is supposed to immediately go from mohawk to long and straight out of nowhere?

No, of course not. I think his hair is going to stay short. You think it's going to change into old Dante's long hairstyle? What reason do you have for believing this?

Or, y'know...it refers to every person who hates how boring church is, and has made a similar joke in their life. You're really reaching man. Like, seriously.

I'M reaching? Because every person in the world complains about how church drags on forever (even though most people don't go to church anymore)? And we're just going to ignore that DMC4 Dante and Nero literally couldn't give a s.hit about church? You need a reality check, sorry to say.

It's like somehow DmC is only referential to the classic series if you can find a way to make it seem like they're taking a jab at it.

Yes, because it's so hard to find a way to make it seem like that. Ninja Theory has been taking jabs at DMC when not working on DmC, too, and yet, you think it's a stretch to see that NT is taking the **** out of the DMC games? Like, Tameem just literally takes jabs at it, but NO, DmC is totally blameless, right?

Or people could learn to lighten up, and maybe you could realize how the joke was an ironic and subtle in-joke to Dante in DmC, because he ends up becoming something akin to the classic Dante in his convictions, care for humanity, and even his hair, all things the selfish, hedonistic, and black-haired Dante said he'd never be "in a million years."

Only it's kind of a stretch to say Dante cared about humanity in the DMC games. He cared about helping people if they were in the same sort of predicament as he was, but he never really cared about humans that much, from what I can tell. Yeah, he saves people in DMC4 from Sanctus, but he doesn't seem to do it out of humanity, he just does it so that people won't think he's a bad guy. I'm sure you want the DMC games to be more like DMC1, but they aren't. Dante is not the same Dante in DMC2, 3 and 4 as he is in DMC1.

Did you actually see that panel? The one that was about the Art of DmC and how they tackled the concepts? Because it certainly seems like you saw the picture without its context. For someone claiming to be a game reviewer, you didn't seem to do any research on that, because he wasn't being compared to "two gay cowboys," it was comparing the stylish classic Dante and how he doesn't fit well into the Western side of things for looking like an everyman, just another dude on the street.

That's ****ing laughable. Yeah, so they just happened to use a fairly offensive picture (not that gay people are offensive)? It's just that they could've taken Clint Eastwood or something for it, right? But guess what? They didn't do that. They also showed pictures of emo guys along with the text: Dante is not/Dante is in large writing.


And this picture really makes me LOL and puke at the same time:

Yeah, no chance this is meant to be offensive, or comes across as offensive, right? :/

Tameem has been disrespectful a few times, but he's supposed to be totally blameless on this? He just reverts to a more decent guy all of a sudden? This is ridiculous.
Hunter Boss theme, Mundus boss theme, Mundus spawn theme is up in the air but who knows
Noisia isn't dubstep, and they don't use the specific tempo required of a song to be considered "dubstep." It's all just electronica with that wub noise the kids seem to like. Again, it's similar to how an electric guitar can be used in a song that isn't heavy metal.

If its a different universe why would they try to make him like DMC 3 Dante? When it is again....a different universe.
Because it's supposed to be an origin story about how Dante became the champion of humanity he is in the classic series, but just told with a different story.

It's not all that different than any other book/movie/game with a different universe adhering to certain things

It's like how in the Nolanverse, Batman was trained by the Order of Shadows, when in other iterations Bruce Wayne just trained like hell with a lot of martial arts. It's just different ways to arrive at a similar point - Bruce Wayne becoming Batman.

Not to mention, in DMC3, there's a lot of unanswered questions about what exactly Dante was doing beforehand, and what exactly he meant by "It's been a whole year since we last met."

It's sorta crazy, but in a way, you could imagine a form of DMC3's events taking place after DmC, with the events of DmC having been what happened a year before.

So your saying we all sent Death threats at him? Because just from what you are saying, it seems like your blaming a whole majority group for the actions of a miniscule of people.
Oh no, not at all. That's not what I mean.

IncaDemo said that there may have only been a handful of death threats, and shouldn't be attributed to the entire fanbase. The latter bit is true, it certainly shouldn't, but the number of death threats shouldn't make the weight of them any less serious.

A death threat is a bad thing to do, no matter how many or little are sent out. Wishing someone's death over something as innocuous as a game is pretty darn crazy. If the threats actually happened, that sucks. If they didn't, that's good, but there's still all the other mean junk that went around.

Again...your being hypocritical for the actions of some and then pinning it on the whole fanbase like it is all our faults.
As I mention above, that was not my intention, no. I don't attribute the death threats of a couple whack jobs to the whole. The death threats were bad, to be sure, but my main point is that people wished destitution on Tameen and Ninja Theory, and that's going a little overboard in and of itself :/ "I don't like this game, I wish they would all lose their jobs and be forced into homelessness." That's pretty darn hurtful when you think about it - it's legitimately wishing a hard life full of disease, hunger, and death on someone simply for making something someone doesn't like :(

Maybe it hits close to home because my family was close to becoming destitute for a time when I was younger. My dad was the sole breadwinner of the family with his carpentry business, and he suffered from Degenerative disk Disorder, so he needed lots of surgeries, he had to shut down his business, which meant no income whatsoever, and the hospital bills were stacking up. We lost our home I grew up in, and were lucky to find a smaller, cheaper place to live when we did :( BUT, that is toooo much information >.<

Tell that to the people who tell us to accept the game and then use the strawman argument of its just the hair to the people who didn't like the game for having calm valid opinions that don't have anything to do with it to some of the people who calmly and sanely gave valid reasons on why they don't like the game.
Hey, I don't like that either. I understand all the valid points that were made. I just think some of them were misguided because they were points made against the core of DmC's concept. The idea of "this is different, change it" when the whole concept was to make that different in the first place.

If I misread any of those statements underlined, I apologize.
No worries, you didn't really misread anything except for the one small part, which I gladly clarified n.n
The fact that Dante gets white hair at the end of DmC is not important, since it looks nothing like old Dante's hair.

Seriously? Because it doesn't look EXACTLY like old Dante's hair it's still bad?

DmC Dante's hair is short and sort of unkempt, and old Dante's hair is long and groomed into position. Ninja Theory ridiculed old Dante's hair, and what it came down to was ''hah hah, you think long white hair looks cool. Idiots''

Dude, you're really trying to hate on something NT did as a humorous joke, aren't you?

Aside from that, I think it was a reference to the old Dante in general, not just his hair. ''Not in a million years'' could be taken as ''never going back to old Dante'' and that's a kick in the head to the fans - right after they rebooted it, no less.



He comments that long white hair as it was is something he wouldn't consider a cool thing, but in the end he gets his white hair and continues down the road to old Dante. But again, its a humorous forshadowing ironic joke. Simple as that.

Aside from the wig joke, there was this annoying joke: ''that just seemed to drag on forever. Church.'', which refers to DMC4 when Nero doesn't pay attention and acts rebellious by putting on music on his mp3/mp4, and Dante crashes through the ceiling. It's annoying because it's as though DmC says (cynically): ''look at me! I can do lame jokes, just like DMC4 Nero was lame'' - it's a critique of and shameless throwback to a previous game, when they could've made up their own joke, instead of riding on DMC4. It's not a respectful joke, it's one that negatively parodies it. It basically says that Nero being rebellious towards Sanctus and the church was a lame thing. That's why the joke is (purposefully) so lame in DmC.


Are you ****ing serious right now?

Because now you're just being petty. How in God's green earth could you possibly take that as an offensive smack to the original fanbase? If anything that's homage to the original game of DMC4 for Nero and DMC4 Dante. How that's considered offensive, is arguably idiotic.

They insulted people when they let Dante say ''not in a million years'' with the wig. I don't know if it wasn't their intention, but people were insulted nonetheless. This could've been avoided if they had chosen their joke carefully, and if they had thought about the proper timing. Or if they simply had decided not to put that joke in the game.

I thought you said we were done with this wig bullsh*t. Why do you use that as a protective blanket to not face the facts that It. Was. A JOKE.

If Ninja Theory didn't want to run the risk of p.issing people off or having their joke misinterpreted, then they should have come up with their own jokes, or should have just left it alone. It wasn't the right time to be joking about the DMCs.

Every other DMC jokes on itself. Nero flips Dante off as to give disrespect to the original hero, Nero punches Dante in the face over and over again; you can't just look on one side of the coin like that, and expect me to respond in a respectful manner.

Their ridiculing of Dante at one of the game shows, comparing him to two gay cowboys, and those two jokes combined make it clear that Ninja Theory has been quite disrespectful toward the DMCs, and they have the right to free speech, but they shouldn't cry when the game doesn't sell that well due to their disrespect.

No. They were comparing a cowboy movie of Dante and actual cowboys to show if he belonged in it or not. And if you actually found that offensive, yeah, I wouldn't blame you for that. But for God sake man, suck it up and get over it. I mean Kamiya spoke on how Bayonetta could easily destroy Dante and DMC fans got over that. So at least have the bigger balls to get over this.
No. They were comparing a cowboy movie of Dante and actual cowboys to show if he belonged in it or not. And if you actually found that offensive, yeah, I wouldn't blame you for that. But for God sake man, suck it up and get over it. I mean Kamiya spoke on how Bayonetta could easily destroy Dante and DMC fans got over that. So at least have the bigger balls to get over this.

I'm not going to respond to a comment in which you call my views idiotic. In doing so, you're just proving you don't want to listen, as you've already made up your mind.
There's a picture on Famitsu that compares Dante to Fight Club and says at the Fight Club side:


Those two words really make me puke and LOL at the same time. They obviously think so highly of themselves that in their eyes, their opinion is correct, and all other opinions are wrong. According to them, a Dante based on Fight Club would be ''cool'' and ''stylish''. The other pictures argue old Dante never was those things. Granted, they are talking about old views of what's cool, but those things will be in vogue in a few years again, no doubt. They think time makes everything look terrible, and in some cases that's true, but some people really still like gothic and emo stuff, and NT's wrong for disparaging those views.

Ninja Theory really need to take a humility pill, at any rate.
I'm not going to respond to a comment in which you call my views idiotic. In doing so, you're just proving you don't want to listen, as you've already made up your mind.


Where...in my post...did I say I called your "views" idiotic? Stop trying to be the victim here.
Maybe he'll grow it out a bit more and turn it into a more DMC3 Dante look. But this kind of thing is irrelevant considering it is quite unlikely that DmC2 will be made.

I thought I deleted the post. I thought it looked like a flame bait. I'm quite astonished that somebody caught it.

Anyway, I respectfully disagree with what you've to say on DmC 2 ever being made. I think the chances are more favourable to DmC because it'd be pretty much stupid for them to go back to previous series after rebooting it.

Where...in my post...did I say I called your "views" idiotic? Stop trying to be the victim here.

''Because now you're just being petty. How in God's green earth could you possibly take that as an offensive smack to the original fanbase? If anything that's homage to the original game of DMC4 for Nero and DMC4 Dante. How that's considered offensive, is arguably idiotic.''

RIGHT THERE. DID YOU JUST BLACK OUT OR SOMETHING? ****, if everybody's like this, I really am done with this forum. I'm not going to help turn this into a flaming thread.
Aside from that, I will not tolerate anyone calling my views petty when they're based on solid arguments.
The picture that compares Dante to Fight Club and says at the Fight Club side:

those two words really make me puke and LOL at the same time. They obviously think so highly of themselves that in their eyes, their opinion is the only correct one. According to them, a Dante based on Fight Club would be ''cool'' and ''stylish''. The other pictures argue old Dante never was those things. Ninja Theory really need to take a humility pill, at any rate.

But how do you know that, no one has actual footage of the GDC panel, and it wasn't Tameen that did it, it was the art lead that presented it as GDC, which is the GAME DEVELOPERS CONFERENCE, ie its not usually shown to the public, but leave it famitsu to present pictures from it for clickbait. That was not part of the regular marketing or even intended for potential fans, it was one of the 1000's of canned conference presentations developers give to other developers. I figure the intro was just a quick way to get into the topic at hand, since you only have limited time to do your presentations at those conferences.

Also, can we just let the topics in this thread go. What I will say is this: whether the people complaining in this thread still realize it or not, from what I've read the complaints always boil down to the same nonsense.

Tameem is mean, so DmC sucks.
Tameem made fun of Dante, so DmC sucks.
We don't care about the hair, but that wig joke was so offensive, Tameem sucks, ergo DmC sucks.

I just don't get it, honestly, the game does not make fun of Dante, the company spend 2 years of their life developing this game. The game is just a modern retelling of the DMC saga, its still a stylish action game about the son of sparda, a cocky wise cracking demon hunter who kills enemies in style. At no point, does the game ever feel like its saying OH look at this isn't this better than that old ****ty dante. That wig joke is exactly that, a joke, its not offensive in the slightest, considering you get not only white hair, but also a red jacket, and you don't even have to wait until the end of the game. I think its around mission 9 that you get your Devil Trigger. So, about 5 hours in you can realize that obviously the scene in the beginning was ironic, because why else would the game make your deviltrigger white hair + red jacket?
I thought I deleted the post. I thought it looked like a flame bait. I'm quite astonished that somebody caught it.

Anyway, I respectfully disagree with what you've to say on DmC 2 ever being made. I think the chances are more favourable to DmC because it'd be pretty much stupid for them to go back to previous series after rebooting it.
True, but as we are seeing now, Capcom are very good at making stupid decisions. DmC, depdning on who you ask, was one of those stupid decisions. It could go either way I suppose.
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''Because now you're just being petty. How in God's green earth could you possibly take that as an offensive smack to the original fanbase? If anything that's homage to the original game of DMC4 for Nero and DMC4 Dante. How that's considered offensive, is arguably idiotic.''

I said nothing about your views dude. Just stop.
RIGHT THERE. DID YOU JUST BLACK OUT OR SOMETHING? ****, if everybody's like this, I really am done with this forum. I'm not going to help turn this into a flaming thread.
Aside from that, I will not tolerate anyone calling my views petty when they're based on solid arguments.

Oh, stop whining. -_-
But how do you know that, no one has actual footage of the GDC panel


Or did you mean video footage?

Tameem is mean, so DmC sucks.
Tameem made fun of Dante, so DmC sucks.
We don't care about the hair, but that wig joke was so offensive, Tameem sucks, ergo DmC sucks.

Nobody said anything like that. The topic of this thread is ''why does Ninja Theory get all the bullshit?'' I'm saying Capcom should get part of it too, but the reasons I've given are pretty conclusive as to why NT is getting flak.

That wig joke is exactly that, a joke, its not offensive in the slightest, considering you get not only white hair, but also a red jacket

So, apparently, old Dante is nothing more than floating white hair and a floating red jacket. Nice to know.

and you don't even have to wait until the end of the game. I think its around mission 9 that you get your Devil Trigger. So, about 5 hours in you can realize that obviously the scene in the beginning was ironic, because why else would the game make your deviltrigger white hair + red jacket?

Like I said a short while ago, NT Dante's hair style is not that much like old Dante's, really, so I don't think you can call it ironic. NT Dante: short, sort of unkempt. Old Dante: long, groomed. And that is it.
''Because now you're just being petty. How in God's green earth could you possibly take that as an offensive smack to the original fanbase? If anything that's homage to the original game of DMC4 for Nero and DMC4 Dante. How that's considered offensive, is arguably idiotic.''

RIGHT THERE. DID YOU JUST BLACK OUT OR SOMETHING? ****, if everybody's like this, I really am done with this forum. I'm not going to help turn this into a flaming thread.
Aside from that, I will not tolerate anyone calling my views petty when they're based on solid arguments.


I meant video footage...

His hair isn't like Dante because he's younger, his hair will grow out, in fact for the standard costume that you get for beating the game, it is indeed already longer. So, I don't understand the issue here. It's a reboot, he will turn into the older dante and have his hair grow out. He'll become more carefree and powerful, etc and so forth.

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