I might be Quiet for Halloween.
1. Please don't think of the children
2. If you do send pictures
3. Send them to Kojima
4. What is up with your avatar?
I might be Quiet for Halloween.
1. Please don't think of the children
When do I ever?
2. If you do send pictures
I'll make them worthy of the fap folder.
3. Send them to Kojima
4. What is up with your avatar?
I'm having trouble deciding on a Halloween costume. I need to settle on something fast though because I'm throwing a party.
My costume possibilities are
-Kneesocks from Panty and Stocking.
-Hanji from Attack on Titan
-Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo
What to do, what to do.
Maybe we should make a Halloween thread. This is way off topic.
I wouldn't challenge this simply because we look at things differently. I don't see it your way, so basically, we shouldn't go any further.It still was very underwhelming as far as character development goes until the epilogue dante is just an unlikable brat who yells a lot.
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Simple DMC 1's dante has more emotions DMC 3 dante was like an emotionless prick who couldn't give a damn about anything.. DMC 1 dante reacted to situations appropriately.How is DMC1 better in terms of character development than DMC3?
But here's the thing DMC 3 is supposed to be a prequel its supposed to have dante's character development.. but throughout the game he's just a loud mouth prick and suddenly in the epilogue he's like DMC 1 dante.. that was just lame the whole game was supposed to show a gradual transition not one cutscene in the ending.There's hardly any character development in it, just like there wasn't in DMC3.
Simple DMC 1's dante has more emotions DMC 3 dante was like an emotionless prick who couldn't give a damn about anything.. DMC 1 dante reacted to situations appropriately.
I can't agree with that; Dante in DMC3 just doesn't show his emotions easily or often. But when he does, he does so strongly and fairly silently (except when he fights bosses and taunts them).
Anyway, that doesn't have anything to do with character development.
But here's the thing DMC 3 is supposed to be a prequel its supposed to have dante's character development.. but throughout the game he's just a loud mouth prick and suddenly in the epilogue he's like DMC 1 dante.. that was just lame the whole game was supposed to show a gradual transition not one cutscene in the ending.
DMC3's not 'supposed to have' anything, in my view. The game's supposed to explain his origins, I guess, or what he did before DMC1, but not necessarily his 'growth as a person' or something. If he stays fairly the same, I have no problem with that. A lot of characters in all kinds of media don't go through much change. Does that make them more two-dimensional? Not necessarily: you could also show why a character is who he is, what makes him tick, et cetera. Change is not necessary.
Why would Dante have to go through a lot of change in his first years (at 19 or so)? Is that some sort of prerequisite in games, that I've never heard about? To have the main character change dramatically the first time he 'comes into being', so to speak? He could also go through that change later, and gradually. That's the best kind of character development; a gradual one. Whether that's in DMC1 or DMC5 doesn't matter. Besides, he wasn't really like DMC1 Dante in the epilogue, I'd say. If he is, that just shows how little change he went through between DMC3 and DMC1; that he's not that different from his DMC3 self in DMC1.
DMC3 Dante shows he can be serious throughout the game, like when talking to Vergil, not just in the epilogue.
Aside from that, I stand by what I said in my previous post.
Bullsh!t ! instinctive reactions should be there no matter what he just acts like he doesn't give a single fu*k.. when the enemy approaches he doesn't acknowledge anything.. he doesn't get serious.. like EVER.. he's mostly arrogant and only slightly agitated when he's struggling.I can't agree with that; Dante in DMC3 just doesn't show his emotions easily or often
Bullsh!t ! instinctive reactions should be there no matter what he just acts like he doesn't give a single fu*k.. when the enemy approaches he doesn't acknowledge anything.. he doesn't get serious.. like EVER.. he's mostly arrogant and only slightly agitated when he's struggling.
DMC 1 Dante was class he was cynical,sharp yet serious on the other hand DMC 3 was arrogant,cynical and too full of himself.
When did i say that ? in fact when did i say anything about DmC ?So like NT Dante?
Bullsh!t ! instinctive reactions should be there no matter what he just acts like he doesn't give a single fu*k.. when the enemy approaches he doesn't knowledge anything.. he doesn't get serious.. like EVER.. he's mostly arrogant and only slightly agitated when he's struggling.
Not when it comes to battling demons, no, not really. That's just his character in those cases. But you can't seriously disregard everything he says and feels based on his behavior in some parts of the game. Just watch the cutscenes in which he talks to Vergil - whether it's the first one on the Temen Ni Gru, or the last one, he can be serious, and he shows emotion - just not that often. And when he does, those emotions are all the stronger for it. Now, granted, he doesn't get emotional and dramatic like Dante did in DMC1 when Trish 'died', but that's just one emotion. Besides, he shows he can be sad in the last scene when he talks to Lady and she says ''Are you crying?'' to which he replies: ''it's just the rain. Devils never cry.''
I find it a bit odd that Nero gets criticized so strongly about his emotional demeanor, yet people say DMC3 Dante is too emotionless. Make him a lot more emotional than in DMC3, and you end up with Nero.
DMC 1 Dante was class he was cynical,sharp yet serious on the other hand DMC 3 was arrogant,cynical and too full of himself.
DMC3 Dante used sarcasm, irony and just being clever with regard to his enemies' appearance, actions et cetera. DMC1 Dante was more cynical, I guess, but I don't find him more memorable than DMC3 Dante. I liked that he said ''flock off, feather face'', but that's the cleverest thing he said, I think. The rest of the game was him being respectful toward his enemies (if they deserved it), but not necessarily sharp-witted. Sure, DMC3 Dante was arrogant, that's true.
He's mentally disconnected with whatever is happening around him he's like deadpool except deadpool is supposed to be like that because he realizes that he's in a comic book and wants to make fun of that Dante isn't clearly in a comic book and being young he should have been more serious and vulnerable not the opposite.
He's definitely not mentally disconnected. He knows full well what's going on. He loves killing demons, he jokes around with them, and he gets serious when it gets tough and when it comes to family and people in need. Seems decent enough. He lets his emotions shine through only in the most deserving circumstances, and that's the mark of a very nice, accentuated script, I think.
>Anyway, that doesn't have anything to do with character development
No it has everything to do with it in DMC 3 if he's a loud mouth prick then he should gradually change his attitude and become more like DMC 1's dante but he doesn't.
What you think should happen is not necessarily what will happen or should. The developers of the game know what they wanted to do, and if it doesn't include Dante changing 'to become a better person', that's too bad for you. I personally don't really mind if he stays the same Dante in one game. They could also go into detail on why he is the way he is, and celebrate that, instead of going ''no no, this is all wrong. Dante, morph into this other character, please''.
>DMC3's not 'supposed to have' anything, in my view. The game's supposed to explain his origins
Do you realize that you just contradicted yourself ? lol
His origins in the sense of what he's done and where he even physically came from, not how he became the Dante in DMC1.
>growth into a more mature version of himself' or something
The answer this genius HOW THE HECK IS THIS DANTE even canon if he doesn't change into DMC 1's dante ?? given that this game directly takes place before DMC 1 ? WTF ? that's absurd totally effing absurd that only implies that dante is a mental person who spontaneously keeps changing his personalities to cope up with depression.
I'd prefer it if you didn't call me names, otherwise I won't respond at all. DMC3 Dante is a different Dante from the one in DMC1, sure. I don't need to see how and when Dante changes into DMC1 Dante, because I don't really care. Maybe he did go through change. Fine, but why would we have to see him change in DMC3? It's just not necessary. If you think character development makes the games a lot better, that's your opinion. However, it's not even feasible at this point, since every DMC game is different, which makes it almost impossible to show Dante change.
The question was whether DMC3's depiction of Dante is bad considering DMC1's depiction of him, and I don't feel it is. He's a bit different than in DMC1, but that doesn't mean the game NEEDS to show him go through change to become DMC1 Dante. The game is fine without that. Besides, DMC3 wasn't made by the same people who created DMC1, and they decided to create a slightly different Dante. Fair enough. I don't know if it would even be interesting to see him change from 'very cocky' (DMC3) to 'slightly less cocky' in DMC1.
Prequels are not supposed to be anything, aside from a start-up to what happens in the next game. Dante doesn't need to go through changes in DMC3 to become the Dante in DMC1. If you feel he does, alright. I just don't agree. I'd be fine with a game that celebrates a character for who he is, instead of who he will/might become.
When did i say that ? in fact when did i say anything about DmC ?
Simple DMC 1's dante has more emotions DMC 3 dante was like an emotionless prick who couldn't give a damn about anything.. DMC 1 dante reacted to situations appropriately.But here's the thing DMC 3 is supposed to be a prequel its supposed to have dante's character development.. but throughout the game he's just a loud mouth prick and suddenly in the epilogue he's like DMC 1 dante.. that was just lame the whole game was supposed to show a gradual transition not one cutscene in the ending.
No, seriously, why does NT get all this crap from fans?
Ninja Theory are a young development group who just got finished with DmC and is working on another game now. But yet it feels like everyone can't seen to shut up and let go the fact that DmC came, it's done, move on. It sucks that NT has to deal with all the continual hate and angry fans talking smack about their new game all because DmC ruffled their jimmies.
"Oh! Tam Tam talked bad about Dante!"
grow the f*ck up. Just because he talked about your clowny anime hero doesn't mean he's the first and he certainly won't be the last.Dante is a dime a dozen in cool characters, so if you don't like people making fun of your character, then ignore it and walk away.
Also what he even said wasn't even insulting. "The Dante that was cool back then isn't cool now" come on people. Is that really what you call an insult? If it were me, I'd have said "The Dante back then was a joke, and was losing any form of coolness he had" But I guess anyone who talks smack about old Dante will be met with sh*t and sarcasm. (Especially here)
NT were given the job to do DmC and followed the orders of Capcom to the note. Everything NT did was instructed by Capcom and you can't hate them just for doing their job, and you can't hate Tameen just because he talked about your favorite character Old Dante. If so then you're gonna hate me for a long time.
All in all, I think NT did what they needed to do and did a pretty good job on it. I just don't think NT should get the full brutal assault of hate while Capcom is sitting on an, at worst, rock cushioned bed.