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What is your religion?


Is not rat, is hamster
Born-again Christian.

And to reiterate what Keaton has said - religion bashing/flaming/trolling will not be tolerated in a thread of this sort and everyone has the right to state their beliefs without causing offence to others. So if someone says they worship elephants, this is not the thread to scorn them.


The devoted
I am not a part of a religion, but if i was to be part of one it would be Buddhism, simply because its not about worshiping, its about make you a better person, but my whole family are Christians, and i used to go to church, but i got really bored, and started taking my gameboy and things, and now, my mom has realized that i dont like going and i dont go anymore.
the one thing i dont like about religion is the way people try and get you to "join" i say join because i cant think of a better word, e.g. Jehovah's witness, they come to your door and talk to you, Christians in the street preaching, ect. and i think that they are wasting their time, because people have made up their mind, and shouldnt be forced into anything
sorry if that sounded like an angry post, its not its jsut the way that computers cant get across any emotion whatsoever


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I am of no religion. But I call whatever it is that has created the world in which I live in, as my God ;)


Is not rat, is hamster
Vauxchen, I tend to avoid street preachers like the plague...probably shouldn't, but I find them intensely embarrassing. But that's just me - I know of quite a few people who have converted through listening to someone preach on the street. At least on the street no one is forcing you to listen - you can just walk off at any time. In church it's harder to just leg it when you'v had enough without people staring :lol:

I spent most of my teens in church reading magazines tucked into my bible :lol:


Anti - Little D
im a Roman catholic ! but i dont follow the religions things. i was just christen like that


Dines with dementia
Dante Aseroth;112933 said:
Like Dante said, 'Religion and I, don't mix!'.^_^
Pretty much sums it up for me too...

I just don't like going to church and things like that, I feel like we're supposed to be like the Jedi and never commit sins, never do wrong etc. (Boy, that's probably one of the weirdest analogies I've ever made...) I prefer to keep the things I do to myself and live life the way I see fit.
And if I do end up in hell.. well I'll have all the time in the world to feel like a nitwit :unsure:

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I'm an atheist, I dislike religion and anything to do with it, but let me get one thing straight, I have NOTHING against people who are religious.

You see, my past with religion hasn't been the most ideal, me and religion mix about as well as nitro-glycerine mixes with a good shake.

I've never believed in any sort of god, I'm a man of science and logic, not of greater beings and holy things, although I bear no ill feelings towards those who do believe in religious practices, what I do dislike is when people try to shove religion down my throat. (Example, Jehovah’s Witness' who have on multiple evenings, knocked on my door, only to be greeted with it being slammed in their face.)

Religion is good for many people, it helps them get by in a harsh world, and if religion helps a person get through life, then by all means, go for it, my atheism is what gets me by and I stand by that, if there really is a god, then he or she gave us free will, and with that free will, I should be given the right to be free from ALL religion, ALL the time, therefore I choose not to believe.

Well, that's my thought on the subject, I've always been a big one for religious debate, but I know all too well how quickly a simple debate can turn into a flame war, especially about such a touchy subject like religion.


New Member
Religion is the only thing people used to count their hopes on. Nowadays, you can put hopes and believe in almost everything you like.

I personally am agnostic.


New Member
I was raised with no religion's influence, hopefully.

My country's religion is Muslim, but only like less of 2% of people are truly faithful to It. The other part just chooses atheism and agnosticism. There also Catholics and Orthodox as well.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
I'm Atheist.

Also thank you Dante for telling him off while remaining calm and cool.

I was a christian, and a feirce one at that. I'm not saying all hope is lost, but it would take a journey to hell and back to convince me.
Or the apocalypse.
Other then that, no.

It is creepy how I reasoned exactly the same as this picture as if I wrote it myself!:lol:


So, in turn, I'm a born-again Atheist.^_^

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
^That was extremely offensive, and just wrong....but funny.

Still I feel like I should report this.

The bible really does make no sense at all. But this is disrespectful flaming, and its wrong.


Aya Brea
darth_angelo45;113165 said:
My religion is the dark side of the force.

We have cookies. <3

As for me... I don't have a religion, but I am spiritual by nature. I don't look for comfort in some being in the sky, it's all around me. I look to it for comfort and guidance. I know it sounds odd, but it's helped me out just fine.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
My religion is Islam.Even though there are other people who practices different religion,I will respect them.Even to those who don't believe on God.

Everyone must respect each other despite religions,races,skins,languages,social status,etc... Because we are humans,who have only one life to live.

I hope we can live peacefully without any fights regarding religions,or any other kinds of fights.
My religion was Islam, but now i only believe in one thing and that is my friends thay are the reason why i live. i only live for them
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