What is your favorite playable character?

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What is you favorite dmc 5 playable character?

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Might controls everything, and without strength, y
Jun 15, 2018
Opened this post to see what is the most played character in dmc 5, I like everyone of them but the one I like more is Dante it s variety of weapon and style its impressive... What is your?
Easy answer , Dante and always has been him since DMC first appeared

Second if on the list would be Vergil

Then Nero

Then v

Followed by Trish


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Dante by far.

Nero and V feel so shallow to me... I need moves. Lots and lots of moves. If I'm not even happy with Dante's movelist, well... no other character can even dream of comparing, not unless they're given 3+ weapons completely packed with moves.
Look like dante is a winner here... I choose him to not only because is the protagonist of the series but because playing whit him give me real fun, it s really like dancing between enemy and you can have so much variety that playing as him make this game the best action I ever played, there are thousand of way to kill enemy and combos to do...
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Comes equipped with a "F*** you!" button =0
Except that you have to complete DMC5 to get that back this time around.
While Dante's my favorite to play as, I do like playing as Nero and V too.

I loved the Devil Breakers, Overture (Simple but effective), Punch Line (Rocket punch baby!), and Tomboy (F#$k technique, cleave everything!) easily being my favorites. I like how after the game you can use them alongside the restored Devil Bringer abilities (I still think it makes Nero op) along ofcourse with his true devil trigger.

V? Admittedly I don't dislike playing as, I do find him unique, but the fact is, for me playing as him turns into a lot of button mashing. Not to mention having to pay attention to his health bar, as well as Griffon and Shadow's. That being said, it is pretty amusing to watch him stand by and read (to replenish the DT gauge) while the demons are fighting it's like "Huh, monsters are fighting around me. Meh, don't care"
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While Dante's my favorite to play as, I do like playing as Nero and V too.

I loved the Devil Breakers, Overture (Simple but effective), Punch Line (Rocket punch baby!), and Tomboy (F#$k technique, cleave everything!) easily being my favorites. I like how after the game you can use them alongside the restored Devil Bringer abilities (I still think it makes Nero op) along ofcourse with his true devil trigger.

V? Admittedly I don't dislike playing as, I do find him unique, but the fact is, for me playing as him turns into a lot of button mashing. Not to mention having to pay attention to his health bar, as well as Griffon and Shadow's. That being said, it is pretty amusing to watch him stand by and read (to replenish the DT gauge) while the demons are fighting it's like "Huh, monsters are fighting around me. Meh, don't care"
Yeah, but I must say that V is my second character next to Dante since I can pretty create chaos whit him, v is very unique at first I find it boring but after playing it on higher difficult and bloody palace a realize that he had potential and there are actually various combo to do whit him... Also I like nero but I think that is gameplay is sometime random because you cannot change breaker so you had to adapt to the situation, probably changing 8 breaker at will would have make is gameplay unbalanced, they should have put 2 or 3 breaker selectable at will whit the directional button and you could have changed it at dmc van, like dante weapon in dmc 3 where he can only take 2 Meele and 2 guns
Even before DMCV introduced the return of old enemies, I always wondered what would Nero do if he were to Buster the enemies from the first three games.

The question popped up again after playing DMCV and landing Busters on Death Scissors, Hell Caina and Nobodies.
What would Nero's Buster be like when used against enemies like Beowulf and Nevan?
Would it be safe to assume the Buster animation Nero uses for the Baphomet is also used on Goatlings?
V? Admittedly I don't dislike playing as, I do find him unique, but the fact is, for me playing as him turns into a lot of button mashing.

Kinda same. I still try to do calculated combos with him but eventually I give up and let them pets do whatever they want in power up mode sometimes.

I think it all comes down to Shadow losing track of the enemy after a certain range which is really annoying since V has a lot of moves that cause knockback. This makes it so that after an enemy is tossed away, Shadow comes back to V rather than continuing rushing down, causing you to drop the combo and interrupt the flow.

The most irritating thing is that, if you activate Auto mode, this problem goes away completely. Keep mashing attack, and Shadow will ALWAYS chase the enemy down even if it goes to the other freaking side of the map. I don't know why they didn't code the cat to just don't care about how far V is in relation to the enemy outside of Auto mode (and I guess the "juiced up" mode too). I guarantee that would have made V's combat feel 10 times more fluid and responsive.
In order for DMC5: Dante, Nero, and V.

Dante has gotten so many options, it's crazy. I wish he had gotten more levels though. At least we got Bloody Palace now.

Nero is better than ever and gets more expansive move sets when getting to NG+. My only problems with the breakers are you can't switch them (technically you can with pasta breaker, but that is DLC content), and some feel very situational. Helter Skelter for example, is really only useful against the Death Scissors and the Angelos. Other than adding a little to your combo score, I never found it that useful, unless you used the breaker ability to target multiple demons.

V I had fun learning his familiars combos and he is addicting to play, but I felt he should have gotten a couple of more melee moves and a fourth summon. Phantom would have been my choice, and would have made everything come full circle. It sucks he can't really fight back when Shadow and Griffon both get knocked back down. I will say this, he is still addicting to play, despite the numerous flaws.

@Foxtrot94 I did not evenknow about the auto thing, because I never used it out of curiosity. That is definitely interesting.

Overall (I will throw in Bayonetta characters, because why not.):

Bayonetta (Jeanne is just a palette swap with a harder dodge mechanic)
Rosa (Bayonetta 2)
Young Balder (Bayonetta 2)
Vergil (DMC4 version)
Vergil (DMC3 version)
Dante (DmC)
Rodin (Bayonetta 2)
Vergil (DmC)
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Kinda same. I still try to do calculated combos with him but eventually I give up and let them pets do whatever they want in power up mode sometimes.

I think it all comes down to Shadow losing track of the enemy after a certain range which is really annoying since V has a lot of moves that cause knockback. This makes it so that after an enemy is tossed away, Shadow comes back to V rather than continuing rushing down, causing you to drop the combo and interrupt the flow.

The most irritating thing is that, if you activate Auto mode, this problem goes away completely. Keep mashing attack, and Shadow will ALWAYS chase the enemy down even if it goes to the other freaking side of the map. I don't know why they didn't code the cat to just don't care about how far V is in relation to the enemy outside of Auto mode (and I guess the "juiced up" mode too). I guarantee that would have made V's combat feel 10 times more fluid and responsive.
I think they did it so That you must stay close to the enemy whit v because if shadow attack from any distance you can simply stay in a corner whit v and stay far away from action whitout being hit and this would have make it not only easy but boring, thats why they probably take this off whit auto mode because it make things easier, that what auto mode is for in the first place... instead in normal mode you must follow the enemy whit v and always stay on the move to not only dodge attack but also to track down enemy and allow shadow to attack
You just need to stay within a radius , I like to side dash dodge around with v , then launch enemies with shadow using the ground spikes

Keep em up in the air with the saw blade spin and other attacks , and griffon lightning

Then use his summoned swords like attack to finish the group off
I think they did it so That you must stay close to the enemy whit v because if shadow attack from any distance you can simply stay in a corner whit v and stay far away from action whitout being hit

I don't buy that because the arenas in which you fight are enclosed in a relatively tight space and enemies come in swarms anyway.
I don't buy that because the arenas in which you fight are enclosed in a relatively tight space and enemies come in swarms anyway.
I used the auto mode and it s relatively easy like that I can take no hit at all and stay in the corner and press just triangle, if this was the normal mode would have been to easy... Especially if you tourn the camera to not face enemy.... If they put this in auto mode and not in normal must let you realize instantly way, because it s to easy, it s like the other character to attack the enemy you must stay close to them, if you could just stay far and attack whit rebellion or red queen or Merle move from the far there would no be fun in it... Actually it became more difficult on hell and hell and higher difficulty since you must stay close to enemy to attack whit v
if this was the normal mode would have been to easy

I don't agree. In normal mode you have to actually input the combos yourself, it wouldn't be just mashing. So it'd be harder to be focused both on that and dodging at the same time. With Auto it's easier cause you only have to worry about the latter.