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So I work a real job and that sucks. People who make money on Youtube (while working hard) are basically mini celebrities. But! Whenever their content (which 98% of the time is someone else's content or heavily inspired by previous "famous" content) is flagged the YouTube "community" bit@hes.
Can you really feel bad if that Youtuber goes under? You got "famous" playing video games none of which you made nor have a claim on, or you got famous because you did a review where you showed 98% of a copyrighted movie. As I mentioned working a normal real job sucks and I am sure these Youtubers would rather live a Youtuber life than working at (insert retail store) like jobs. But you are using material you have no claim in!
Original content doesn't sell (and if it does it is rare and/or dies off. Looking at you Undertale, man you fell from grace hard brah) and Mario is far more popular than Yooka Laylee so why bit@h Youtubers? Try getting by on your own original content and then when YouTube gets ya THEN bit@h.
I am not your side Youtubers. In other news I am lazy and my life (while maintained, thank God) is boring. Seriously a turtle on a island has a more fascinating life than I do. >_> The life action Rurouni Kenshin films are fantastic. A little loose on the source material but maintains the "feelings" of the Manga. To bad the author is a terrible human being...
I want cake. That girl at the burger joint was cute. I need to make my lunch for work. I bought Ocarina of Time 3DS, and boy does this game take me back.
Latitude Zero is such a cool name for a movie. (Actual name of a JPN monster movie by the way)
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Wife: Yanny or Laurel?

Me: Jerry.

Wife: What?

Me: Jerry, it's saying Jerry. Well, It sounds exactly like Yaerrae, but Jerry would be the closest sounding thing to it that's a name.

Wife: wtf, I don't understand your brain.

Me neither.
Can you really feel bad if that Youtuber goes under? You got "famous" playing video games none of which you made nor have a claim on, or you got famous because you did a review where you showed 98% of a copyrighted movie.
No, I don't feel bad for any of them. Nor do I consider it a "real job" because the majority of these very same people don't consider begging on the street to be a "real job" either (although they would never truthfully admit that if asked for fear of losing subs).

Another thing: Youtube is notoriously corrupt. If de-monitization is that big of a problem for them, people should just leave in droves and create another video site like crtv.

E-begging is still begging. Yes, I know they put a lot of work into their projects, but people put a lot of work into their stamp collections too. It doesn't count. Either both types of begging are genuine professions, or neither one of them are. Pick one.

(People who make a living off of creating genuinely decent indie games are different though imho.)

Still... it would be nice to shill for some cash while streaming. Just sitting there and ranting sounds like a good life, regardless of how difficult it can get afterwards.
One of the most frustrating things about being a known writer in fandom is the feeling of being irrelevant every time you're late posting. I have two chapters I need to write before I can post anything and, health wise, I'm just not up to doing much of anything without...well...basically, I need a break from my thoughts. But I can already see the hit count on my projects slowing down and people not responding when I ask questions relating to what they want to see from me in the future, and it's just frustrating. Why does this always happen when I'm not in a good headspace for it?

+ Rosie, did you just bark??? O_o
Well, need to do a bit more research but........ >.> I can't seem to find anything information on it. Bah. I'll find something, eventually. Also, need to learn the violin....the poor thing is sitting in a corner collecting dust. ;3; I do I always want to do things when I have little to no help. DX
I've been thinking about doing this for a while now, but I think I want to make an "Indie-Author" shout-out entry for June. Which means I'd better start listing off all the indie/small-press authors I've read (and really liked, obviously), their works/summaries, and whatnot. Otherwise I'll just slap something together, and I really don't want to take that route.

In a not-unrelated thought, I'm not procrastinating at all. :whistle: