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You know what the online gaming community needs in life? An end credits mod for Left 4 Dead 2 that states: "It's all ogre now."
... Why hasn't this been made yet?!
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Question: Would you deny a date with someone because they live in a bad neighborhood?

The logic I was given was that going into such areas could lead to things such as theft , bodily injury, "a uneasy feeling," getting lost, (due to being unfamiliar with the area and/or Google Maps dropping the ball) "lack luster demographics" and more. While I can agree these are valid points should the "risk" be taken anyway?
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It fells like the new God of War went down a similar path to DmC and NG3.

But where DmC faltered and NG3 failed, God of War suceeded.

Finally got around to watching last Jedi.

It was...meh.

Some stuff badly done, some dodgy green screen moments, daisy ridley still cannot act, predictable "twist" stuff, swearing (which just doesn't belong in the star wars universe) and bad humour which was too try hard and nowhere near as organic and funny as the original trilogy.

Porgs, fathiers and crystal wolf things were cool though.

I've been doing more editing than writing this past week (by a wide margin), and at this juncture, I think I just need a few more days to focus solely on making those minor adjustments. First my focus was screwed because of knowing he was leaving. Now it's screwed 'cause he's gone--and no matter how much I want to, I can't make "5 months" sound positive in my head.

Gods, I hope it isn't half as daunting to get through as it currently feels like it's going to be. x_x
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Reactions: Shadow and Lain

They're finally selling it.

I thought it'd never happen.

Now, all that's missing is farming the rest of the gold...
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Well, so much for Payoneer. >.> I guess my only recourse for setting up direct deposit is to eventually open up a USD account and go from there.

The likelihood is that I'm going to just leave things as is until the Fall. Who knows? Maybe I'll make bank by then and receive a cheque. ^^; In not unrelated news--CS, you suck for this.

+I should focus on spring cleaning this week. By next week, all the snow will (probably) be gone, so I can worry about raking and whatnot then. Keep busy enough between that and writing, and maybe I'll be too tired to think of anything else. Yup, I like that plan.
The last episode of my Doki Doki Literature Club let's play. I really enjoyed this game and this is probably my favorite let's play I've done so far too.
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