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I fully support this theory.

Now go swimming.


I'll let you know how it goes... :dead:

Of course I may have misunderstood your point entirely, in which case...ignore me!!!

I stopped reading halfway through :thumbsup:

No, just kidding. That was interesting. You can, er, put your glasses back on if you like.
I'm trying again, but I get the sneaking suspicion that, even though I'm nearly halfway through, I'm probably going to DNF again. For good.

I'll try not to, if only because I prefer to finish a book so that my impressions of it are at least fair...but I also don't want to waste more time that I could be spending on a book I'll actually enjoy, with characters that don't make me want to strangle them 90% of the time.

We'll see. :unsure: If I give up, I'll donate the books so at least someone who will appreciate them for what they are will get to enjoy them. (Frankly, even if I finish ToG, I'm likely to donate all three books in my possession anyway; I can't imagine slogging through another Celaena's-in-love-with-herself fest).
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I have enough rhubarb for 2 1/2 pies. Excellent. Not that we need 2 1/2 pies...I wonder what else there is to do with rhubarb....
everybody keeps talking about Colbert's rant against Trump so now I'm trying to figure out which one that is.

I'm thinking about this film program that I'm curious about joining. I already talked to my prospective mentor and he's cool but I'm not digging the films he recommended.
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Man, I think having aliens visit us would be cool, but I have some general worries about them. One is if an alien were to crash on earth, depending on where they land, they would have vastly different ideas of what the human race is like. Crashing outside CERN or NASA would be best case scenario, worst might be the boonies in Kentucky or the middle east. To think we could either be showered in alien knowledge or having our planet clensed with plasmic napalm, based entirely on who the aliens visit first. The second is considering all of the radio waves and transmissions we send out, I've always wondered if aliens were scanning our solar system for life, and the first transmission they received was some Internet video of a guy shoving golf balls in his butt, and all of their preconceptions about us were built around that one video. Then they start abducting us and stuffing our butts with food to feed us, but we keep dying and they dump our bodies back into the woods, then we find all these corpses and think some insane murderer is running around doing all these terrible things. I bet if we capture an alien, we'll probably try and stuff food into it's gills to feed it, so it goes both ways I suppose.

Sorry, brain dump
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I'm trying again, but I get the sneaking suspicion that, even though I'm nearly halfway through, I'm probably going to DNF again. For good.

I'll try not to, if only because I prefer to finish a book so that my impressions of it are at least fair...but I also don't want to waste more time that I could be spending on a book I'll actually enjoy, with characters that don't make me want to strangle them 90% of the time.

We'll see. :unsure: If I give up, I'll donate the books so at least someone who will appreciate them for what they are will get to enjoy them. (Frankly, even if I finish ToG, I'm likely to donate all three books in my possession anyway; I can't imagine slogging through another Celaena's-in-love-with-herself fest).

That's how I was with the Eragon books, and a few webcomics I refuse to continue reading. Having a protagonist that is meant to be sympathetic and turns out to never think even a couple turns ahead gets grating.
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That's how I was with the Eragon books, and a few webcomics I refuse to continue reading. Having a protagonist that is meant to be sympathetic and turns out to never think even a couple turns ahead gets grating.

I was going through something of a reading slump while reading the last two in the Inheritance Cycle, but I think I might have been dragging for that reason, too. Not just that, but as much as I wanted to love the series as other people do, all I could do was develop a mild liking for it. I think (at least for me) the series was an example of supporting characters being of more interest than the main one. Not to knock Eragon himself, but I did find myself more interested in what his cousin was getting up to, than him.

CT: Getting lots of rain out this way...

...You won't hear me complaining. :thumbsup:
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Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that Carla, from RE6, turns into a living white goo that fills and overruns a boat, which is just the most infantile set up for sea men jokes.
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Oh dear. :rolleyes:
Same :poop: different thread? Maaaaaann. You really didn't miss much.

Except that Meg is on Superman's side. I'm like totally with her. Superman is awesome, forever and ever Amen.
In other news, this woman's voice is grating on me.
I know, right? Like tch. Why make someone a tour guide if their voice is so.....so....unpleasant?
Why are we even watching this rubbish?
Wait, we? Why am I using we? There is no we.
But what if there is a we?
WHY do I go bat:poop: crazy with my thoughts as soon as I start typing?
What if you're not crazy and all of this is really real?

I must be bored. Or desperate to write.
@Dante's Stalker If we are crazy, I figure it's one of the more harmless forms of insanity. ;) The fact that this particular brand is so widespread does get you thinking though, doesn't it? :cautious:

CT: How many times must I tell myself not to operate anything on the computer before my first cup? I literally spent the first two or three minutes confused, wondering why everyone was posting "thinking" stuff in the "watching" thread. Then my brain finally caught up to my eyes. :facepalm:
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@Rebel Dynasty: You're kinda right, a lot of people seem to act like their characters are almost-real... Like me! ...Gods if Skylar was real that'd be a problem. lol
Glad to hear I'm loved.
Love ya too, you crazy cannibal bastard.

Act? *Puts on a monocle and adopts a posh accent for no apparent reason* My dear fellow, who said anything about acting? :wink:

In all seriousness though, I'm right there with ya. Much as I'd love certain ones to be real or come through whatever dimensional rift separates them from us--hey, I'm not discounting the possibility there are others for which I'm grateful they don't have a tangible form. xD
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:eek::eek::eek: ATTENTION! :eek::eek::eek:

How's everyone? :D

Anything you need to talk about? Something nagging at you? About me? About another member? About the site in general? It's been pretty quiet here lately, but I don't want to assume there aren't any issues. My inbox is open! Send me anything you want to tell me (that includes ranting about your love/hate relationship with potatoes).

Thanks! :D