I'm actually extremely surprised as to how many similarities Primal has with DMC/DmC.
Jennifer Tate, a half human/half demon hybrid, hid away since birth from Abaddon (Lord of Chaos) - Dante, a half human (angel)/half demon hybrid, also practically hidden from Mundus.
Both Jen and DmC Dante have tattoos on their backs.
Jen has to acquire her demon forms through weapons and/or bestowed upon her by other demons, very much like Dante in Devil May Cry.
Primal's Oblivion is a world that is a separate existence from the human world, Mortalis. DmC's Limbo is also a world separate from the human world - or least, hidden to humans.
There was also the idea with Primal 2 to have Oblivion's demons find a way into Mortalis (human world), which is extremely similar to DmC.