Lest We Forget:
Have a good Remembrance Day/Veteran's Day, everyone.

Have a good Remembrance Day/Veteran's Day, everyone.
Lest We Forget:
Have a good Remembrance Day/Veteran's Day, everyone.
In mine country actually today is Indepedence Day, also we have free one.
Xbox? I'll take one if you don't mind.I have some codes for Gold Memberships if anyone is interested? =)
That can't be right. The game is all over the net. The only reason I haven't played it is because I know I won't want to own a copy so I'm waiting till it's available at the redbox for the 360.Oh boy, let's see how many people want to discuss the new Tomb Raider with me!
*scours the entire Internet, finds nothing but Fallout 4 stuff*
Oh okay.... :'(
Oh boy, let's see how many people want to discuss the new Tomb Raider with me!
*scours the entire Internet, finds nothing but Fallout 4 stuff*
Oh okay.... :'(
Y'know, not having work today has really released the insomniac within me. Not to mention I've been looking through lots of Primal related stuff, as I'm hoping to build a forum around that.
And, also...Now I can see the multi-quote function that Romero told me about. To be honest, I just thought they were insane at first, but no it actually turns out there is a multi-quote function...and my goodness is it handy. It's the smallest of things that please me. Most want lots of money, fast cars, big houses or even good health...but no, not me. Give me a good handy new feature to play around with and I'm happy.