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sooooo hungry.....
FYI being exposed to criticism and rejection constantly for a long time does NOT make you immune to it.

I'm gonna buy myself a new wetsuit. And the rest of the sea gear. Hell, this weather isn't gonna improve. Why wait.

Apparently it's around until september...
Being in the south west, i assume you surf?

That is so true. If anything, I think it makes you feel even worse...considering I lack self-esteem from my step father. :/ *thinks people don't realize how much their words can hurt others*

You ladies are so true. Personally, What makes it even worse is if you have time to dwell on what others have said.

Apparently having your game character repeatedly jump off helipads not only earns you respect, but makes your character's homies stare at you like you're effed in the head. Nice. =D Does this work for helicopters?
+ Why were blow up dolls on top of that building? ._. *very, very scared*
++ Yay for finished chapters! ^^

If that is Saint Row 3, I have to get it, just too see that. :P

CT: WTF are half of these DA stamps about? They're mostly BS.
I'm glad that I bought those pencils... I haven't had a professional set like that since college.
As you can tell, I'm not thinking about much.
You ladies are so true. Personally, What makes it even worse is if you have time to dwell on what others have said.

If that is Saint Row 3, I have to get it, just too see that. :P

I agree. Dwelling on it sucks. XP

LOL XD It is. *has been flying around in a tiny helicopter finding collectables*
Apparently it's around until september...
Being in the south west, i assume you surf?

More of a swimmer. But since I'm almost right on Trebarwith Strand I did promise myself I'd try to pick it up again this year or next, yeah. . . I have no excuse. They even teach it there.
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--So exhausted - these past two weeks have been pretty much the worst I've ever put up with. Screaming, head-butting, punching, kicking, scratching, slapping... most of which was the result of me not doing anything, just Jake's switch flipping and turning on me.

--But at least now we have some idea of how he'll be in a nursery setting - absolutely awful. Now comes the assessment findings report next week followed by a referral to Midland Psychology Services and the Behavioural Intervention Team. Plus the dietician and educational psychologists, Early Years Forum and fighting to get Jake into the right schooling which, at this stage, looks like a special school.

--Why do these things take so long to arrange? And why has the government decided that people with special needs don't need funding yet people who can't be bothered to find a job need all the help they can get? Why is it for a special chair for my son to go out in I have to find £400 if wheelchair services can't accommodate me - yet if I wander into a jobcentre drunk and stoned they'll throw money at me and tell me what funding I can get to have a free house, free furniture and a free ride for the rest of my days if I can't be bothered to work? The system sucks.

--They should make all those social security spongers work for free in special schools and assessment centres for ASD kids, get the crap beaten out of them daily for no reason other than perhaps the colour of the walls isn't right or the shoes feel funny or the air conditioning is too cold and then they can see why we need funding and they don't. Then they can stop sponging and taking all the money and let kids who otherwise would be completely marginalised get the help they need - kids who, unlike you lazy lot, actually want and deserve a future. And who are willing to do what it takes to make that happen.

--Dad, the reason my sister had a go at you is because you won't listen to me, and saying, "I'm not criticising you as a parent or anything but..." is criticism whether you want to admit it or not. My son is not the way he is through anything I have or have not done - he's wired differently, is all. Telling me I'm not "hitting him hard enough" just shows what an idiot you can be. Yeah, ok, I'll beat the kid until he is senseless, shall I? Wow - great advice. Now if only everyone who works with kids like him followed that reasoning, we'd be back in medieval times, casting out "demons" that aren't there.
Try not to listen to family. My dad was just as horrible when I told him the news. He actually said that I must be autistic too because Keira is exactly like me, and that the professionals here don't know s*t. Not that he's spent more than two months in total with Keira in the past 5 years, but apparently he knows better than the child development team. This coming from a father who thought being a dad meant working all day, drinking at night and shouting and swearing at his kids to get out of his sight. It's a heart sore deal to work through, knowing that your child is going to have it that little bit harder than most kids, and having family judge you and criticise you is an unnecessary addition. I think half my family still don't know about the autism, simply because of my dad's reaction.

You'll be okay. Jake's a little treasure, there's just a bit more rough you need to chip away at.
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Annnnnd our neighbours have rats.... mum saw one earlier.... it's a good job that i've hidden the back door keys so that Tilly can't get out.
Rats and police... well those 4 years of peace and quiet were nice... while they lasted.
This place is turning into an estate from hell. I wish they brought back that curfew.

Are you a troll or a broken record? the whole nero and vergil thing isn't official. it was just posted by someone on a blog.... *shakes head* that isn't an official announcement...
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20% of the way there. C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon. It's getting easier with time to adjust to this. I don't even want sweet things anymore. After this, I honestly think too much sugar definitely clouds your ability to think clearly. I feel pretty good. That and I won't tolerate failure this time.

Lulz, found a real life Vergil.

I'm listening to a interview of Jason David Frank concerning his life, MMA and PR.
Trying to decide what to show a company you want to publish you is like deciding on what outfit to wear. Yeah, sometimes those tight jeans look goooood, but if you've just eaten a few holiday dinners you might want to wear something a bit looser. *stares blankly at word docs*
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My computer is really hating the forums right now....
It wont let me respond to my profile page.

Damn! I really want to help contribute to the forums, but...
1. No paypal account.
2. lives in small town with no job opportunities
3. only money I own is in savings account for college.
this sucks...
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