I'm going old school with my new Signature! I hope you haven't forgotten Crash Bandicoot folks. 

+That agent never wrote me back. Now what? You guys told me to pin everything on this. So wtf do you expect me to do now?! I knew I should have just gone ahead without trying to talk to her.
++ The stuff with Lennox is BS. I don't know how anyone could hurt an inncent dog like that. =(
+++ I thought the donate button on the forums said donuts. ._.
How are you finding SR3?
My mum wanted to play Ridge Racer V earlier... wasn't sure if she was joking or not though...:blink:
I hope the dog is okay. Some people are mean, so they just do it cause they can.
mmm, donuts
Follow-up on it Rae. Could be that the agent has changed genres/publishers/career and that someone else would be more suitable to help you out. That is, if we're talking publishing agent. It's a fickle business, I HATES it.
AND, I seriously thought the same thing about the donuts!
+I haz to get a job. D:
It's actually really fun. I'm not crazy about being a ganster (cuz my morals are so "OH NO DON'T HURT ANYONE!!!"), but the game itself is fun. :3 I've kinda got a major vendetta against Professor Genki, atm. /==
:O Cool. Any chance you'll get to play together?
I agree. =(
Congrats on your pic!
FYI being exposed to criticism and rejection constantly for a long time does NOT make you immune to it.