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O.M.G. how much slower can this f-ing laptop get?! :mad:
And i ran out of MB allowance... poo...
It would be nice to find out how much is downloading on the antivirus. Knowing microsoft its 12MB+

Postman messed up delivery and put my game through the neighbours letter box. They posted it through our door at 3.25pm... but they had already opened it... great neighbours eh? I suppose if it was an up-to-date game, they would've kept it... :mad:.... the best part was, the neighbours picked up the post from the postman in the street and they checked it, didn't give my post to me though, did they. Dishonest b**tards.

That's it mum, tell someone who's not in control of their emotions to shut up... that's a good way to calm them down... b*t*h. :mad:
But I dun want war! I hate picking sides! D: Can I just sit here on the side and eat popcorn and ice cream?

Dinner. <3
Sorry dear, but your dark magic is needed to win the war. So grab your popcorn and ice cream and hop on the bike. The war begins soon.
So suit actors can see through the helmets somewhat. Fascinating!
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Sorry dear, but your dark magic is needed to win the war. So grab your popcorn and ice cream and hop on the bike. The war begins soon.

Aww, but my shrink wants me to use my powers for good! ...oh well. >_> What he doesn't know won't hurt him. *hops on bike*
Keeping in mind I neither have a shrink nor know how to ride a bike...this sounds like a premise for a movie. <3

I must be the least romantic person I know...which is funny cuz my next-to-oldest guy friend has to be the most romantic person I know. XD He writes romance, I write "dark stuff" as my gran calls it. Something's funny about this, I just know it.
CT: That cost me a lot of money. Your company has packaged it in much the same way as my toddler with special needs would have packaged it - that is, everything is broken and mashed up. £150 PC hardware product and you pack it in folded up beer boxes and broken-up polystyrene pieces? That's not even close to acceptable.
Veteran dragon/member/Gundam Fighter reporting for duty sir!
The closest thing to a dragon gundam is the Shenlong Gundam!
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Veteran dragon/member/Gundam Fighter reporting for duty sir!

I got the Dragon King on my side? SWEET!!!!!! :) Your my left hand man in this war. I trust you, you trust me.

Aww, but my shrink wants me to use my powers for good! ...oh well. >_> What he doesn't know won't hurt him. *hops on bike*
Keeping in mind I neither have a shrink nor know how to ride a bike...this sounds like a premise for a movie. <3

This is more than a movie its real life so start practicing dear cuz you'll be at my side in this war. Don't worry about your shrink he'll be fine. *A bag behind me begins moving.* PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN IN THE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now where are VeeBee and Xeroxis? I need them for this war!

TOPIC: I don't like fish!
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