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I'm sending you some! I already wrapped them! And hid them! Because we've eaten your pressie four times already so I had to hide it or it would never make its way to you!
Which will be sometime soon, the first chance I get to pop into the post office. It's difficult with the kids tugging along. So realllllll sorry the gifts are late but hopefully it will be so good it will make up for it (this goes for you too Veebs). I'll let you guys know when I finally get to mail it off.

._. Eep! Is it bad I can't help but giggle about them being eaten? ^^; *excited and more than slightly guilty now*
Hehe, it's okay. ^^; Trust me, I've not sent off anyone's x-mas presents yet and...well, it's nearly my b-day, so...yeah. Really bad of me. >_< *knows she will love your gift**worried you'll be scared by hers cuz it's...bright, very bright*

Oh, wow...laptop's got another virus. I hate hackers. Oh, computer guy.... *wanders off*
Mum finished Call of Duty MW3 in twelve hours...neither of us know how this happened...and were both promptly surprised at having a gamerscore of over 3000 on LIVE now.
I do better gaming with people who are masters of Skill...as evidenced by fighting beside a certain someone in Fable 2...hmm....
WHERE IS MY YARN??? And fabric...and patterns.... Want. To. Make. Victorian. Gown. Now.
*pokes brain to make it stop thinking*
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oh so the family name came from Middlesex where they were important... don't tell me, they got drunk and gambled away the fortune... stupid family...
Also, this coat of arms has flowers on... the coat of arms behind me has pineapples... WTF?!

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhh who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! (sorry Veebs, it had to be sung ^_^)
I don't like our coat of arms either. It's so...meh.

CT: Urgh why are birthday parties always a hassle?
It's why I refuse to do parties. I hate a house/hall full of other people's kids tearing around, screaming and generally being evil. I do days out instead or experiences. Last year Jessica recorded a mini album in a studio with a friend - doubled up as her gift too.

CT: Money, y u no stay in acount for long?
MW3 in 12 hours?! I couldn't touch that game with a barge-pole.

CT: Great, I bought that magazine for nothing... although i did enjoy the bayonetta demo
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MW3 in 12 hours?! I couldn't touch that game with a barge-pole.

CT: Great, I bought that magazine for nothing... although i did enjoy the bayonetta demo

O_O W-was I missed? *surprised but is indeed back*
Yeah, ditto. XP *is terrible at fps games* She's also done with Dead Island....
How'd you like Bayonetta? ^^

Has found ze yarn. Which makes me think of: 'Don't say the zed word! ...they're Hollow Men.' *bursts into random laughter**knows no one will get her joke...probably*
O_O W-was I missed? *surprised but is indeed back*
Yeah, ditto. XP *is terrible at fps games* She's also done with Dead Island....
How'd you like Bayonetta? ^^

Has found ze yarn. Which makes me think of: 'Don't say the zed word! ...they're Hollow Men.' *bursts into random laughter**knows no one will get her joke...probably*

I missed you :P
Hollow men are 'zeds' aren't they? (Fable 2&3)
Bayonetta... I thought was really good, especially the end... especially that man who looks like a certain father of a certain demon hunter
I've been playing DMC4 alot recently. I'm starting to like Nero... HELP!
It's why I refuse to do parties. I hate a house/hall full of other people's kids tearing around, screaming and generally being evil. I do days out instead or experiences. Last year Jessica recorded a mini album in a studio with a friend - doubled up as her gift too.
Very cool!! ^_^
We're having it at the recreational centre. The urrrggghhh of it is that only x amount of kids of x age are allowed for x amount of time at x site. Which is infuriating when the kids range from less than 1 year through to 12 years old. GAH! *headwall*
Very cool!! ^_^
We're having it at the recreational centre. The urrrggghhh of it is that only x amount of kids of x age are allowed for x amount of time at x site. Which is infuriating when the kids range from less than 1 year through to 12 years old. GAH! *headwall*

Just reading that made my head hurt.
I inherited my mother's brain...

My game reward card is alreay linked up to my account, why would i need to confirm it...
I missed you :p
Hollow men are 'zeds' aren't they? (Fable 2&3)
Bayonetta... I thought was really good, especially the end... especially that man who looks like a certain father of a certain demon hunter
I've been playing DMC4 alot recently. I'm starting to like Nero... HELP!

D'aww, thankies. X3
Dey are, indeed...and quite annoying in hordes. XP *hates the ones with lightning and that summon other hollow men...especially when playing the Wheel of Misfortune*
=D *highfives* I agree...though said man does rather annoy me at times.... >_> *does think he's rather nom-ish though*
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