You know I don't mind what you get, I'd appreciate anything because it's from YOU.
Which reminds me, I need to go buy xmas prezzies now. Maybe today. Yep, I do my shopping EARLY. Because I'm always broke when normal people go Christmas shopping ._.
Why don't you ask one of the mods to lock it? Sorry I unliked your post - I never seem to catch you on the forum so I was 'yeah DT posted!' and automatically 'liked' it. And then I read it and thought, umm.... well it's not very good for someone to like that you're unhappy, now is it? So I unliked it.I'm kind of wishing I hadn't made that thread. I was angry and bored and it came on a whim so can someone please just let it die? >.>
You're wondering why I'm a fangirl of you, huh?@.@
I don't know what to think. I don't think I can say what I think. Because I'm thinking if I do I might end up looking like an idiot and an egotistical one at that. And I'm not, I'm just confused and curious all at the same time but it would look presumptious if I just ask right out so... and I'm not hinting or anything either.
I'm just really....
@.@ - :S -- :S