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Wow he's stopped crying for five whole minutes. Srsly, if anyone wants a damn good reason to wait before having children, just take mine for the day...if the constant crying doesn't get to you then the incessant complaining about being bored will. Either that or being headbutted, kicked and scratched for not letting my 2 year old have more Cheerios will ram it home how woefully unprepared so many people are for parenthood. I've been doing this for 10 years now and I still haven't got the hang of any of it...

And I have all this to look forward to. Isn't life wonderful?

Luckily Hit List was a good film. Wouldn't say great, but it was good :)
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If you're having triplets aged 10, 2 and 7 days then yes...suck it up :D But I'm sure you'll have one little angelic something or other that causes no trouble at all*

*hahahahahahahahahahahaha - sorry, couldn't keep it up.

Oh I'm sure we will :)...

...In our dreams xD
I just love that the dog's scared of this cushion. *referring to the one she's sitting on* I love it even more that she came to lay down next to me instead of trying to lick water out from under mum's shower. She still has ice cream on the side of her face. <3 *senses a doggie bath war about to start*
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Dog got hit by a truck, the adrenaline wore off a bit ago. All in all, she's ok just on pain meds to help with the swelling. I just got one thing to say though...fkn stupid dog. (yea ok that's 3 but doesn't matter XD )
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*Bump* I can't edit my post.
Jar of Hearts ~ Such a nice song.
I better be off. Eating MB downloading stuff.
Who do you think you arrrrrrrre, running around leaving scaaars, collecting your jar of heaaaaarts, and tearing love apaaaaart, you're gonna catch a coold, from the ice inside your sooooul, so don't come back for meeee, who do you think you are?

I *ahem* kinda like Christina Perri. Kinda.

CT: Well I'm dumb. I forgot my family is coming up to have dinner, but I already ate. Guess I'm gonna eat again then.
I took time out of NaNo words to read an update of this adorable little Hollows fic. It's just.... <3 Bad part, now I want to read all the Hollows fics I've saved for when NaNo's over. DX Must. Resist. I can wait three more days...right? :confused: *actually doesn't think she can since the ones saved have Al in them*
On a side note...the ratio of likes to posts on this forum seems to be approx. 1 like for every 100 posts. =D *finds that fascinating*
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I should have asked my mum to crochette me...ahem, I mean my little boy, a Dante plushie. Damn it! Why do the good ideas come too late? D:<

+This forum is evil.

French dude tells jokes in a very rugged, sexy, drawling voice with a glass of water in hand. Goes off stage.
Kiwi Guy comes onstage for his performance. Jokes about nationalities.
Guy: You know that the Ausies are everywhere, you can't rid of 'em blokes. *turns to crowd* Ausie, ausie, ausie!
Crowd: Oi, oi, oi!
Guy: You see, you buggers can't help yourselves! *rambles on about some lame wit* But you know one thing that stays true. No matter where you are in the world, everybody hates the French.
French dude peeks out from behind curtains.

The look on his face! ROFL!!!! XDDDD
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I should have asked my mum to crochette me...ahem, I mean my little boy, a Dante plushie. Damn it! Why do the good ideas come too late? D:<

*hides the doll she's planning on crochetting* >_> I guess I should have gone with my original idea for your x-mas present.... *had something else in mind**headwalls*

That is a nice doll, though. Good find, Meg. ^^
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*hides the doll she's planning on crochetting* >_> I guess I should have gone with my original idea for your x-mas present.... *had something else in mind**headwalls*

That is a nice doll, though. Good find, Meg. ^^
You know I don't mind what you get, I'd appreciate anything because it's from YOU.
Which reminds me, I need to go buy xmas prezzies now. Maybe today. Yep, I do my shopping EARLY. Because I'm always broke when normal people go Christmas shopping ._.
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