Whine, moan, Bitch... it's really getting boring... or is it trolling? Because if it is it's getting really annoying.
(BTW, I'm not talking about DmC. I haven't apparently b*tched about that for days. I'm pratically getting sick of the news they are releasing now anyway. Unrefined? Isn't that just another word for sh*t?)
YAY! My Fable 3 Collectors Edition Came today! It's so cool and smart!
I won £1 on a scratchcard AND i'm watching wrath of khan. What a day. Shame I couldn't do the lottery or cash in the scratchcard.
Mind you, I'm only watching wrath of khan downstairs cause' mum's gone hospital visiting.
CT: Gonna have to do something about the color on the tv, Khan is looking a little orange.
EDIT: Three Vergil pages on twitter? He's very talented, isn't he?

The weird thing is, i'd like to do one for Nite... but she's dead...